Version 0.9.3 (unreleased) --------------- * It's easier for tools and scripts to use CryFS: If an environment variable CRYFS_FRONTEND=noninteractive is set, we don't ask for options (but take default values for everything that's not specified on command line). Furthermore, we won't ask for password confirmation when creating a file system but the password only has to be sent once to stdin. * You can disable the automatic update check by setting CRYFS_NO_UPDATE_CHECK=true in your environment. * Building CryFS from the GitHub tarball (i.e. when there is no .git directory present) works. * The ciphertext block size is configurable. You can use the "--blocksize" command line argument. If not specified, CryFS will ask you for a block size when creating a file system. * Fix fstat (a bug in the fstat implementation caused problems with some text editors (e.g. nano) falsely thinking a file changed since they opened it). * Fix rename (when trying to rename a file to an already existing file name, a bug deleted it instead). * Rename operation allows overwriting existing files. Version 0.9.2 --------------- * Experimental support for installing CryFS on Mac OS X using homebrew (0.9.2 is not released for Linux) Version 0.9.1 --------------- * Report file system usage statistics to the operating system (e.g. amount of space used). This information can be queried using the 'df' tool on linux. See * Use stronger scrypt parameters when generating the config file key from the user password. This makes it a bit more secure, but also takes a bit longer to load a file system. See * Fix a bug where deleting a non-empty directory could leave some blocks over. See Version 0.9.0 --------------- (warning) file systems created with earlier CryFS versions are incompatible with this release. * Fully support file access times * Fix: Password is read from stdin, not from glibc getpass(). This enables external tools (e.g. GUIs) to pass in the password without problems. * Remove --extpass parameter, because that encourages tool writers to do bad things like storing a password in a file and using --extpass="cat filename". The password can now be passed in to stdin without problems, so tools should use that. * Works with zuluMount GUI, * Introduce version flags for file system entities to allow future CryFS versions to be backwards-compatible even if the format changes. * (for developers) New git repository layout. All subrepositories have been merged to one directory. * (for developers) Using CMake instead of biicode as build system. Version 0.8.6 --------------- * Fix a deadlock that was caused when a very high load of parallel resize operations was issued, see * Fix a bug that prevented deleting symlinks, see * Gracefully accept modifications to the file access times instead of failing, although they're not stored yet (they will be stored in 0.9.0). This should fix Version 0.8.5 --------------- * Fix package manager warning when installing the .deb package * Offer a default configuration when creating new filesystems * If the given base or mount directory doesn't exist, offer to create them Version 0.8.4 --------------- * Offering .deb packages for Debian and Ubuntu * Compatibility with 32bit systems * Support files larger than 4GB Version 0.8.3 --------------- * Ask for password confirmation when creating new filesystem * Check for new CryFS versions and ask the user to update if a new version is available * Implemented a mechanism that can show warnings about security bugs to users of a certain CryFS version. Let's hope this won't be necessary ;) * Compatibility with GCC 4.8 (that allows compiling on Ubuntu 14.04 for example) Version 0.8.2 --------------- * Mount directory, base directory, logfile and config file can be specified as relative paths * Improved error messages Version 0.8.1 --------------- * Config File Encryption: Configuration files are encrypted with two ciphers. The user specifies a password, which is then used with the scrypt KDF to generate the two encryption keys. - Inner level: Encrypts the config data using the user specified cipher. - Outer level: Encrypts the name of the inner cipher and the inner level ciphertext using aes-256-gcm. The config file is padded to hide the size of the configuration data (including the name of the cipher used). * No external config file needed: If the configuration file is not specified as command line parameter, it will be put into the base directory. This way, the filesystem can be mounted with the password only, without specifying a config file on command line. * Logfiles: Added a --logfile option to specify where logs should be written to. If the option is not specified, CryFs logs to syslog. * Running in Background: Fixed daemonization. When CryFs is run without "-f" flag, it will run in background. * Better error messages when base directory is not existing, not readable or not writeable. * Allow --cipher=xxx to specify cipher on command line. If cryfs is creating a new filesystem, it will use this cipher. If it is opening an existing filesystem, it will check whether this is the cipher used by it. * --show-ciphers shows a list of all supported ciphers * --extpass allows using an external program for password input * --unmount-idle x automatically unmounts the filesystem after x minutes without a filesystem operation.