#include "testutils/CliTest.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using std::vector; using std::string; using cryfs::CryConfig; using cryfs::CryConfigFile; using cryfs::ErrorCode; using cryfs::CryKeyProvider; using cpputils::Data; using cpputils::EncryptionKey; using cpputils::SCrypt; using cpputils::TempDir; namespace bf = boost::filesystem; namespace { void writeFile(const bf::path& filename, const string& content) { std::ofstream file(filename.c_str(), std::ios::trunc); file << content; ASSERT(file.good(), "Failed writing file to file system"); } bool readingFileIsSuccessful(const bf::path& filename) { std::ifstream file(filename.c_str()); std::string content; file >> content; // just read a little bit so we have a file access return file.good(); } // NOLINTNEXTLINE(misc-no-recursion) void recursive_copy(const bf::path &src, const bf::path &dst) { if (bf::exists(dst)) { throw std::runtime_error(dst.generic_string() + " already exists"); } if (bf::is_directory(src)) { bf::create_directories(dst); for (auto& item : bf::directory_iterator(src)) { recursive_copy(item.path(), dst / item.path().filename()); } } else if (bf::is_regular_file(src)) { bf::copy_file(src, dst); } else { throw std::runtime_error(dst.generic_string() + " neither dir nor file"); } } class FakeCryKeyProvider final : public CryKeyProvider { EncryptionKey requestKeyForExistingFilesystem(size_t keySize, const Data &kdfParameters) override { return SCrypt(SCrypt::TestSettings).deriveExistingKey(keySize, "pass", kdfParameters); } KeyResult requestKeyForNewFilesystem(size_t keySize) override { auto derived = SCrypt(SCrypt::TestSettings).deriveNewKey(keySize, "pass"); return { std::move(derived.key), std::move(derived.kdfParameters) }; } }; class CliTest_IntegrityCheck : public CliTest { public: void modifyFilesystemId() { FakeCryKeyProvider keyProvider; auto configFile = CryConfigFile::load(basedir / "cryfs.config", &keyProvider, CryConfigFile::Access::ReadWrite).right_opt().value(); configFile->config()->SetFilesystemId(CryConfig::FilesystemID::FromString("0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF")); configFile->save(); } void modifyFilesystemKey() { FakeCryKeyProvider keyProvider; auto configFile = CryConfigFile::load(basedir / "cryfs.config", &keyProvider, CryConfigFile::Access::ReadWrite).right_opt().value(); configFile->config()->SetEncryptionKey("0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF"); configFile->save(); } }; TEST_F(CliTest_IntegrityCheck, givenIncorrectFilesystemId_thenFails) { const vector args{basedir.string().c_str(), mountdir.string().c_str(), "--cipher", "aes-256-gcm", "-f"}; //TODO Remove "-f" parameter, once EXPECT_RUN_SUCCESS can handle that EXPECT_RUN_SUCCESS(args, mountdir); modifyFilesystemId(); EXPECT_RUN_ERROR( args, "Error 20: The filesystem id in the config file is different to the last time we loaded a filesystem from this basedir.", ErrorCode::FilesystemIdChanged ); } TEST_F(CliTest_IntegrityCheck, givenIncorrectFilesystemKey_thenFails) { const vector args{basedir.string().c_str(), mountdir.string().c_str(), "--cipher", "aes-256-gcm", "-f"}; //TODO Remove "-f" parameter, once EXPECT_RUN_SUCCESS can handle that EXPECT_RUN_SUCCESS(args, mountdir); modifyFilesystemKey(); EXPECT_RUN_ERROR( args, "Error 21: The filesystem encryption key differs from the last time we loaded this filesystem. Did an attacker replace the file system?", ErrorCode::EncryptionKeyChanged ); } // TODO Also enable this TEST_F(CliTest_IntegrityCheck, givenFilesystemWithRolledBackBasedir_whenMounting_thenFails) { const vector args{basedir.string().c_str(), mountdir.string().c_str(), "--cipher", "aes-256-gcm", "-f"}; //TODO Remove "-f" parameter, once EXPECT_RUN_SUCCESS/EXPECT_RUN_ERROR can handle that // create a filesystem with one file EXPECT_RUN_SUCCESS(args, mountdir, [&] { writeFile(mountdir / "myfile", "hello world"); }); // backup the base directory const TempDir backup; recursive_copy(basedir, backup.path() / "basedir"); // modify the file system contents EXPECT_RUN_SUCCESS(args, mountdir, [&] { writeFile(mountdir / "myfile", "hello world 2"); }); // roll back base directory bf::remove_all(basedir); recursive_copy(backup.path() / "basedir", basedir); // error code is success because it unmounts normally EXPECT_RUN_ERROR(args, "Integrity violation detected. Unmounting.", ErrorCode::IntegrityViolation, [&] { EXPECT_FALSE(readingFileIsSuccessful(mountdir / "myfile")); }); // Test it doesn't mount anymore now because it's marked with an integrity violation EXPECT_RUN_ERROR(args, "There was an integrity violation detected. Preventing any further access to the file system.", ErrorCode::IntegrityViolationOnPreviousRun); } TEST_F(CliTest_IntegrityCheck, whenRollingBackBasedirWhileMounted_thenUnmounts) { const vector args{basedir.string().c_str(), mountdir.string().c_str(), "--cipher", "aes-256-gcm", "-f"}; //TODO Remove "-f" parameter, once EXPECT_RUN_SUCCESS/EXPECT_RUN_ERROR can handle that // create a filesystem with one file EXPECT_RUN_SUCCESS(args, mountdir, [&] { writeFile(mountdir / "myfile", "hello world"); }); // backup the base directory const TempDir backup; recursive_copy(basedir, backup.path() / "basedir"); EXPECT_RUN_ERROR(args, "Integrity violation detected. Unmounting.", ErrorCode::IntegrityViolation, [&] { // modify the file system contents writeFile(mountdir / "myfile", "hello world 2"); ASSERT(readingFileIsSuccessful(mountdir / "myfile"), ""); // just to make sure reading usually works // wait for cache timeout (i.e. flush file system to disk) constexpr auto cache_timeout = blockstore::caching::CachingBlockStore2::MAX_LIFETIME_SEC + cryfs::cachingfsblobstore::CachingFsBlobStore::MAX_LIFETIME_SEC; boost::this_thread::sleep_for(boost::chrono::seconds(static_cast(std::ceil(cache_timeout * 3)))); // roll back base directory bf::remove_all(basedir); recursive_copy(backup.path() / "basedir", basedir); // expect reading now fails EXPECT_FALSE(readingFileIsSuccessful(mountdir / "myfile")); }); // Test it doesn't mount anymore now because it's marked with an integrity violation EXPECT_RUN_ERROR(args, "There was an integrity violation detected. Preventing any further access to the file system.", ErrorCode::IntegrityViolationOnPreviousRun); } }