image: - Visual Studio 2017 #- Visual Studio 2017 Preview platform: - x64 - x86 #- Any CPU configuration: - Debug - RelWithDebInfo - Release version: '{branch}-{build}' init: - echo %NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS% - echo %PLATFORM% - echo %APPVEYOR_BUILD_WORKER_IMAGE% - set arch=32 - if "%PLATFORM%"=="x64" ( set arch=64) - set VisualStudioVersion=2017 - if "%APPVEYOR_BUILD_WORKER_IMAGE%" == "Visual Studio 2017 Preview" ( set VisualStudioVersion=Preview) - cmd: call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\%VisualStudioVersion%\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars%arch%.bat" install: - choco install -y dokany --version --installargs INSTALLDEVFILES=1 - cmake --version build_script: - cmd: mkdir build - cmd: cd build # note: The cmake+ninja workflow requires us to set build type in both cmake commands ('cmake' and 'cmake --build'), otherwise the cryfs.exe will depend on debug versions of the visual studio c++ runtime (i.e. msvcp140d.dll) - cmd: cmake .. -G "Ninja" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=%CONFIGURATION% -DBUILD_TESTING=on -DBOOST_ROOT="C:/Libraries/boost_1_65_1" -DDOKAN_PATH="C:/Program Files/Dokan/DokanLibrary-1.1.0" - cmd: cmake --build . --config %CONFIGURATION% - cmd: .\test\gitversion\gitversion-test.exe # cpp-utils-test disables ThreadDebuggingTest_ThreadName.*_thenIsCorrect because the appveyor image is too old to support the API needed for that - cmd: .\test\cpp-utils\cpp-utils-test.exe --gtest_filter=-ThreadDebuggingTest_ThreadName.*_thenIsCorrect #- cmd: .\test\fspp\fspp-test.exe - cmd: .\test\parallelaccessstore\parallelaccessstore-test.exe - cmd: .\test\blockstore\blockstore-test.exe - cmd: .\test\blobstore\blobstore-test.exe - cmd: .\test\cryfs\cryfs-test.exe #- cmd: .\test\cryfs-cli\cryfs-cli-test.exe - cmd: cpack -C %CONFIGURATION% --verbose -G WIX on_failure: - cmd: type C:\projects\cryfs\build\_CPack_Packages\win64\WIX\wix.log artifacts: - path: build/cryfs-*.msi name: CryFS