project(mycryptopp) add_library(cryptopp INTERFACE) # note: include directory is called vendor_cryptopp instead of cryptopp to avoid include clashes with system headers target_include_directories(cryptopp SYSTEM INTERFACE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}) # Forward debug build info (i.e. set CRYPTOPP_DEBUG variable if building in debug mode) target_compile_definitions(cryptopp INTERFACE $<$:CRYPTOPP_DEBUG>) # add to all targets depending on this add_compile_options($<$:-DCRYPTOPP_DEBUG>) # add to stuff built in subdirectories (like the actual library) if (NOT DISABLE_OPENMP) set(USE_OPENMP ON CACHE BOOL "") endif() set(CRYPTOPP_BUILD_TESTING OFF CACHE BOOL "") set(BUILD_DOCUMENTATION OFF CACHE BOOL "") set(BUILD_SHARED OFF CACHE BOOL "") set(BUILD_STATIC ON CACHE BOOL "") set(USE_INTERMEDIATE_OBJECTS_TARGET OFF CACHE BOOL "") set(cryptocpp_DISPLAY_CMAKE_SUPPORT_WARNING OFF CACHE BOOL "") set(LIBCRYPTOPP_A "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/vendor_cryptopp/build/${CMAKE_ANDROID_ARCH_ABI}/libcryptopp.a") add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${LIBCRYPTOPP_A} COMMAND ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/ ${CMAKE_ANDROID_ARCH_ABI}) target_link_libraries(cryptopp INTERFACE ${LIBCRYPTOPP_A})