Remove unused either class
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include <boost/optional.hpp>
#include <iostream>
namespace cpputils {
template<class Left, class Right>
class either final {
//TODO Try allowing construction with any type that std::is_convertible to Left or Right.
either(const Left &left): _side(Side::left) {
either(Left &&left): _side(Side::left) {
either(const Right &right): _side(Side::right) {
either(Right &&right): _side(Side::right) {
//TODO Try allowing copy-construction when Left/Right types are std::is_convertible
either(const either<Left, Right> &rhs): _side(rhs._side) {
if(_side == Side::left) {
} else {
either(either<Left, Right> &&rhs): _side(rhs._side) {
if(_side == Side::left) {
} else {
~either() {
//TODO Try allowing copy-assignment when Left/Right types are std::is_convertible
either<Left, Right> &operator=(const either<Left, Right> &rhs) {
_side = rhs._side;
if (_side == Side::left) {
} else {
return *this;
either<Left, Right> &operator=(either<Left, Right> &&rhs) {
_side = rhs._side;
if (_side == Side::left) {
} else {
return *this;
//TODO fold, map_left, map_right, left_or_else(val), right_or_else(val), left_or_else(func), right_or_else(func)
bool is_left() const {
return _side == Side::left;
bool is_right() const {
return _side == Side::right;
const Left &left() const& {
return _left;
Left &left() & {
return const_cast<Left&>(const_cast<const either<Left, Right>*>(this)->left());
Left &&left() && {
return std::move(left());
const Right &right() const& {
return _right;
Right &right() & {
return const_cast<Right&>(const_cast<const either<Left, Right>*>(this)->right());
Right &&right() && {
return std::move(right());
boost::optional<const Left&> left_opt() const& {
if (_side == Side::left) {
return _left;
} else {
return boost::none;
boost::optional<Left&> left_opt() & {
if (_side == Side::left) {
return _left;
} else {
return boost::none;
boost::optional<Left> left_opt() && {
if (_side == Side::left) {
return std::move(_left);
} else {
return boost::none;
boost::optional<const Right&> right_opt() const& {
if (_side == Side::right) {
return _right;
} else {
return boost::none;
boost::optional<Right&> right_opt() & {
if (_side == Side::right) {
return _right;
} else {
return boost::none;
boost::optional<Right> right_opt() && {
if (_side == Side::right) {
return std::move(_right);
} else {
return boost::none;
union {
Left _left;
Right _right;
enum class Side : unsigned char {left, right} _side;
either(Side side): _side(side) {}
template<typename... Args>
void _construct_left(Args&&... args) {
template<typename... Args>
void _construct_right(Args&&... args) {
void _destruct() {
if (_side == Side::left) {
} else {
template<typename Left_, typename Right_, typename... Args>
friend either<Left_, Right_> make_left(Args&&... args);
template<typename Left_, typename Right_, typename... Args>
friend either<Left_, Right_> make_right(Args&&... args);
template<class Left, class Right>
bool operator==(const either<Left, Right> &lhs, const either<Left, Right> &rhs) {
if (lhs.is_left() != rhs.is_left()) {
return false;
if (lhs.is_left()) {
return lhs.left() == rhs.left();
} else {
return lhs.right() == rhs.right();
template<class Left, class Right>
bool operator!=(const either<Left, Right> &lhs, const either<Left, Right> &rhs) {
return !operator==(lhs, rhs);
template<class Left, class Right>
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &stream, const either<Left, Right> &value) {
if (value.is_left()) {
stream << "Left(" << value.left() << ")";
} else {
stream << "Right(" << value.right() << ")";
return stream;
template<typename Left, typename Right, typename... Args>
either<Left, Right> make_left(Args&&... args) {
either<Left, Right> result(either<Left, Right>::Side::left);
return result;
template<typename Left, typename Right, typename... Args>
either<Left, Right> make_right(Args&&... args) {
either<Left, Right> result(either<Left, Right>::Side::right);
return result;
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
#include "cpp-utils/either.h"
//Test that either can be included without needing additional dependencies
@ -1,505 +0,0 @@
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <gmock/gmock.h>
#include <boost/optional/optional_io.hpp>
#include "cpp-utils/either.h"
#include "cpp-utils/macros.h"
#include <sstream>
//TODO Go through all test cases and think about whether it makes sense to add the same test case but with primitive types.
using std::ostringstream;
using std::string;
using std::vector;
using std::pair;
using std::make_pair;
using namespace cpputils;
using ::testing::Test;
class OnlyMoveable {
OnlyMoveable(int value_): value(value_) {}
OnlyMoveable(OnlyMoveable &&source): value(source.value) {source.value = -1;}
bool operator==(const OnlyMoveable &rhs) const {
return value == rhs.value;
int value;
template<typename T>
struct StoreWith1ByteFlag {
T val;
char flag;
class EitherTest: public Test {
template<class Left, class Right>
void EXPECT_IS_LEFT(const either<Left,Right> &val) {
template<class Left, class Right>
void EXPECT_IS_RIGHT(const either<Left,Right> &val) {
template<class Left, class Right, class Expected>
void EXPECT_LEFT_IS(const Expected &expected, either<Left, Right> &value) {
EXPECT_EQ(expected, value.left());
EXPECT_EQ(expected, value.left_opt().get());
EXPECT_EQ(boost::none, value.right_opt());
const either<Left, Right> &const_value = value;
EXPECT_EQ(expected, const_value.left());
EXPECT_EQ(expected, const_value.left_opt().get());
EXPECT_EQ(boost::none, const_value.right_opt());
template<class Left, class Right, class Expected>
void EXPECT_RIGHT_IS(const Expected &expected, either<Left, Right> &value) {
EXPECT_EQ(expected, value.right());
EXPECT_EQ(expected, value.right_opt().get());
EXPECT_EQ(boost::none, value.left_opt());
const either<Left, Right> &const_value = value;
EXPECT_EQ(expected, const_value.right());
EXPECT_EQ(expected, const_value.right_opt().get());
EXPECT_EQ(boost::none, const_value.left_opt());
template<typename Left, typename Right>
void TestSpaceUsage() {
EXPECT_EQ(std::max(sizeof(StoreWith1ByteFlag<Left>), sizeof(StoreWith1ByteFlag<Right>)), sizeof(either<Left, Right>));
TEST_F(EitherTest, SpaceUsage) {
TestSpaceUsage<char, int>();
TestSpaceUsage<int, short>();
TestSpaceUsage<char, short>();
TestSpaceUsage<int, string>();
TestSpaceUsage<string, vector<string>>();
TEST_F(EitherTest, LeftCanBeConstructed) {
either<int, string> val = 3;
TEST_F(EitherTest, RightCanBeConstructed) {
either<int, string> val = string("string");
TEST_F(EitherTest, IsLeft) {
either<int, string> val = 3;
TEST_F(EitherTest, IsRight) {
either<int, string> val = string("string");
TEST_F(EitherTest, LeftIsStored) {
either<int, string> val = 3;
TEST_F(EitherTest, RightIsStored) {
either<int, string> val = string("string");
EXPECT_RIGHT_IS("string", val);
TEST_F(EitherTest, LeftCanBeMoveContructed) {
either<OnlyMoveable, string> val = OnlyMoveable(1);
TEST_F(EitherTest, RightCanBeMoveContructed) {
either<string, OnlyMoveable> val = OnlyMoveable(1);
TEST_F(EitherTest, IsLeftWhenMoveContructed) {
either<OnlyMoveable, string> val = OnlyMoveable(1);
TEST_F(EitherTest, IsRightWhenMoveContructed) {
either<string, OnlyMoveable> val = OnlyMoveable(1);
TEST_F(EitherTest, LeftIsStoredWhenMoveContructed) {
either<OnlyMoveable, string> val = OnlyMoveable(2);
EXPECT_LEFT_IS(OnlyMoveable(2), val);
TEST_F(EitherTest, RightIsStoredWhenMoveContructed) {
either<string, OnlyMoveable> val = OnlyMoveable(3);
EXPECT_RIGHT_IS(OnlyMoveable(3), val);
TEST_F(EitherTest, LeftCanBeCopied) {
either<string, int> val = string("string");
either<string, int> val2 = val;
EXPECT_LEFT_IS("string", val2);
TEST_F(EitherTest, CopyingLeftDoesntChangeSource) {
either<string, int> val = string("string");
either<string, int> val2 = val;
EXPECT_LEFT_IS("string", val);
TEST_F(EitherTest, RightCanBeCopied) {
either<int, string> val = string("string");
either<int, string> val2 = val;
EXPECT_RIGHT_IS("string", val2);
TEST_F(EitherTest, CopyingRightDoesntChangeSource) {
either<int, string> val = string("string");
either<int, string> val2 = val;
EXPECT_RIGHT_IS("string", val);
TEST_F(EitherTest, LeftCanBeMoved) {
either<OnlyMoveable, int> val = OnlyMoveable(5);
either<OnlyMoveable, int> val2 = std::move(val);
EXPECT_LEFT_IS(OnlyMoveable(5), val2);
TEST_F(EitherTest, RightCanBeMoved) {
either<int, OnlyMoveable> val = OnlyMoveable(5);
either<int, OnlyMoveable> val2 = std::move(val);
EXPECT_RIGHT_IS(OnlyMoveable(5), val2);
TEST_F(EitherTest, LeftCanBeAssigned) {
either<string, int> val = string("string");
either<string, int> val2 = string("otherstring");
val2 = val;
EXPECT_LEFT_IS("string", val2);
TEST_F(EitherTest, RightCanBeAssigned) {
either<int, string> val = string("string");
either<int, string> val2 = string("otherstring");
val2 = val;
EXPECT_RIGHT_IS("string", val2);
TEST_F(EitherTest, LeftCanBeMoveAssigned) {
either<OnlyMoveable, int> val = OnlyMoveable(3);
either<OnlyMoveable, int> val2 = OnlyMoveable(4);
val2 = std::move(val);
EXPECT_LEFT_IS(OnlyMoveable(3), val2);
TEST_F(EitherTest, RightCanBeMoveAssigned) {
either<int, OnlyMoveable> val = OnlyMoveable(3);
either<int, OnlyMoveable> val2 = OnlyMoveable(4);
val2 = std::move(val);
EXPECT_RIGHT_IS(OnlyMoveable(3), val2);
TEST_F(EitherTest, LeftCanBeDirectlyAssigned) {
either<string, int> val = string("string");
val = string("otherstring");
EXPECT_LEFT_IS("otherstring", val);
TEST_F(EitherTest, RightCanBeDirectlyAssigned) {
either<int, string> val = string("string");
val = string("otherstring");
EXPECT_RIGHT_IS("otherstring", val);
TEST_F(EitherTest, LeftCanBeDirectlyMoveAssigned) {
either<OnlyMoveable, int> val = OnlyMoveable(3);
val = OnlyMoveable(5);
EXPECT_LEFT_IS(OnlyMoveable(5), val);
TEST_F(EitherTest, RightCanBeDirectlyMoveAssigned) {
either<int, OnlyMoveable> val = OnlyMoveable(3);
val = OnlyMoveable(5);
EXPECT_RIGHT_IS(OnlyMoveable(5), val);
TEST_F(EitherTest, ModifyLeft) {
either<string, int> val = string("mystring1");
val.left() = "mystring2";
EXPECT_LEFT_IS("mystring2", val);
TEST_F(EitherTest, ModifyRight) {
either<int, string> val = string("mystring1");
val.right() = "mystring2";
EXPECT_RIGHT_IS("mystring2", val);
TEST_F(EitherTest, ModifyLeftOpt) {
either<string, int> val = string("mystring1");
val.left_opt().get() = "mystring2";
EXPECT_LEFT_IS("mystring2", val);
TEST_F(EitherTest, ModifyRightOpt) {
either<int, string> val = string("mystring1");
val.right_opt().get() = "mystring2";
EXPECT_RIGHT_IS("mystring2", val);
TEST_F(EitherTest, LeftEquals) {
either<string, int> val1 = string("mystring");
either<string, int> val2 = string("mystring");
EXPECT_TRUE(val1 == val2);
EXPECT_TRUE(val2 == val1);
EXPECT_FALSE(val1 != val2);
EXPECT_FALSE(val2 != val1);
TEST_F(EitherTest, LeftNotEquals) {
either<string, int> val1 = string("mystring");
either<string, int> val2 = string("mystring2");
EXPECT_TRUE(val1 != val2);
EXPECT_TRUE(val2 != val1);
EXPECT_FALSE(val1 == val2);
EXPECT_FALSE(val2 == val1);
TEST_F(EitherTest, RightEquals) {
either<int, string> val1 = string("mystring");
either<int, string> val2 = string("mystring");
EXPECT_TRUE(val1 == val2);
EXPECT_TRUE(val2 == val1);
EXPECT_FALSE(val1 != val2);
EXPECT_FALSE(val2 != val1);
TEST_F(EitherTest, RightNotEquals) {
either<int, string> val1 = string("mystring");
either<int, string> val2 = string("mystring2");
EXPECT_TRUE(val1 != val2);
EXPECT_TRUE(val2 != val1);
EXPECT_FALSE(val1 == val2);
EXPECT_FALSE(val2 == val1);
TEST_F(EitherTest, LeftNotEqualsRight) {
either<string, int> val1 = string("mystring");
either<string, int> val2 = 3;
EXPECT_TRUE(val1 != val2);
EXPECT_TRUE(val2 != val1);
EXPECT_FALSE(val1 == val2);
EXPECT_FALSE(val2 == val1);
TEST_F(EitherTest, OutputLeft) {
ostringstream str;
str << either<string, int>("mystring");
EXPECT_EQ("Left(mystring)", str.str());
TEST_F(EitherTest, OutputRight) {
ostringstream str;
str << either<int, string>("mystring");
EXPECT_EQ("Right(mystring)", str.str());
TEST_F(EitherTest, MakeLeft) {
either<string, int> var = make_left<string, int>("mystring");
EXPECT_LEFT_IS("mystring", var);
TEST_F(EitherTest, MakeLeft_OnlyMoveable) {
either<OnlyMoveable, int> var = make_left<OnlyMoveable, int>(4);
EXPECT_LEFT_IS(OnlyMoveable(4), var);
TEST_F(EitherTest, MakeLeft_MultiParam) {
either<pair<int, int>, int> var = make_left<pair<int, int>, int>(4, 5);
EXPECT_LEFT_IS(make_pair(4,5), var);
TEST_F(EitherTest, MakeRight) {
either<int, string> var = make_right<int, string>("mystring");
EXPECT_RIGHT_IS("mystring", var);
TEST_F(EitherTest, MakeRight_OnlyMoveable) {
either<int, OnlyMoveable> var = make_right<int, OnlyMoveable>(4);
EXPECT_RIGHT_IS(OnlyMoveable(4), var);
TEST_F(EitherTest, MakeRight_MultiParam) {
either<int, pair<int, int>> var = make_right<int, pair<int, int>>(4, 5);
EXPECT_RIGHT_IS(make_pair(4,5), var);
TEST_F(EitherTest, LeftCanBeQueriedAsRvalue) {
OnlyMoveable val = make_left<OnlyMoveable, int>(3).left();
EXPECT_EQ(OnlyMoveable(3), val);
TEST_F(EitherTest, RightCanBeQueriedAsRvalue) {
OnlyMoveable val = make_right<int, OnlyMoveable>(3).right();
EXPECT_EQ(OnlyMoveable(3), val);
TEST_F(EitherTest, LeftOptCanBeQueriedAsRvalue) {
OnlyMoveable val = make_left<OnlyMoveable, int>(3).left_opt().value();
EXPECT_EQ(OnlyMoveable(3), val);
TEST_F(EitherTest, RightOptCanBeQueriedAsRvalue) {
OnlyMoveable val = make_right<int, OnlyMoveable>(3).right_opt().value();
EXPECT_EQ(OnlyMoveable(3), val);
class DestructorCallback {
MOCK_CONST_METHOD0(call, void());
void EXPECT_CALLED(int times = 1) {
EXPECT_CALL(*this, call()).Times(times);
class ClassWithDestructorCallback {
ClassWithDestructorCallback(const DestructorCallback *destructorCallback) : _destructorCallback(destructorCallback) {}
ClassWithDestructorCallback(const ClassWithDestructorCallback &rhs): _destructorCallback(rhs._destructorCallback) {}
~ClassWithDestructorCallback() {
const DestructorCallback *_destructorCallback;
ClassWithDestructorCallback &operator=(const ClassWithDestructorCallback &rhs) = delete;
class OnlyMoveableClassWithDestructorCallback {
OnlyMoveableClassWithDestructorCallback(const DestructorCallback *destructorCallback) : _destructorCallback(destructorCallback) { }
OnlyMoveableClassWithDestructorCallback(OnlyMoveableClassWithDestructorCallback &&source): _destructorCallback(source._destructorCallback) {}
~OnlyMoveableClassWithDestructorCallback() {
const DestructorCallback *_destructorCallback;
class EitherTest_Destructor: public EitherTest {
TEST_F(EitherTest_Destructor, LeftDestructorIsCalled) {
DestructorCallback destructorCallback;
destructorCallback.EXPECT_CALLED(2); //Once for the temp object, once when the either class destructs
ClassWithDestructorCallback temp(&destructorCallback);
either<ClassWithDestructorCallback, string> var = temp;
TEST_F(EitherTest_Destructor, RightDestructorIsCalled) {
DestructorCallback destructorCallback;
destructorCallback.EXPECT_CALLED(2); //Once for the temp object, once when the either class destructs
ClassWithDestructorCallback temp(&destructorCallback);
either<string, ClassWithDestructorCallback> var = temp;
TEST_F(EitherTest_Destructor, LeftDestructorIsCalledAfterCopying) {
DestructorCallback destructorCallback;
destructorCallback.EXPECT_CALLED(3); //Once for the temp object, once for var1 and once for var2
ClassWithDestructorCallback temp(&destructorCallback);
either<ClassWithDestructorCallback, string> var1 = temp;
either<ClassWithDestructorCallback, string> var2 = var1;
TEST_F(EitherTest_Destructor, RightDestructorIsCalledAfterCopying) {
DestructorCallback destructorCallback;
destructorCallback.EXPECT_CALLED(3); //Once for the temp object, once for var1 and once for var2
ClassWithDestructorCallback temp(&destructorCallback);
either<string, ClassWithDestructorCallback> var1 = temp;
either<string, ClassWithDestructorCallback> var2 = var1;
TEST_F(EitherTest_Destructor, LeftDestructorIsCalledAfterMoving) {
DestructorCallback destructorCallback;
destructorCallback.EXPECT_CALLED(3); //Once for the temp object, once for var1 and once for var2
OnlyMoveableClassWithDestructorCallback temp(&destructorCallback);
either<OnlyMoveableClassWithDestructorCallback, string> var1 = std::move(temp);
either<OnlyMoveableClassWithDestructorCallback, string> var2 = std::move(var1);
TEST_F(EitherTest_Destructor, RightDestructorIsCalledAfterMoving) {
DestructorCallback destructorCallback;
destructorCallback.EXPECT_CALLED(3); //Once for the temp object, once for var1 and once for var2
OnlyMoveableClassWithDestructorCallback temp(&destructorCallback);
either<string, OnlyMoveableClassWithDestructorCallback> var1 = std::move(temp);
either<string, OnlyMoveableClassWithDestructorCallback> var2 = std::move(var1);
TEST_F(EitherTest_Destructor, LeftDestructorIsCalledAfterAssignment) {
DestructorCallback destructorCallback1;
DestructorCallback destructorCallback2;
destructorCallback1.EXPECT_CALLED(2); //Once for the temp1 object, once at the assignment
destructorCallback2.EXPECT_CALLED(3); //Once for the temp2 object, once in destructor of var2, once in destructor of var1
ClassWithDestructorCallback temp1(&destructorCallback1);
either<ClassWithDestructorCallback, string> var1 = temp1;
ClassWithDestructorCallback temp2(&destructorCallback2);
either<ClassWithDestructorCallback, string> var2 = temp2;
var1 = var2;
TEST_F(EitherTest_Destructor, RightDestructorIsCalledAfterAssignment) {
DestructorCallback destructorCallback1;
DestructorCallback destructorCallback2;
destructorCallback1.EXPECT_CALLED(2); //Once for the temp1 object, once at the assignment
destructorCallback2.EXPECT_CALLED(3); //Once for the temp2 object, once in destructor of var2, once in destructor of var1
ClassWithDestructorCallback temp1(&destructorCallback1);
either<string, ClassWithDestructorCallback> var1 = temp1;
ClassWithDestructorCallback temp2(&destructorCallback2);
either<string, ClassWithDestructorCallback> var2 = temp2;
var1 = var2;
TEST_F(EitherTest_Destructor, LeftDestructorIsCalledAfterMoveAssignment) {
DestructorCallback destructorCallback1;
DestructorCallback destructorCallback2;
destructorCallback1.EXPECT_CALLED(2); //Once for the temp1 object, once at the assignment
destructorCallback2.EXPECT_CALLED(3); //Once for the temp2 object, once in destructor of var2, once in destructor of var1
OnlyMoveableClassWithDestructorCallback temp1(&destructorCallback1);
either<OnlyMoveableClassWithDestructorCallback, string> var1 = std::move(temp1);
OnlyMoveableClassWithDestructorCallback temp2(&destructorCallback2);
either<OnlyMoveableClassWithDestructorCallback, string> var2 = std::move(temp2);
var1 = std::move(var2);
TEST_F(EitherTest_Destructor, RightDestructorIsCalledAfterMoveAssignment) {
DestructorCallback destructorCallback1;
DestructorCallback destructorCallback2;
destructorCallback1.EXPECT_CALLED(2); //Once for the temp1 object, once at the assignment
destructorCallback2.EXPECT_CALLED(3); //Once for the temp2 object, once in destructor of var2, once in destructor of var1
OnlyMoveableClassWithDestructorCallback temp1(&destructorCallback1);
either<string, OnlyMoveableClassWithDestructorCallback> var1 = std::move(temp1);
OnlyMoveableClassWithDestructorCallback temp2(&destructorCallback2);
either<string, OnlyMoveableClassWithDestructorCallback> var2 = std::move(temp2);
var1 = std::move(var2);
Reference in New Issue
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