#include #include #include #ifdef NDEBUG #define _REAL_NDEBUG #endif //Include the ASSERT macro for a release build #ifndef NDEBUG #define NDEBUG 1 #endif #include "cpp-utils/assert/assert.h" using testing::HasSubstr; TEST(AssertTest_ReleaseBuild, DoesntThrowIfTrue) { ASSERT(true, "bla"); } TEST(AssertTest_ReleaseBuild, ThrowsIfFalse) { EXPECT_THROW( ASSERT(false, "bla"), cpputils::AssertFailed ); } TEST(AssertTest_ReleaseBuild, AssertMessage) { try { ASSERT(2==5, "my message"); FAIL(); } catch (const cpputils::AssertFailed &e) { std::string msg = e.what(); // For some reason, the following doesn't seem to work in MSVC. Possibly because of the multiline string? /*EXPECT_THAT(e.what(), MatchesRegex( R"(Assertion \[2==5\] failed in .*assert_release_test.cpp:27: my message)" ));*/ EXPECT_TRUE(std::regex_search(e.what(), std::regex(R"(Assertion \[2==5\] failed in .*assert_release_test.cpp:30: my message)"))); } } #if !(defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_REAL_NDEBUG)) TEST(AssertTest_ReleaseBuild, AssertMessageContainsBacktrace) { try { ASSERT(2==5, "my message"); FAIL(); } catch (const cpputils::AssertFailed &e) { EXPECT_THAT(e.what(), HasSubstr( "cpputils::" )); } } #else TEST(AssertTest_ReleaseBuild, AssertMessageContainsBacktrace) { try { ASSERT(2==5, "my message"); FAIL(); } catch (const cpputils::AssertFailed &e) { EXPECT_THAT(e.what(), HasSubstr( "#1" )); } } #endif