Continue implementing ValueType. New approach.
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,207 +6,204 @@
#include <cpp-utils/assert/assert.h>
namespace cpputils {
namespace value_type {
namespace details {
// The Helper type is to allow the enable_if to depend on another type, say a local template type of the method.
// If enable_if depended only on class template parameters, it wouldn't work because they're already deduced when deducing the method.
template<class Helper, bool Condition, class Type>
using enable_if_t = std::enable_if_t<std::is_void<Helper>::value && Condition, Type>;
// TODO Test
template<class Config>
class ValueType final {
* This template simplifies generation of simple classes that wrap an id
* in a typesafe way. Namely, you can use it to create a very lightweight
* type that only offers equality comparators and hashing. Example:
* struct MyIdType final : IdValueType<MyIdType, uint32_t> {
* constexpr explicit MyIdType(uint32_t id): IdValueType(id) {}
* };
* Then in the global top level namespace:
* That's it - equality operators and hash functions are automatically defined
* for you, given the underlying type supports it.
* OrderedIdValueType: Use this instead of IdValueType if you need an ordering relation on your id type.
* This will define the operators
* - val < val
* - val > val
* - val <= val
* - val >= val
* QuantityValueType: Use this if you want a full-blown value type with arithmetics.
* Additionally to what OrderedIdValueType offers, this also defines:
* - ++val, val++
* - --val, val--
* - val += val (returns val)
* - val -= val (returns val)
* - val *= scalar (returns val)
* - val /= scalar (returns val)
* - val %= scalar (returns val)
* - val + val (returns val)
* - val - val (returns val)
* - val * scalar, scalar * val (returns val)
* - val / scalar (returns val)
* - val % scalar (returns val)
* - val / val (returns scalar)
* - val % val (returns scalar)
template <class ConcreteType, class UnderlyingType>
class IdValueType {
using underlying_type = typename Config::underlying_type;
using underlying_type = UnderlyingType;
using concrete_type = ConcreteType;
template<class U = void>
constexpr explicit ValueType(details::enable_if_t<U, Config::explicit_value_constructor_enabled(), underlying_type> value)
: _value(value) {}
constexpr IdValueType(IdValueType&&) = default;
constexpr IdValueType(const IdValueType&) = default;
constexpr IdValueType& operator=(IdValueType&&) = default;
constexpr IdValueType& operator=(const IdValueType&) = default;
template<class U = void>
constexpr details::enable_if_t<U, Config::value_access_enabled(), underlying_type> value() const {
return _value;
constexpr explicit IdValueType(underlying_type value) : value_(value) {
static_assert(std::is_base_of<IdValueType<ConcreteType, UnderlyingType>, ConcreteType>::value,
"CRTP violated. First template parameter of this class must be the concrete class.");
constexpr underlying_type& underlying_value() const {
return value_;
template<class U = void>
constexpr details::enable_if_t<U, Config::increment_and_decrement_enabled(), ValueType&> operator++() {
friend struct std::hash<ConcreteType>;
friend constexpr bool operator==(ConcreteType lhs, ConcreteType rhs) {
return lhs.value_ == rhs.value_;
friend constexpr bool operator!=(ConcreteType lhs, ConcreteType rhs) {
return !operator==(lhs, rhs);
underlying_type value_;
namespace std { \
template <> \
struct hash<ClassName> { \
size_t operator()(ClassName x) const { \
return std::hash<ClassName::underlying_type>()(x.value_); \
} \
}; \
template <class ConcreteType, class UnderlyingType>
class OrderedIdValueType : public IdValueType<ConcreteType, UnderlyingType> {
using IdValueType<ConcreteType, UnderlyingType>::IdValueType;
friend constexpr bool operator<(ConcreteType lhs, ConcreteType rhs) {
return lhs.value_ < rhs.value_;
friend constexpr bool operator>(ConcreteType lhs, ConcreteType rhs) {
return lhs.value_ > rhs.value_;
friend constexpr bool operator>=(ConcreteType lhs, ConcreteType rhs) {
return !operator<(lhs, rhs);
friend constexpr bool operator<=(ConcreteType lhs, ConcreteType rhs) {
return !operator>(lhs, rhs);
template <class ConcreteType, class UnderlyingType>
class QuantityValueType : public OrderedIdValueType<ConcreteType, UnderlyingType> {
using OrderedIdValueType<ConcreteType, UnderlyingType>::OrderedIdValueType;
constexpr ConcreteType& operator++() {
return *this;
template<class U = void>
constexpr details::enable_if_t<U, Config::increment_and_decrement_enabled(), ValueType> operator++(int) {
ValueType<Config> tmp = *this;
constexpr ConcreteType operator++(int) {
ConcreteType tmp = *this;
return tmp;
template<class U = void>
constexpr details::enable_if_t<U, Config::increment_and_decrement_enabled(), ValueType&> operator--() {
constexpr ConcreteType& operator--() {
return *this;
template<class U = void>
constexpr details::enable_if_t<U, Config::increment_and_decrement_enabled(), ValueType> operator--(int) {
ValueType<Config> tmp = *this;
constexpr ConcreteType operator--(int) {
ConcreteType tmp = *this;
return tmp;
constexpr ValueType& operator+=(ValueType rhs);
constexpr ValueType& operator-=(ValueType rhs);
constexpr ValueType& operator*=(underlying_type rhs);
constexpr ValueType& operator/=(underlying_type rhs);
constexpr ValueType& operator%=(underlying_type rhs);
constexpr ConcreteType& operator+=(ConcreteType rhs) {
this->value_ += rhs.value_;
return *this;
constexpr ConcreteType& operator-=(ConcreteType rhs) {
this->value_ -= rhs.value_;
return *this;
constexpr ConcreteType& operator*=(UnderlyingType rhs) {
this->value_ *= rhs;
return *this;
constexpr ConcreteType& operator/=(UnderlyingType rhs) {
this->value_ /= rhs;
return *this;
constexpr ConcreteType& operator%=(UnderlyingType rhs) {
this->value_ %= rhs;
return *this;
friend struct std::hash<ValueType>;
underlying_type _value;
friend constexpr ConcreteType operator+(ConcreteType lhs, ConcreteType rhs) {
return lhs += rhs;
friend constexpr ConcreteType operator-(ConcreteType lhs, ConcreteType rhs) {
return lhs -= rhs;
friend constexpr ConcreteType operator*(ConcreteType lhs, UnderlyingType rhs) {
return lhs *= rhs;
friend constexpr ConcreteType operator*(UnderlyingType lhs, ConcreteType rhs) {
return rhs * lhs;
friend constexpr ConcreteType operator/(ConcreteType lhs, UnderlyingType rhs) {
return lhs /= rhs;
friend constexpr UnderlyingType operator/(ConcreteType lhs, ConcreteType rhs) {
return lhs.value_ / rhs.value_;
friend constexpr ConcreteType operator%(ConcreteType lhs, UnderlyingType rhs) {
return lhs %= rhs;
friend constexpr UnderlyingType operator%(ConcreteType lhs, ConcreteType rhs) {
return lhs.value_ % rhs.value_;
/*template<class Config>
constexpr ValueType<Config> operator "" _bytes(unsigned long long int value);*/
template<class Config> constexpr ValueType<Config> operator+(ValueType<Config> lhs, ValueType<Config> rhs);
template<class Config> constexpr ValueType<Config> operator-(ValueType<Config> lhs, ValueType<Config> rhs);
template<class Config> constexpr ValueType<Config> operator*(ValueType<Config> lhs, typename Config::underlying_type rhs);
template<class Config> constexpr ValueType<Config> operator*(typename Config::underlying_type lhs, ValueType<Config> rhs);
template<class Config> constexpr ValueType<Config> operator/(ValueType<Config> lhs, typename Config::underlying_type rhs);
template<class Config> constexpr typename Config::underlying_type operator/(ValueType<Config> lhs, ValueType<Config> rhs);
template<class Config> constexpr ValueType<Config> operator%(ValueType<Config> lhs, typename Config::underlying_type rhs);
template<class Config> constexpr typename Config::underlying_type operator%(ValueType<Config> lhs, ValueType<Config> rhs);
template<class Config> constexpr bool operator==(ValueType<Config> lhs, ValueType<Config> rhs);
template<class Config> constexpr bool operator!=(ValueType<Config> lhs, ValueType<Config> rhs);
template<class Config> constexpr bool operator<(ValueType<Config> lhs, ValueType<Config> rhs);
template<class Config> constexpr bool operator>(ValueType<Config> lhs, ValueType<Config> rhs);
template<class Config> constexpr bool operator<=(ValueType<Config> lhs, ValueType<Config> rhs);
template<class Config> constexpr bool operator>=(ValueType<Config> lhs, ValueType<Config> rhs);
* Implementation follows
/*template<class Config>
inline constexpr ValueType<Config> operator "" _bytes(unsigned long long int value) {
return ValueType<Config>(value);
template<class Config>
inline constexpr ValueType<Config>& ValueType<Config>::operator+=(ValueType<Config> rhs) {
_value += rhs._value;
return *this;
template<class Config>
inline constexpr ValueType<Config>& ValueType<Config>::operator-=(ValueType<Config> rhs) {
_value -= rhs._value;
return *this;
template<class Config>
inline constexpr ValueType<Config>& ValueType<Config>::operator*=(typename Config::underlying_type rhs) {
_value *= rhs;
return *this;
template<class Config>
inline constexpr ValueType<Config>& ValueType<Config>::operator/=(typename Config::underlying_type rhs) {
_value /= rhs;
return *this;
template<class Config>
inline constexpr ValueType<Config>& ValueType<Config>::operator%=(typename Config::underlying_type rhs) {
_value %= rhs;
return *this;
template<class Config>
inline constexpr ValueType<Config> operator+(ValueType<Config> lhs, ValueType<Config> rhs) {
return lhs += rhs;
template<class Config>
inline constexpr ValueType<Config> operator-(ValueType<Config> lhs, ValueType<Config> rhs) {
return lhs -= rhs;
template<class Config>
inline constexpr ValueType<Config> operator*(ValueType<Config> lhs, typename Config::underlying_type rhs) {
return lhs *= rhs;
template<class Config>
inline constexpr ValueType<Config> operator*(typename Config::underlying_type lhs, ValueType<Config> rhs) {
return rhs * lhs;
template<class Config>
inline constexpr ValueType<Config> operator/(ValueType<Config> lhs, typename Config::underlying_type rhs) {
return lhs /= rhs;
template<class Config>
inline constexpr typename Config::underlying_type operator/(ValueType<Config> lhs, ValueType<Config> rhs) {
return lhs.value() / rhs.value();
template<class Config>
inline constexpr ValueType<Config> operator%(ValueType<Config> lhs, typename Config::underlying_type rhs) {
return lhs %= rhs;
template<class Config>
inline constexpr typename Config::underlying_type operator%(ValueType<Config> lhs, ValueType<Config> rhs) {
return lhs.value() % rhs.value();
template<class Config>
inline constexpr bool operator==(ValueType<Config> lhs, ValueType<Config> rhs) {
return lhs.value() == rhs.value();
template<class Config>
inline constexpr bool operator!=(ValueType<Config> lhs, ValueType<Config> rhs) {
return !operator==(lhs, rhs);
template<class Config>
inline constexpr bool operator<(ValueType<Config> lhs, ValueType<Config> rhs) {
return lhs.value() < rhs.value();
template<class Config>
inline constexpr bool operator>(ValueType<Config> lhs, ValueType<Config> rhs) {
return lhs.value() > rhs.value();
template<class Config>
inline constexpr bool operator<=(ValueType<Config> lhs, ValueType<Config> rhs) {
return !operator>(lhs, rhs);
template<class Config>
inline constexpr bool operator>=(ValueType<Config> lhs, ValueType<Config> rhs) {
return !operator<(lhs, rhs);
namespace std {
template<class Config>
struct hash<cpputils::ValueType<Config>> {
constexpr hash() = default;
constexpr size_t operator()(cpputils::ValueType<Config> v) {
return v._value;
@ -2,49 +2,169 @@
#include <cpp-utils/value_type/ConfigBuilder.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <utility>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <set>
using cpputils::valueType;
using cpputils::value_type::IdValueType;
using cpputils::value_type::OrderedIdValueType;
using cpputils::value_type::QuantityValueType;
struct Tag1{};
using AllEnabledValueType = decltype(valueType<Tag1, int>()
namespace {
* Test value() access
template<class T, class Enable = void> struct has_value_access : std::false_type {};
template<class T> struct has_value_access<T, std::void_t<decltype(std::declval<T>().value())>> : std::true_type {
using actual_result_type = std::result_of_t<decltype(&T::template value<void>)(T*)>;
static_assert(std::is_same<typename T::underlying_type, actual_result_type>::value, "value() method returns wrong type");
struct MyIdValueType : IdValueType<MyIdValueType, int64_t> {
constexpr MyIdValueType(int64_t val): IdValueType(val) {}
struct Tag2{};
using ValueTypeWithValueAccess = decltype(valueType<Tag2, double>()
struct Tag3{};
using ValueTypeWithoutValueAccess = decltype(valueType<Tag3, double>()
struct MyOrderedIdValueType : OrderedIdValueType<MyOrderedIdValueType, int64_t> {
constexpr MyOrderedIdValueType(int64_t val): OrderedIdValueType(val) {}
static_assert(has_value_access<AllEnabledValueType>::value, "");
static_assert(has_value_access<ValueTypeWithValueAccess>::value, "");
static_assert(!has_value_access<ValueTypeWithoutValueAccess>::value, "");
struct MyQuantityValueType : QuantityValueType<MyQuantityValueType, int64_t> {
constexpr MyQuantityValueType(int64_t val): QuantityValueType(val) {}
TEST(ValueTypeTest, valueAccess){
EXPECT_EQ(3, AllEnabledValueType(3).value());
EXPECT_EQ(5.5, ValueTypeWithValueAccess(5.5).value());
namespace {
template<class Type>
struct IdValueTypeTest_constexpr_test {
static constexpr Type test_constructor = Type(5);
static_assert(Type(5) == test_constructor, "");
static constexpr Type test_copy_constructor = test_constructor;
static_assert(Type(5) == test_copy_constructor, "");
static constexpr Type test_copy_assignment = (Type(4) = 3);
static_assert(test_copy_assignment == Type(3), "");
static_assert(Type(5) == Type(5), "");
static_assert(Type(5) != Type(6), "");
static constexpr bool success = true;
static_assert(IdValueTypeTest_constexpr_test<MyIdValueType>::success, "");
static_assert(IdValueTypeTest_constexpr_test<MyOrderedIdValueType>::success, "");
static_assert(IdValueTypeTest_constexpr_test<MyQuantityValueType>::success, "");
template<class Type> class IdValueTypeTest : public testing::Test {
using IdValueTypeTest_types = testing::Types<MyIdValueType, MyOrderedIdValueType, MyQuantityValueType>;
TYPED_TEST_CASE(IdValueTypeTest, IdValueTypeTest_types);
TYPED_TEST(IdValueTypeTest, Equality) {
TypeParam obj1(4);
TypeParam obj2(4);
TypeParam obj3(5);
EXPECT_TRUE(obj1 == obj2);
EXPECT_TRUE(obj2 == obj1);;
EXPECT_FALSE(obj1 == obj3);
EXPECT_FALSE(obj3 == obj1);
EXPECT_FALSE(obj1 != obj2);
EXPECT_FALSE(obj2 != obj1);
EXPECT_TRUE(obj1 != obj3);
EXPECT_TRUE(obj3 != obj1);
struct Tag4{};
using ValueTypeWithIncrementAndDecrement = decltype(valueType<Tag4, int>()
// TODO Test incrementAndDecrement
TYPED_TEST(IdValueTypeTest, Constructor) {
TypeParam obj(4);
EXPECT_TRUE(obj == TypeParam(4));
TYPED_TEST(IdValueTypeTest, CopyConstructor) {
TypeParam obj(2);
TypeParam obj2(obj);
EXPECT_TRUE(obj2 == TypeParam(2));
EXPECT_TRUE(obj == obj2);
TYPED_TEST(IdValueTypeTest, MoveConstructor) {
TypeParam obj(2);
TypeParam obj2(std::move(obj));
EXPECT_TRUE(obj2 == TypeParam(2));
TYPED_TEST(IdValueTypeTest, CopyAssignment) {
TypeParam obj(3);
TypeParam obj2(2);
obj2 = obj;
EXPECT_TRUE(obj2 == TypeParam(3));
EXPECT_TRUE(obj == obj2);
TYPED_TEST(IdValueTypeTest, MoveAssignment) {
TypeParam obj(3);
TypeParam obj2(2);
obj2 = std::move(obj);
EXPECT_TRUE(obj2 == TypeParam(3));
TYPED_TEST(IdValueTypeTest, Hash) {
TypeParam obj(3);
TypeParam obj2(3);
EXPECT_EQ(std::hash<TypeParam>()(obj), std::hash<TypeParam>()(obj2));
TYPED_TEST(IdValueTypeTest, UnorderedSet) {
std::unordered_set<TypeParam> set;
EXPECT_EQ(1u, set.count(TypeParam(3)));
template<class Type>
struct OrderedIdValueTypeTest_constexpr_test {
static constexpr bool success = true;
static_assert(OrderedIdValueTypeTest_constexpr_test<MyOrderedIdValueType>::success, "");
static_assert(OrderedIdValueTypeTest_constexpr_test<MyQuantityValueType>::success, "");
template<class Type> class OrderedIdValueTypeTest : public testing::Test {};
using OrderedIdValueTypeTest_types = testing::Types<MyOrderedIdValueType, MyQuantityValueType>;
TYPED_TEST_CASE(OrderedIdValueTypeTest, OrderedIdValueTypeTest_types);
// TODO Test cases for OrderedIdValueTypeTest
TYPED_TEST(OrderedIdValueTypeTest, Set) {
std::set<TypeParam> set;
EXPECT_EQ(1u, set.count(TypeParam(3)));
template<class Type>
struct QuantityValueTypeTest_constexpr_test {
static constexpr bool success = true;
static_assert(QuantityValueTypeTest_constexpr_test<MyQuantityValueType>::success, "");
template<class Type> class QuantityValueTypeTest : public testing::Test {};
using QuantityValueTypeTest_types = testing::Types<MyQuantityValueType>;
TYPED_TEST_CASE(QuantityValueTypeTest, QuantityValueTypeTest_types);
// TODO Test cases for QuantityValueTypeTest
Reference in New Issue
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