Remove cryfs-stats tool which isn't ready yet and could destroy the file system

This commit is contained in:
Sebastian Messmer 2020-07-19 13:30:07 -07:00
parent d32a98602b
commit 41ab58faf3
4 changed files with 1 additions and 225 deletions

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ Fixed bugs:
* A comma in the base directory name would make the file system fail to mount, * A comma in the base directory name would make the file system fail to mount,
* Fixed determining the user's homedir: If $HOME and the /etc/passwd entry for the current user contradict each other, now $HOME takes preference over /etc/passwd. * Fixed determining the user's homedir: If $HOME and the /etc/passwd entry for the current user contradict each other, now $HOME takes preference over /etc/passwd.
* Fix Android compilation, * Fix Android compilation,
* Remove cryfs-stats tool which isn't ready yet and could destroy the file system
Version 0.10.2 Version 0.10.2

View File

@ -9,4 +9,3 @@ add_subdirectory(blobstore)
add_subdirectory(cryfs) add_subdirectory(cryfs)
add_subdirectory(cryfs-cli) add_subdirectory(cryfs-cli)
add_subdirectory(cryfs-unmount) add_subdirectory(cryfs-unmount)

View File

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
project (stats)
add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} ${SOURCES})
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} PUBLIC cryfs cpp-utils gitversion)
set_target_properties(${PROJECT_NAME} PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME cryfs-stats)

View File

@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
#include <cryfs/config/CryConfigLoader.h>
#include <cryfs/config/CryPasswordBasedKeyProvider.h>
#include <blockstore/implementations/ondisk/OnDiskBlockStore2.h>
#include <blockstore/implementations/integrity/IntegrityBlockStore2.h>
#include <blockstore/implementations/low2highlevel/LowToHighLevelBlockStore.h>
#include <blobstore/implementations/onblocks/datanodestore/DataNodeStore.h>
#include <blobstore/implementations/onblocks/datanodestore/DataNode.h>
#include <blobstore/implementations/onblocks/datanodestore/DataInnerNode.h>
#include <blobstore/implementations/onblocks/datanodestore/DataLeafNode.h>
#include <blobstore/implementations/onblocks/BlobStoreOnBlocks.h>
#include <cryfs/filesystem/fsblobstore/FsBlobStore.h>
#include <cryfs/filesystem/fsblobstore/DirBlob.h>
#include <cryfs/filesystem/CryDevice.h>
#include <cpp-utils/io/IOStreamConsole.h>
#include <cpp-utils/system/homedir.h>
#include <set>
using namespace boost;
using namespace boost::filesystem;
using namespace std;
using namespace cryfs;
using namespace cpputils;
using namespace blockstore;
using namespace blockstore::ondisk;
using namespace blockstore::integrity;
using namespace blockstore::lowtohighlevel;
using namespace blobstore::onblocks;
using namespace blobstore::onblocks::datanodestore;
using namespace cryfs::fsblobstore;
void printNode(unique_ref<DataNode> node) {
std::cout << "BlockId: " << node->blockId().ToString() << ", Depth: " << static_cast<int>(node->depth()) << " ";
auto innerNode = dynamic_pointer_move<DataInnerNode>(node);
if (innerNode != none) {
std::cout << "Type: inner\n";
auto leafNode = dynamic_pointer_move<DataLeafNode>(node);
if (leafNode != none) {
std::cout << "Type: leaf\n";
void _forEachBlob(FsBlobStore* blobStore, const BlockId& rootId, std::function<void (const BlockId& blobId)> callback) {
auto rootBlob = blobStore->load(rootId);
ASSERT(rootBlob != boost::none, "Blob not found but referenced from directory entry");
auto rootDir = dynamic_pointer_move<DirBlob>(*rootBlob);
if (rootDir != boost::none) {
std::vector<fspp::Dir::Entry> children;
for (const auto& child : children) {
auto childEntry = (*rootDir)->GetChild(;
ASSERT(childEntry != boost::none, "We just got this from the entry list, it must exist.");
auto childId = childEntry->blockId();
_forEachBlob(blobStore, childId, callback);
void _forEachBlockInBlob(DataNodeStore* nodeStore, const BlockId& rootId, std::function<void (const BlockId& blockId)> callback) {
auto node = nodeStore->load(rootId);
auto innerNode = dynamic_pointer_move<DataInnerNode>(*node);
if (innerNode != boost::none) {
for (uint32_t childIndex = 0; childIndex < (*innerNode)->numChildren(); ++childIndex) {
auto childId = (*innerNode)->readChild(childIndex).blockId();
_forEachBlockInBlob(nodeStore, childId, callback);
unique_ref<BlockStore> makeBlockStore(const path& basedir, const CryConfigLoader::ConfigLoadResult& config, LocalStateDir& localStateDir) {
auto onDiskBlockStore = make_unique_ref<OnDiskBlockStore2>(basedir);
auto encryptedBlockStore = CryCiphers::find(config.configFile.config()->Cipher()).createEncryptedBlockstore(std::move(onDiskBlockStore), config.configFile.config()->EncryptionKey());
auto statePath = localStateDir.forFilesystemId(config.configFile.config()->FilesystemId());
auto integrityFilePath = statePath / "integritydata";
auto onIntegrityViolation = [] () {
std::cerr << "Warning: Integrity violation encountered" << std::endl;
auto integrityBlockStore = make_unique_ref<IntegrityBlockStore2>(std::move(encryptedBlockStore), integrityFilePath, config.myClientId, false, true, onIntegrityViolation);
return make_unique_ref<LowToHighLevelBlockStore>(std::move(integrityBlockStore));
std::vector<BlockId> _getKnownBlobIds(const path& basedir, const CryConfigLoader::ConfigLoadResult& config, LocalStateDir& localStateDir) {
auto blockStore = makeBlockStore(basedir, config, localStateDir);
auto fsBlobStore = make_unique_ref<FsBlobStore>(make_unique_ref<BlobStoreOnBlocks>(std::move(blockStore), config.configFile.config()->BlocksizeBytes()));
std::vector<BlockId> result;
cout << "Listing all file system entities (i.e. blobs)..." << flush;
auto rootId = BlockId::FromString(config.configFile.config()->RootBlob());
_forEachBlob(fsBlobStore.get(), rootId, [&result] (const BlockId& blockId) {
cout << "done" << endl;
return result;
std::vector<BlockId> _getKnownBlockIds(const path& basedir, const CryConfigLoader::ConfigLoadResult& config, LocalStateDir& localStateDir) {
auto knownBlobIds = _getKnownBlobIds(basedir, config, localStateDir);
auto blockStore = makeBlockStore(basedir, config, localStateDir);
auto nodeStore = make_unique_ref<DataNodeStore>(std::move(blockStore), config.configFile.config()->BlocksizeBytes());
std::vector<BlockId> result;
const uint32_t numNodes = nodeStore->numNodes();
uint32_t i = 0;
cout << "Listing all blocks used by these file system entities..." << endl;
for (const auto& blobId : knownBlobIds) {
_forEachBlockInBlob(nodeStore.get(), blobId, [&result, &i, numNodes] (const BlockId& blockId) {
cout << "\r" << (++i) << "/" << numNodes << flush;
std::cout << "...done" << endl;
return result;
set<BlockId> _getAllBlockIds(const path& basedir, const CryConfigLoader::ConfigLoadResult& config, LocalStateDir& localStateDir) {
auto blockStore= makeBlockStore(basedir, config, localStateDir);
set<BlockId> result;
blockStore->forEachBlock([&result] (const BlockId& blockId) {
return result;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
if (argc != 2) {
std::cerr << "Usage: cryfs-stats [basedir]" << std::endl;
path basedir = argv[1];
std::cout << "Calculating stats for filesystem at " << basedir << std::endl;
auto console = std::make_shared<cpputils::IOStreamConsole>();
console->print("Loading config\n");
auto askPassword = [console] () {
return console->askPassword("Password: ");
unique_ref<CryKeyProvider> keyProvider = make_unique_ref<CryPasswordBasedKeyProvider>(
auto config_path = basedir / "cryfs.config";
LocalStateDir localStateDir(cpputils::system::HomeDirectory::getXDGDataDir() / "cryfs");
CryConfigLoader config_loader(console, Random::OSRandom(), std::move(keyProvider), localStateDir, boost::none, boost::none, boost::none);
auto config = config_loader.load(config_path, false, true);
if (config == boost::none) {
std::cerr << "Error loading config file" << std::endl;
const auto& config_ = config->configFile.config();
std::cout << "Loading filesystem of version " << config_->Version() << std::endl;
const bool is_correct_format = config_->Version() == CryConfig::FilesystemFormatVersion && !config_->HasParentPointers() && !config_->HasVersionNumbers();
const bool is_correct_format = config_->Version() == CryConfig::FilesystemFormatVersion;
if (!is_correct_format) {
// TODO At this point, the cryfs.config file was already switched to 0.10 format. We should probably not do that.
std::cerr << "The filesystem is not in the 0.10 format. It needs to be migrated. The cryfs-stats tool unfortunately can't handle this, please mount and unmount the filesystem once." << std::endl;
cout << "Listing all blocks..." << flush;
set<BlockId> unaccountedBlocks = _getAllBlockIds(basedir, *config, localStateDir);
cout << "done" << endl;
vector<BlockId> accountedBlocks = _getKnownBlockIds(basedir, *config, localStateDir);
for (const BlockId& blockId : accountedBlocks) {
auto num_erased = unaccountedBlocks.erase(blockId);
ASSERT(1 == num_erased, "Blob id referenced by directory entry but didn't found it on disk? This can't happen.");
console->print("Calculate statistics\n");
auto blockStore = makeBlockStore(basedir, *config, localStateDir);
auto nodeStore = make_unique_ref<DataNodeStore>(std::move(blockStore), config->configFile.config()->BlocksizeBytes());
uint32_t numUnaccountedBlocks = unaccountedBlocks.size();
uint32_t numLeaves = 0;
uint32_t numInner = 0;
console->print("Unaccounted blocks: " + std::to_string(unaccountedBlocks.size()) + "\n");
for (const auto &blockId : unaccountedBlocks) {
console->print("\r" + std::to_string(numLeaves+numInner) + "/" + std::to_string(numUnaccountedBlocks) + ": ");
auto node = nodeStore->load(blockId);
auto innerNode = dynamic_pointer_move<DataInnerNode>(*node);
if (innerNode != none) {
auto leafNode = dynamic_pointer_move<DataLeafNode>(*node);
if (leafNode != none) {
console->print("\n" + std::to_string(numLeaves) + " leaves and " + std::to_string(numInner) + " inner nodes\n");