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#include <iostream>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
#include "../impl/config/CryConfigFile.h"
#include <blockstore/implementations/ondisk/OnDiskBlockStore.h>
#include <blobstore/implementations/onblocks/datanodestore/DataNodeStore.h>
#include <blobstore/implementations/onblocks/datanodestore/DataNode.h>
#include <blobstore/implementations/onblocks/datanodestore/DataInnerNode.h>
#include <blobstore/implementations/onblocks/datanodestore/DataLeafNode.h>
#include <blobstore/implementations/onblocks/BlobStoreOnBlocks.h>
#include <cryfs/impl/filesystem/fsblobstore/FsBlobStore.h>
#include <cryfs/impl/filesystem/fsblobstore/DirBlob.h>
#include <cryfs/impl/filesystem/CryDevice.h>
using namespace boost;
using namespace boost::filesystem;
using namespace std;
using namespace cryfs;
using namespace cpputils;
using namespace blockstore;
using namespace blockstore::ondisk;
using namespace blobstore::onblocks;
using namespace blobstore::onblocks::datanodestore;
using namespace cryfs::fsblobstore;
void printNode(unique_ref<DataNode> node) {
std::cout << "Key: " << node->key().ToString() << ", Depth: " << node->depth() << " ";
auto innerNode = dynamic_pointer_move<DataInnerNode>(node);
if (innerNode != none) {
std::cout << "Type: inner\n";
auto leafNode = dynamic_pointer_move<DataLeafNode>(node);
if (leafNode != none) {
std::cout << "Type: leaf\n";
set<Key> _getBlockstoreUnaccountedBlocks(const CryConfig &config) {
auto onDiskBlockStore = make_unique_ref<OnDiskBlockStore>("/home/heinzi/basedir");
auto encryptedBlockStore = CryCiphers::find(config.Cipher()).createEncryptedBlockstore(std::move(onDiskBlockStore), config.EncryptionKey());
auto nodeStore = make_unique_ref<DataNodeStore>(std::move(encryptedBlockStore), CryDevice::BLOCKSIZE_BYTES);
std::set<Key> unaccountedBlocks;
uint32_t numBlocks = nodeStore->numNodes();
uint32_t i = 0;
cout << "There are " << nodeStore->numNodes() << " blocks." << std::endl;
// Add all blocks to unaccountedBlocks
for (auto file = directory_iterator("/home/heinzi/basedir"); file != directory_iterator(); ++file) {
cout << "\r" << (++i) << "/" << numBlocks << flush;
if (file->path().filename() != "cryfs.config") {
auto key = Key::FromString(file->path().filename().c_str());
i = 0;
cout << "\nRemove blocks that have a parent" << endl;
//Remove root block from unaccountedBlocks
//Remove all blocks that have a parent node from unaccountedBlocks
for (auto file = directory_iterator("/home/heinzi/basedir"); file != directory_iterator(); ++file) {
cout << "\r" << (++i) << "/" << numBlocks << flush;
if (file->path().filename() != "cryfs.config") {
auto key = Key::FromString(file->path().filename().c_str());
auto node = nodeStore->load(key);
auto innerNode = dynamic_pointer_move<DataInnerNode>(*node);
if (innerNode != none) {
for (uint32_t childIndex = 0; childIndex < (*innerNode)->numChildren(); ++childIndex) {
auto child = (*innerNode)->getChild(childIndex)->key();
return unaccountedBlocks;
set<Key> _getBlocksReferencedByDirEntries(const CryConfig &config) {
auto onDiskBlockStore = make_unique_ref<OnDiskBlockStore>("/home/heinzi/basedir");
auto encryptedBlockStore = CryCiphers::find(config.Cipher()).createEncryptedBlockstore(std::move(onDiskBlockStore), config.EncryptionKey());
auto fsBlobStore = make_unique_ref<FsBlobStore>(make_unique_ref<BlobStoreOnBlocks>(std::move(encryptedBlockStore), CryDevice::BLOCKSIZE_BYTES));
set<Key> blocksReferencedByDirEntries;
uint32_t numBlocks = fsBlobStore->numBlocks();
uint32_t i = 0;
cout << "\nRemove blocks referenced by dir entries" << endl;
for (auto file = directory_iterator("/home/heinzi/basedir"); file != directory_iterator(); ++file) {
cout << "\r" << (++i) << "/" << numBlocks << flush;
if (file->path().filename() != "cryfs.config") {
auto key = Key::FromString(file->path().filename().c_str());
try {
auto blob = fsBlobStore->load(key);
if (blob != none) {
auto dir = dynamic_pointer_move<DirBlob>(*blob);
if (dir != none) {
vector<fspp::Dir::Entry> children;
for (const auto &child : children) {
} catch (...) {}
return blocksReferencedByDirEntries;
int main() {
cout << "Password: ";
string password;
getline(cin, password);
cout << "Loading config" << endl;
auto config = CryConfigFile::load("/home/heinzi/basedir/cryfs.config", password);
set<Key> unaccountedBlocks = _getBlockstoreUnaccountedBlocks(*config->config());
//Remove all blocks that are referenced by a directory entry from unaccountedBlocks
set<Key> blocksReferencedByDirEntries = _getBlocksReferencedByDirEntries(*config->config());
for (const auto &key : blocksReferencedByDirEntries) {
cout << "\nCalculate statistics" << endl;
auto onDiskBlockStore = make_unique_ref<OnDiskBlockStore>("/home/heinzi/basedir");
auto encryptedBlockStore = CryCiphers::find(config->config()->Cipher()).createEncryptedBlockstore(std::move(onDiskBlockStore), config->config()->EncryptionKey());
auto nodeStore = make_unique_ref<DataNodeStore>(std::move(encryptedBlockStore), CryDevice::BLOCKSIZE_BYTES);
uint32_t numUnaccountedBlocks = unaccountedBlocks.size();
uint32_t numLeaves = 0;
uint32_t numInner = 0;
cout << "\nUnaccounted blocks: " << unaccountedBlocks.size() << endl;
for (const auto &key : unaccountedBlocks) {
std::cout << "\r" << (numLeaves+numInner) << "/" << numUnaccountedBlocks << flush;
auto node = nodeStore->load(key);
auto innerNode = dynamic_pointer_move<DataInnerNode>(*node);
if (innerNode != none) {
auto leafNode = dynamic_pointer_move<DataLeafNode>(*node);
if (leafNode != none) {
cout << "\n" << numLeaves << " leaves and " << numInner << " inner nodes" << endl;