#pragma once #ifndef BLOCKSTORE_IMPLEMENTATIONS_ENCRYPTED_ENCRYPTEDBLOCK_H_ #define BLOCKSTORE_IMPLEMENTATIONS_ENCRYPTED_ENCRYPTEDBLOCK_H_ #include "../../interface/Block.h" #include "EncryptionKey.h" #include "../../utils/Data.h" #include "../../interface/BlockStore.h" #include "messmer/cpp-utils/macros.h" #include namespace blockstore { namespace encrypted { class EncryptedBlockStore; class EncryptedBlock: public Block { public: //TODO Storing key twice (in parent class and in object pointed to). Once would be enough. EncryptedBlock(std::unique_ptr baseBlock, const EncryptionKey &encKey); virtual ~EncryptedBlock(); static std::unique_ptr TryCreateNew(BlockStore *baseBlockStore, const Key &key, Data data, const EncryptionKey &encKey); const void *data() const override; void write(const void *source, uint64_t offset, uint64_t size) override; void flush() override; size_t size() const override; static constexpr unsigned int BASE_BLOCK_SIZE(unsigned int useableBlockSize) { return useableBlockSize + IV_SIZE; } static constexpr unsigned int USEABLE_BLOCK_SIZE(unsigned int baseBlockSize) { return baseBlockSize - IV_SIZE; } private: std::unique_ptr _baseBlock; Data _plaintextData; EncryptionKey _encKey; bool _dataChanged; static constexpr unsigned int IV_SIZE = CryptoPP::AES::BLOCKSIZE; byte *baseBlockIV(); byte *baseBlockData(); void _encryptToBaseBlock(); void _decryptFromBaseBlock(); static Data _encrypt(const Data &plaintext, const EncryptionKey &encKey); DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(EncryptedBlock); }; } } #endif