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#include "Parser.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include <iostream>
2015-10-17 18:31:17 +02:00
#include <boost/optional.hpp>
#include <cryfs/config/CryConfigConsole.h>
#include <cryfs-cli/Environment.h>
namespace po = boost::program_options;
namespace bf = boost::filesystem;
using namespace cryfs::program_options;
using cryfs::CryConfigConsole;
using std::pair;
using std::vector;
using std::cerr;
using std::endl;
using std::string;
2015-10-17 18:31:17 +02:00
using boost::optional;
using boost::none;
Parser::Parser(int argc, const char *argv[])
:_options(_argsToVector(argc, argv)) {
vector<string> Parser::_argsToVector(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
vector<string> result;
for(int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) {
return result;
ProgramOptions Parser::parse(const vector<string> &supportedCiphers) const {
pair<vector<string>, vector<string>> options = splitAtDoubleDash(_options);
po::variables_map vm = _parseOptionsOrShowHelp(options.first, supportedCiphers);
if (!vm.count("base-dir")) {
std::cerr << "Please specify a base directory.\n";
if (!vm.count("mount-dir")) {
std::cerr << "Please specify a mount directory.\n";
bf::path baseDir = bf::absolute(vm["base-dir"].as<string>());
bf::path mountDir = bf::absolute(vm["mount-dir"].as<string>());
optional<bf::path> configfile = none;
if (vm.count("config")) {
configfile = bf::absolute(vm["config"].as<string>());
bool foreground = vm.count("foreground");
if (foreground) {
optional<double> unmountAfterIdleMinutes = none;
if (vm.count("unmount-idle")) {
unmountAfterIdleMinutes = vm["unmount-idle"].as<double>();
optional<bf::path> logfile = none;
2015-10-17 18:31:17 +02:00
if (vm.count("logfile")) {
logfile = bf::absolute(vm["logfile"].as<string>());
2015-10-17 18:31:17 +02:00
optional<string> cipher = none;
if (vm.count("cipher")) {
cipher = vm["cipher"].as<string>();
_checkValidCipher(*cipher, supportedCiphers);
optional<uint32_t> blocksizeBytes = none;
if (vm.count("blocksize")) {
blocksizeBytes = vm["blocksize"].as<uint32_t>();
return ProgramOptions(baseDir, mountDir, configfile, foreground, unmountAfterIdleMinutes, logfile, cipher, blocksizeBytes, options.second);
void Parser::_checkValidCipher(const string &cipher, const vector<string> &supportedCiphers) {
if (std::find(supportedCiphers.begin(), supportedCiphers.end(), cipher) == supportedCiphers.end()) {
std::cerr << "Invalid cipher: " << cipher << std::endl;
po::variables_map Parser::_parseOptionsOrShowHelp(const vector<string> &options, const vector<string> &supportedCiphers) {
try {
return _parseOptions(options, supportedCiphers);
} catch(const std::exception &e) {
std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
po::variables_map Parser::_parseOptions(const vector<string> &options, const vector<string> &supportedCiphers) {
po::options_description desc;
po::positional_options_description positional_desc;
_addPositionalOptionForBaseDir(&desc, &positional_desc);
po::variables_map vm;
vector<const char*> _options = _to_const_char_vector(options);
.options(desc).positional(positional_desc).run(), vm);
if (vm.count("help")) {
if (vm.count("show-ciphers")) {
return vm;
vector<const char*> Parser::_to_const_char_vector(const vector<string> &options) {
vector<const char*> result;
for (const string &option : options) {
return result;
void Parser::_addAllowedOptions(po::options_description *desc) {
po::options_description options("Allowed options");
string cipher_description = "Cipher to use for encryption. See possible values by calling cryfs with --show-ciphers. Default: ";
cipher_description += CryConfigConsole::DEFAULT_CIPHER;
string blocksize_description = "The block size used when storing ciphertext blocks (in bytes). Default: ";
blocksize_description += std::to_string(CryConfigConsole::DEFAULT_BLOCKSIZE_BYTES);
("help,h", "show help message")
("config,c", po::value<string>(), "Configuration file")
("foreground,f", "Run CryFS in foreground.")
("cipher", po::value<string>(), cipher_description.c_str())
("blocksize", po::value<uint32_t>(), blocksize_description.c_str())
("show-ciphers", "Show list of supported ciphers.")
("unmount-idle", po::value<double>(), "Automatically unmount after specified number of idle minutes.")
2015-10-17 18:31:17 +02:00
("logfile", po::value<string>(), "Specify the file to write log messages to. If this is not specified, log messages will go to stdout, or syslog if CryFS is running in the background.")
void Parser::_addPositionalOptionForBaseDir(po::options_description *desc, po::positional_options_description *positional) {
positional->add("base-dir", 1);
positional->add("mount-dir", 1);
po::options_description hidden("Hidden options");
("base-dir", po::value<string>(), "Base directory")
("mount-dir", po::value<string>(), "Mount directory")
[[noreturn]] void Parser::_showCiphersAndExit(const vector<string> &supportedCiphers) {
for (const auto &cipher : supportedCiphers) {
std::cerr << cipher << "\n";
[[noreturn]] void Parser::_showHelpAndExit() {
2016-02-15 02:40:56 +01:00
cerr << "Usage: cryfs [options] baseDir mountPoint [-- [FUSE Mount Options]]\n";
po::options_description desc;
cerr << desc << endl;
cerr << "Environment variables:\n"
2016-02-21 22:33:36 +01:00
<< " " << Environment::FRONTEND_KEY << "=" << Environment::FRONTEND_NONINTERACTIVE << "\n"
<< "\tWork better together with tools.\n"
<< "\tWith this option set, CryFS won't ask anything, but use default values\n"
<< "\tfor options you didn't specify on command line. Furthermore, it won't\n"
<< "\task you to enter a new password a second time (password confirmation).\n"
<< " " << Environment::NOUPDATECHECK_KEY << "=true\n"
<< "\tBy default, CryFS connects to the internet to check for known\n"
<< "\tsecurity vulnerabilities and new versions. This option disables this.\n"
<< endl;