// filters.cpp - originally written and placed in the public domain by Wei Dai #include "pch.h" #include "config.h" #if CRYPTOPP_MSC_VERSION # pragma warning(disable: 4100 4189 4355) #endif #if CRYPTOPP_GCC_DIAGNOSTIC_AVAILABLE # pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-value" #endif #ifndef CRYPTOPP_IMPORTS #include "filters.h" #include "mqueue.h" #include "fltrimpl.h" #include "argnames.h" #include "smartptr.h" #include "stdcpp.h" #include "misc.h" NAMESPACE_BEGIN(CryptoPP) Filter::Filter(BufferedTransformation *attachment) : m_attachment(attachment), m_inputPosition(0), m_continueAt(0) { } BufferedTransformation * Filter::NewDefaultAttachment() const { return new MessageQueue; } BufferedTransformation * Filter::AttachedTransformation() { if (m_attachment.get() == NULLPTR) m_attachment.reset(NewDefaultAttachment()); return m_attachment.get(); } const BufferedTransformation *Filter::AttachedTransformation() const { if (m_attachment.get() == NULLPTR) const_cast(this)->m_attachment.reset(NewDefaultAttachment()); return m_attachment.get(); } void Filter::Detach(BufferedTransformation *newOut) { m_attachment.reset(newOut); } void Filter::Insert(Filter *filter) { filter->m_attachment.reset(m_attachment.release()); m_attachment.reset(filter); } size_t Filter::CopyRangeTo2(BufferedTransformation &target, lword &begin, lword end, const std::string &channel, bool blocking) const { return AttachedTransformation()->CopyRangeTo2(target, begin, end, channel, blocking); } size_t Filter::TransferTo2(BufferedTransformation &target, lword &transferBytes, const std::string &channel, bool blocking) { return AttachedTransformation()->TransferTo2(target, transferBytes, channel, blocking); } void Filter::Initialize(const NameValuePairs ¶meters, int propagation) { m_inputPosition = m_continueAt = 0; IsolatedInitialize(parameters); PropagateInitialize(parameters, propagation); } bool Filter::Flush(bool hardFlush, int propagation, bool blocking) { switch (m_continueAt) { case 0: if (IsolatedFlush(hardFlush, blocking)) return true; // fall through case 1: if (OutputFlush(1, hardFlush, propagation, blocking)) return true; // fall through default: ;; } return false; } bool Filter::MessageSeriesEnd(int propagation, bool blocking) { switch (m_continueAt) { case 0: if (IsolatedMessageSeriesEnd(blocking)) return true; // fall through case 1: if (ShouldPropagateMessageSeriesEnd() && OutputMessageSeriesEnd(1, propagation, blocking)) return true; // fall through default: ;; } return false; } void Filter::PropagateInitialize(const NameValuePairs ¶meters, int propagation) { if (propagation) AttachedTransformation()->Initialize(parameters, propagation-1); } size_t Filter::OutputModifiable(int outputSite, byte *inString, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking, const std::string &channel) { if (messageEnd) messageEnd--; size_t result = AttachedTransformation()->ChannelPutModifiable2(channel, inString, length, messageEnd, blocking); m_continueAt = result ? outputSite : 0; return result; } size_t Filter::Output(int outputSite, const byte *inString, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking, const std::string &channel) { if (messageEnd) messageEnd--; size_t result = AttachedTransformation()->ChannelPut2(channel, inString, length, messageEnd, blocking); m_continueAt = result ? outputSite : 0; return result; } bool Filter::OutputFlush(int outputSite, bool hardFlush, int propagation, bool blocking, const std::string &channel) { if (propagation && AttachedTransformation()->ChannelFlush(channel, hardFlush, propagation-1, blocking)) { m_continueAt = outputSite; return true; } m_continueAt = 0; return false; } bool Filter::OutputMessageSeriesEnd(int outputSite, int propagation, bool blocking, const std::string &channel) { if (propagation && AttachedTransformation()->ChannelMessageSeriesEnd(channel, propagation-1, blocking)) { m_continueAt = outputSite; return true; } m_continueAt = 0; return false; } // ************************************************************* void MeterFilter::ResetMeter() { m_currentMessageBytes = m_totalBytes = m_currentSeriesMessages = m_totalMessages = m_totalMessageSeries = 0; m_rangesToSkip.clear(); } void MeterFilter::AddRangeToSkip(unsigned int message, lword position, lword size, bool sortNow) { MessageRange r = {message, position, size}; m_rangesToSkip.push_back(r); if (sortNow) std::sort(m_rangesToSkip.begin(), m_rangesToSkip.end()); } size_t MeterFilter::PutMaybeModifiable(byte *begin, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking, bool modifiable) { if (!m_transparent) return 0; size_t t; FILTER_BEGIN; m_begin = begin; m_length = length; while (m_length > 0 || messageEnd) { if (m_length > 0 && !m_rangesToSkip.empty() && m_rangesToSkip.front().message == m_totalMessages && m_currentMessageBytes + m_length > m_rangesToSkip.front().position) { FILTER_OUTPUT_MAYBE_MODIFIABLE(1, m_begin, t = (size_t)SaturatingSubtract(m_rangesToSkip.front().position, m_currentMessageBytes), false, modifiable); CRYPTOPP_ASSERT(t < m_length); m_begin += t; m_length -= t; m_currentMessageBytes += t; m_totalBytes += t; if (m_currentMessageBytes + m_length < m_rangesToSkip.front().position + m_rangesToSkip.front().size) t = m_length; else { t = (size_t)SaturatingSubtract(m_rangesToSkip.front().position + m_rangesToSkip.front().size, m_currentMessageBytes); CRYPTOPP_ASSERT(t <= m_length); m_rangesToSkip.pop_front(); } m_begin += t; m_length -= t; m_currentMessageBytes += t; m_totalBytes += t; } else { FILTER_OUTPUT_MAYBE_MODIFIABLE(2, m_begin, m_length, messageEnd, modifiable); m_currentMessageBytes += m_length; m_totalBytes += m_length; m_length = 0; if (messageEnd) { m_currentMessageBytes = 0; m_currentSeriesMessages++; m_totalMessages++; messageEnd = false; } } } FILTER_END_NO_MESSAGE_END; } size_t MeterFilter::Put2(const byte *begin, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking) { return PutMaybeModifiable(const_cast(begin), length, messageEnd, blocking, false); } size_t MeterFilter::PutModifiable2(byte *begin, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking) { return PutMaybeModifiable(begin, length, messageEnd, blocking, true); } bool MeterFilter::IsolatedMessageSeriesEnd(bool blocking) { CRYPTOPP_UNUSED(blocking); m_currentMessageBytes = 0; m_currentSeriesMessages = 0; m_totalMessageSeries++; return false; } // ************************************************************* void FilterWithBufferedInput::BlockQueue::ResetQueue(size_t blockSize, size_t maxBlocks) { m_buffer.New(blockSize * maxBlocks); m_blockSize = blockSize; m_maxBlocks = maxBlocks; m_size = 0; m_begin = m_buffer; } byte *FilterWithBufferedInput::BlockQueue::GetBlock() { if (m_size >= m_blockSize) { byte *ptr = m_begin; if ((m_begin+=m_blockSize) == m_buffer.end()) m_begin = m_buffer; m_size -= m_blockSize; return ptr; } else return NULLPTR; } byte *FilterWithBufferedInput::BlockQueue::GetContigousBlocks(size_t &numberOfBytes) { numberOfBytes = STDMIN(numberOfBytes, STDMIN(size_t(m_buffer.end()-m_begin), m_size)); byte *ptr = m_begin; m_begin += numberOfBytes; m_size -= numberOfBytes; if (m_size == 0 || m_begin == m_buffer.end()) m_begin = m_buffer; return ptr; } size_t FilterWithBufferedInput::BlockQueue::GetAll(byte *outString) { // Avoid passing NULL pointer to memcpy if (!outString) return 0; size_t size = m_size; size_t numberOfBytes = m_maxBlocks*m_blockSize; const byte *ptr = GetContigousBlocks(numberOfBytes); memcpy(outString, ptr, numberOfBytes); memcpy(outString+numberOfBytes, m_begin, m_size); m_size = 0; return size; } void FilterWithBufferedInput::BlockQueue::Put(const byte *inString, size_t length) { // Avoid passing NULL pointer to memcpy if (!inString || !length) return; CRYPTOPP_ASSERT(m_size + length <= m_buffer.size()); byte *end = (m_size < size_t(m_buffer.end()-m_begin)) ? m_begin + m_size : m_begin + m_size - m_buffer.size(); size_t len = STDMIN(length, size_t(m_buffer.end()-end)); memcpy(end, inString, len); if (len < length) memcpy(m_buffer, inString+len, length-len); m_size += length; } FilterWithBufferedInput::FilterWithBufferedInput(BufferedTransformation *attachment) : Filter(attachment), m_firstSize(SIZE_MAX), m_blockSize(0), m_lastSize(SIZE_MAX), m_firstInputDone(false) { } FilterWithBufferedInput::FilterWithBufferedInput(size_t firstSize, size_t blockSize, size_t lastSize, BufferedTransformation *attachment) : Filter(attachment), m_firstSize(firstSize), m_blockSize(blockSize), m_lastSize(lastSize), m_firstInputDone(false) { if (m_firstSize == SIZE_MAX || m_blockSize < 1 || m_lastSize == SIZE_MAX) throw InvalidArgument("FilterWithBufferedInput: invalid buffer size"); m_queue.ResetQueue(1, m_firstSize); } void FilterWithBufferedInput::IsolatedInitialize(const NameValuePairs ¶meters) { InitializeDerivedAndReturnNewSizes(parameters, m_firstSize, m_blockSize, m_lastSize); if (m_firstSize == SIZE_MAX || m_blockSize < 1 || m_lastSize == SIZE_MAX) throw InvalidArgument("FilterWithBufferedInput: invalid buffer size"); m_queue.ResetQueue(1, m_firstSize); m_firstInputDone = false; } bool FilterWithBufferedInput::IsolatedFlush(bool hardFlush, bool blocking) { if (!blocking) throw BlockingInputOnly("FilterWithBufferedInput"); if (hardFlush) ForceNextPut(); FlushDerived(); return false; } size_t FilterWithBufferedInput::PutMaybeModifiable(byte *inString, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking, bool modifiable) { if (!blocking) throw BlockingInputOnly("FilterWithBufferedInput"); if (length != 0) { size_t newLength = m_queue.CurrentSize() + length; if (!m_firstInputDone && newLength >= m_firstSize) { size_t len = m_firstSize - m_queue.CurrentSize(); m_queue.Put(inString, len); FirstPut(m_queue.GetContigousBlocks(m_firstSize)); CRYPTOPP_ASSERT(m_queue.CurrentSize() == 0); m_queue.ResetQueue(m_blockSize, (2*m_blockSize+m_lastSize-2)/m_blockSize); inString += len; newLength -= m_firstSize; m_firstInputDone = true; } if (m_firstInputDone) { if (m_blockSize == 1) { while (newLength > m_lastSize && m_queue.CurrentSize() > 0) { size_t len = newLength - m_lastSize; byte *ptr = m_queue.GetContigousBlocks(len); NextPutModifiable(ptr, len); newLength -= len; } if (newLength > m_lastSize) { size_t len = newLength - m_lastSize; NextPutMaybeModifiable(inString, len, modifiable); inString += len; newLength -= len; } } else { while (newLength >= m_blockSize + m_lastSize && m_queue.CurrentSize() >= m_blockSize) { NextPutModifiable(m_queue.GetBlock(), m_blockSize); newLength -= m_blockSize; } if (newLength >= m_blockSize + m_lastSize && m_queue.CurrentSize() > 0) { CRYPTOPP_ASSERT(m_queue.CurrentSize() < m_blockSize); size_t len = m_blockSize - m_queue.CurrentSize(); m_queue.Put(inString, len); inString += len; NextPutModifiable(m_queue.GetBlock(), m_blockSize); newLength -= m_blockSize; } if (newLength >= m_blockSize + m_lastSize) { size_t len = RoundDownToMultipleOf(newLength - m_lastSize, m_blockSize); NextPutMaybeModifiable(inString, len, modifiable); inString += len; newLength -= len; } } } m_queue.Put(inString, newLength - m_queue.CurrentSize()); } if (messageEnd) { if (!m_firstInputDone && m_firstSize==0) FirstPut(NULLPTR); SecByteBlock temp(m_queue.CurrentSize()); m_queue.GetAll(temp); LastPut(temp, temp.size()); m_firstInputDone = false; m_queue.ResetQueue(1, m_firstSize); // Cast to void to suppress Coverity finding (void)Output(1, NULLPTR, 0, messageEnd, blocking); } return 0; } void FilterWithBufferedInput::ForceNextPut() { if (!m_firstInputDone) return; if (m_blockSize > 1) { while (m_queue.CurrentSize() >= m_blockSize) NextPutModifiable(m_queue.GetBlock(), m_blockSize); } else { size_t len; while ((len = m_queue.CurrentSize()) > 0) NextPutModifiable(m_queue.GetContigousBlocks(len), len); } } void FilterWithBufferedInput::NextPutMultiple(const byte *inString, size_t length) { CRYPTOPP_ASSERT(m_blockSize > 1); // m_blockSize = 1 should always override this function while (length > 0) { CRYPTOPP_ASSERT(length >= m_blockSize); NextPutSingle(inString); inString += m_blockSize; length -= m_blockSize; } } // ************************************************************* void Redirector::Initialize(const NameValuePairs ¶meters, int propagation) { m_target = parameters.GetValueWithDefault("RedirectionTargetPointer", (BufferedTransformation*)NULLPTR); m_behavior = parameters.GetIntValueWithDefault("RedirectionBehavior", PASS_EVERYTHING); if (m_target && GetPassSignals()) m_target->Initialize(parameters, propagation); } // ************************************************************* ProxyFilter::ProxyFilter(BufferedTransformation *filter, size_t firstSize, size_t lastSize, BufferedTransformation *attachment) : FilterWithBufferedInput(firstSize, 1, lastSize, attachment), m_filter(filter) { if (m_filter.get()) m_filter->Attach(new OutputProxy(*this, false)); } bool ProxyFilter::IsolatedFlush(bool hardFlush, bool blocking) { return m_filter.get() ? m_filter->Flush(hardFlush, -1, blocking) : false; } void ProxyFilter::SetFilter(Filter *filter) { m_filter.reset(filter); if (filter) { OutputProxy *proxy; member_ptr temp(proxy = new OutputProxy(*this, false)); m_filter->TransferAllTo(*proxy); m_filter->Attach(temp.release()); } } void ProxyFilter::NextPutMultiple(const byte *s, size_t len) { if (m_filter.get()) m_filter->Put(s, len); } void ProxyFilter::NextPutModifiable(byte *s, size_t len) { if (m_filter.get()) m_filter->PutModifiable(s, len); } // ************************************************************* void RandomNumberSink::IsolatedInitialize(const NameValuePairs ¶meters) { parameters.GetRequiredParameter("RandomNumberSink", "RandomNumberGeneratorPointer", m_rng); } size_t RandomNumberSink::Put2(const byte *begin, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking) { CRYPTOPP_UNUSED(messageEnd); CRYPTOPP_UNUSED(blocking); m_rng->IncorporateEntropy(begin, length); return 0; } size_t ArraySink::Put2(const byte *begin, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking) { CRYPTOPP_UNUSED(messageEnd); CRYPTOPP_UNUSED(blocking); // Avoid passing NULL pointer to memcpy. Using memmove due to // Valgrind finding on overlapping buffers. size_t copied = 0; if (m_buf && begin) { copied = STDMIN(length, SaturatingSubtract(m_size, m_total)); memmove(m_buf+m_total, begin, copied); } m_total += copied; return length - copied; } byte * ArraySink::CreatePutSpace(size_t &size) { size = SaturatingSubtract(m_size, m_total); return m_buf + m_total; } void ArraySink::IsolatedInitialize(const NameValuePairs ¶meters) { ByteArrayParameter array; if (!parameters.GetValue(Name::OutputBuffer(), array)) throw InvalidArgument("ArraySink: missing OutputBuffer argument"); m_buf = array.begin(); m_size = array.size(); } size_t ArrayXorSink::Put2(const byte *begin, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking) { CRYPTOPP_UNUSED(messageEnd); CRYPTOPP_UNUSED(blocking); // Avoid passing NULL pointer to xorbuf size_t copied = 0; if (m_buf && begin) { copied = STDMIN(length, SaturatingSubtract(m_size, m_total)); xorbuf(m_buf+m_total, begin, copied); } m_total += copied; return length - copied; } // ************************************************************* StreamTransformationFilter::StreamTransformationFilter(StreamTransformation &c, BufferedTransformation *attachment, BlockPaddingScheme padding) : FilterWithBufferedInput(attachment), m_cipher(c), m_padding(DEFAULT_PADDING) { CRYPTOPP_ASSERT(c.MinLastBlockSize() == 0 || c.MinLastBlockSize() > c.MandatoryBlockSize()); const bool authenticatedFilter = dynamic_cast(&c) != NULLPTR; if (authenticatedFilter) throw InvalidArgument("StreamTransformationFilter: please use AuthenticatedEncryptionFilter and AuthenticatedDecryptionFilter for AuthenticatedSymmetricCipher"); // InitializeDerivedAndReturnNewSizes may override some of these m_mandatoryBlockSize = m_cipher.MandatoryBlockSize(); m_optimalBufferSize = m_cipher.OptimalBlockSize(); m_isSpecial = m_cipher.IsLastBlockSpecial() && m_mandatoryBlockSize > 1; m_reservedBufferSize = STDMAX(2*m_mandatoryBlockSize, m_optimalBufferSize); IsolatedInitialize(MakeParameters(Name::BlockPaddingScheme(), padding)); } StreamTransformationFilter::StreamTransformationFilter(StreamTransformation &c, BufferedTransformation *attachment, BlockPaddingScheme padding, bool authenticated) : FilterWithBufferedInput(attachment), m_cipher(c), m_padding(DEFAULT_PADDING) { const bool authenticatedFilter = dynamic_cast(&c) != NULLPTR; if (!authenticatedFilter) { CRYPTOPP_ASSERT(c.MinLastBlockSize() == 0 || c.MinLastBlockSize() > c.MandatoryBlockSize()); } if (authenticatedFilter && !authenticated) throw InvalidArgument("StreamTransformationFilter: please use AuthenticatedEncryptionFilter and AuthenticatedDecryptionFilter for AuthenticatedSymmetricCipher"); // InitializeDerivedAndReturnNewSizes may override some of these m_mandatoryBlockSize = m_cipher.MandatoryBlockSize(); m_optimalBufferSize = m_cipher.OptimalBlockSize(); m_isSpecial = m_cipher.IsLastBlockSpecial() && m_mandatoryBlockSize > 1; m_reservedBufferSize = STDMAX(2*m_mandatoryBlockSize, m_optimalBufferSize); IsolatedInitialize(MakeParameters(Name::BlockPaddingScheme(), padding)); } size_t StreamTransformationFilter::LastBlockSize(StreamTransformation &c, BlockPaddingScheme padding) { if (c.MinLastBlockSize() > 0) return c.MinLastBlockSize(); else if (c.MandatoryBlockSize() > 1 && !c.IsForwardTransformation() && padding != NO_PADDING && padding != ZEROS_PADDING) return c.MandatoryBlockSize(); return 0; } void StreamTransformationFilter::InitializeDerivedAndReturnNewSizes(const NameValuePairs ¶meters, size_t &firstSize, size_t &blockSize, size_t &lastSize) { BlockPaddingScheme padding = parameters.GetValueWithDefault(Name::BlockPaddingScheme(), DEFAULT_PADDING); bool isBlockCipher = (m_mandatoryBlockSize > 1 && m_cipher.MinLastBlockSize() == 0); if (padding == DEFAULT_PADDING) m_padding = isBlockCipher ? PKCS_PADDING : NO_PADDING; else m_padding = padding; if (!isBlockCipher) { if (m_padding == PKCS_PADDING) throw InvalidArgument("StreamTransformationFilter: PKCS_PADDING cannot be used with " + m_cipher.AlgorithmName()); else if (m_padding == W3C_PADDING) throw InvalidArgument("StreamTransformationFilter: W3C_PADDING cannot be used with " + m_cipher.AlgorithmName()); else if (m_padding == ONE_AND_ZEROS_PADDING) throw InvalidArgument("StreamTransformationFilter: ONE_AND_ZEROS_PADDING cannot be used with " + m_cipher.AlgorithmName()); } firstSize = 0; blockSize = m_mandatoryBlockSize; lastSize = LastBlockSize(m_cipher, m_padding); } void StreamTransformationFilter::FirstPut(const byte* inString) { CRYPTOPP_UNUSED(inString); m_optimalBufferSize = STDMAX(m_optimalBufferSize, RoundDownToMultipleOf(4096U, m_optimalBufferSize)); } void StreamTransformationFilter::NextPutMultiple(const byte *inString, size_t length) { if (!length) {return;} const size_t s = m_cipher.MandatoryBlockSize(); do { size_t len = m_optimalBufferSize; byte *space = HelpCreatePutSpace(*AttachedTransformation(), DEFAULT_CHANNEL, s, length, len); if (len < length) { if (len == m_optimalBufferSize) len -= m_cipher.GetOptimalBlockSizeUsed(); len = RoundDownToMultipleOf(len, s); } else len = length; m_cipher.ProcessString(space, inString, len); AttachedTransformation()->PutModifiable(space, len); inString += len; length -= len; } while (length > 0); } void StreamTransformationFilter::NextPutModifiable(byte *inString, size_t length) { m_cipher.ProcessString(inString, length); AttachedTransformation()->PutModifiable(inString, length); } void StreamTransformationFilter::LastPut(const byte *inString, size_t length) { byte *space = NULLPTR; #if 1 // This block is new to StreamTransformationFilter. It somewhat of a hack and was added // for OCB mode; see GitHub Issue 515. The rub with OCB is, its a block cipher and the // last block size can be 0. However, "last block = 0" is not the 0 predacted in the // original code. In the orginal code 0 means "nothing special" so DEFAULT_PADDING is // applied. OCB's 0 literally means a final block size can be 0 or non-0; and no padding // is needed in either case because OCB has its own scheme (see handling of P_* and A_*). // Stream ciphers have policy objects to convey how to operate the cipher. The Crypto++ // framework operates well when MinLastBlockSize() is 1. However, it did not appear to // cover the OCB case either because we can't stream OCB. It needs full block sizes. In // response we hacked a IsLastBlockSpecial(). When true StreamTransformationFilter // defers to the mode for processing of the last block. // The behavior supplied when IsLastBlockSpecial() will likely have to evolve to capture // more complex cases from different authenc modes. I suspect it will have to change // from a simple bool to something that conveys more information, like "last block // no padding" or "custom padding applied by cipher". // In some respect we have already hit the need for more information. For example, OCB // calculates the checksum on the cipher text at the same time, so we don't need the // disjoint behavior of calling "EncryptBlock" followed by a separate "AuthenticateBlock". // Additional information may allow us to avoid the two spearate calls. if (m_isSpecial) { const size_t leftOver = length % m_mandatoryBlockSize; space = HelpCreatePutSpace(*AttachedTransformation(), DEFAULT_CHANNEL, m_reservedBufferSize); length -= leftOver; if (length) { // Process full blocks m_cipher.ProcessData(space, inString, length); AttachedTransformation()->Put(space, length); inString += length; } if (leftOver) { // Process final partial block length = m_cipher.ProcessLastBlock(space, m_reservedBufferSize, inString, leftOver); AttachedTransformation()->Put(space, length); } else { // Process final empty block length = m_cipher.ProcessLastBlock(space, m_reservedBufferSize, NULLPTR, 0); AttachedTransformation()->Put(space, length); } return; } #endif switch (m_padding) { case NO_PADDING: case ZEROS_PADDING: if (length > 0) { const size_t minLastBlockSize = m_cipher.MinLastBlockSize(); const bool isForwardTransformation = m_cipher.IsForwardTransformation(); if (isForwardTransformation && m_padding == ZEROS_PADDING && (minLastBlockSize == 0 || length < minLastBlockSize)) { // do padding size_t blockSize = STDMAX(minLastBlockSize, (size_t)m_mandatoryBlockSize); space = HelpCreatePutSpace(*AttachedTransformation(), DEFAULT_CHANNEL, blockSize); if (inString) {memcpy(space, inString, length);} memset(space + length, 0, blockSize - length); size_t used = m_cipher.ProcessLastBlock(space, blockSize, space, blockSize); AttachedTransformation()->Put(space, used); } else { if (minLastBlockSize == 0) { if (isForwardTransformation) throw InvalidDataFormat("StreamTransformationFilter: plaintext length is not a multiple of block size and NO_PADDING is specified"); else throw InvalidCiphertext("StreamTransformationFilter: ciphertext length is not a multiple of block size"); } space = HelpCreatePutSpace(*AttachedTransformation(), DEFAULT_CHANNEL, length, m_optimalBufferSize); size_t used = m_cipher.ProcessLastBlock(space, length, inString, length); AttachedTransformation()->Put(space, used); } } break; case PKCS_PADDING: case W3C_PADDING: case ONE_AND_ZEROS_PADDING: unsigned int s; s = m_mandatoryBlockSize; CRYPTOPP_ASSERT(s > 1); space = HelpCreatePutSpace(*AttachedTransformation(), DEFAULT_CHANNEL, s, m_optimalBufferSize); if (m_cipher.IsForwardTransformation()) { CRYPTOPP_ASSERT(length < s); if (inString) {memcpy(space, inString, length);} if (m_padding == PKCS_PADDING) { CRYPTOPP_ASSERT(s < 256); byte pad = static_cast(s-length); memset(space+length, pad, s-length); } else if (m_padding == W3C_PADDING) { CRYPTOPP_ASSERT(s < 256); memset(space+length, 0, s-length-1); space[s-1] = static_cast(s-length); } else { space[length] = 0x80; memset(space+length+1, 0, s-length-1); } m_cipher.ProcessData(space, space, s); AttachedTransformation()->Put(space, s); } else { if (length != s) throw InvalidCiphertext("StreamTransformationFilter: ciphertext length is not a multiple of block size"); m_cipher.ProcessData(space, inString, s); if (m_padding == PKCS_PADDING) { byte pad = space[s-1]; if (pad < 1 || pad > s || FindIfNot(space+s-pad, space+s, pad) != space+s) throw InvalidCiphertext("StreamTransformationFilter: invalid PKCS #7 block padding found"); length = s-pad; } else if (m_padding == W3C_PADDING) { byte pad = space[s - 1]; if (pad < 1 || pad > s) throw InvalidCiphertext("StreamTransformationFilter: invalid W3C block padding found"); length = s - pad; } else { while (length > 1 && space[length-1] == 0) --length; if (space[--length] != 0x80) throw InvalidCiphertext("StreamTransformationFilter: invalid ones-and-zeros padding found"); } AttachedTransformation()->Put(space, length); } break; default: CRYPTOPP_ASSERT(false); } } // ************************************************************* HashFilter::HashFilter(HashTransformation &hm, BufferedTransformation *attachment, bool putMessage, int truncatedDigestSize, const std::string &messagePutChannel, const std::string &hashPutChannel) : m_hashModule(hm), m_putMessage(putMessage), m_digestSize(0), m_space(NULLPTR) , m_messagePutChannel(messagePutChannel), m_hashPutChannel(hashPutChannel) { m_digestSize = truncatedDigestSize < 0 ? m_hashModule.DigestSize() : truncatedDigestSize; Detach(attachment); } void HashFilter::IsolatedInitialize(const NameValuePairs ¶meters) { m_putMessage = parameters.GetValueWithDefault(Name::PutMessage(), false); int s = parameters.GetIntValueWithDefault(Name::TruncatedDigestSize(), -1); m_digestSize = s < 0 ? m_hashModule.DigestSize() : s; } size_t HashFilter::Put2(const byte *inString, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking) { FILTER_BEGIN; if (m_putMessage) FILTER_OUTPUT3(1, 0, inString, length, 0, m_messagePutChannel); if (inString && length) m_hashModule.Update(inString, length); if (messageEnd) { { size_t size; m_space = HelpCreatePutSpace(*AttachedTransformation(), m_hashPutChannel, m_digestSize, m_digestSize, size = m_digestSize); m_hashModule.TruncatedFinal(m_space, m_digestSize); } FILTER_OUTPUT3(2, 0, m_space, m_digestSize, messageEnd, m_hashPutChannel); } FILTER_END_NO_MESSAGE_END; } // ************************************************************* HashVerificationFilter::HashVerificationFilter(HashTransformation &hm, BufferedTransformation *attachment, word32 flags, int truncatedDigestSize) : FilterWithBufferedInput(attachment) , m_hashModule(hm), m_flags(0), m_digestSize(0), m_verified(false) { IsolatedInitialize(MakeParameters(Name::HashVerificationFilterFlags(), flags)(Name::TruncatedDigestSize(), truncatedDigestSize)); } void HashVerificationFilter::InitializeDerivedAndReturnNewSizes(const NameValuePairs ¶meters, size_t &firstSize, size_t &blockSize, size_t &lastSize) { m_flags = parameters.GetValueWithDefault(Name::HashVerificationFilterFlags(), (word32)DEFAULT_FLAGS); int s = parameters.GetIntValueWithDefault(Name::TruncatedDigestSize(), -1); m_digestSize = s < 0 ? m_hashModule.DigestSize() : s; m_verified = false; firstSize = m_flags & HASH_AT_BEGIN ? m_digestSize : 0; blockSize = 1; lastSize = m_flags & HASH_AT_BEGIN ? 0 : m_digestSize; } void HashVerificationFilter::FirstPut(const byte *inString) { if (m_flags & HASH_AT_BEGIN) { m_expectedHash.New(m_digestSize); if (inString) {memcpy(m_expectedHash, inString, m_expectedHash.size());} if (m_flags & PUT_HASH) AttachedTransformation()->Put(inString, m_expectedHash.size()); } } void HashVerificationFilter::NextPutMultiple(const byte *inString, size_t length) { m_hashModule.Update(inString, length); if (m_flags & PUT_MESSAGE) AttachedTransformation()->Put(inString, length); } void HashVerificationFilter::LastPut(const byte *inString, size_t length) { if (m_flags & HASH_AT_BEGIN) { CRYPTOPP_ASSERT(length == 0); m_verified = m_hashModule.TruncatedVerify(m_expectedHash, m_digestSize); } else { m_verified = (length==m_digestSize && m_hashModule.TruncatedVerify(inString, length)); if (m_flags & PUT_HASH) AttachedTransformation()->Put(inString, length); } if (m_flags & PUT_RESULT) AttachedTransformation()->Put(m_verified); if ((m_flags & THROW_EXCEPTION) && !m_verified) throw HashVerificationFailed(); } // ************************************************************* AuthenticatedEncryptionFilter::AuthenticatedEncryptionFilter(AuthenticatedSymmetricCipher &c, BufferedTransformation *attachment, bool putAAD, int truncatedDigestSize, const std::string &macChannel, BlockPaddingScheme padding) : StreamTransformationFilter(c, attachment, padding, true) , m_hf(c, new OutputProxy(*this, false), putAAD, truncatedDigestSize, AAD_CHANNEL, macChannel) { CRYPTOPP_ASSERT(c.IsForwardTransformation()); } void AuthenticatedEncryptionFilter::IsolatedInitialize(const NameValuePairs ¶meters) { m_hf.IsolatedInitialize(parameters); StreamTransformationFilter::IsolatedInitialize(parameters); } byte * AuthenticatedEncryptionFilter::ChannelCreatePutSpace(const std::string &channel, size_t &size) { if (channel.empty()) return StreamTransformationFilter::CreatePutSpace(size); if (channel == AAD_CHANNEL) return m_hf.CreatePutSpace(size); throw InvalidChannelName("AuthenticatedEncryptionFilter", channel); } size_t AuthenticatedEncryptionFilter::ChannelPut2(const std::string &channel, const byte *begin, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking) { if (channel.empty()) return StreamTransformationFilter::Put2(begin, length, messageEnd, blocking); if (channel == AAD_CHANNEL) return m_hf.Put2(begin, length, 0, blocking); throw InvalidChannelName("AuthenticatedEncryptionFilter", channel); } void AuthenticatedEncryptionFilter::LastPut(const byte *inString, size_t length) { StreamTransformationFilter::LastPut(inString, length); m_hf.MessageEnd(); } // ************************************************************* AuthenticatedDecryptionFilter::AuthenticatedDecryptionFilter(AuthenticatedSymmetricCipher &c, BufferedTransformation *attachment, word32 flags, int truncatedDigestSize, BlockPaddingScheme padding) : FilterWithBufferedInput(attachment) , m_hashVerifier(c, new OutputProxy(*this, false)) , m_streamFilter(c, new OutputProxy(*this, false), padding, true) { CRYPTOPP_ASSERT(!c.IsForwardTransformation() || c.IsSelfInverting()); IsolatedInitialize(MakeParameters(Name::BlockPaddingScheme(), padding)(Name::AuthenticatedDecryptionFilterFlags(), flags)(Name::TruncatedDigestSize(), truncatedDigestSize)); } void AuthenticatedDecryptionFilter::InitializeDerivedAndReturnNewSizes(const NameValuePairs ¶meters, size_t &firstSize, size_t &blockSize, size_t &lastSize) { word32 flags = parameters.GetValueWithDefault(Name::AuthenticatedDecryptionFilterFlags(), (word32)DEFAULT_FLAGS); m_hashVerifier.Initialize(CombinedNameValuePairs(parameters, MakeParameters(Name::HashVerificationFilterFlags(), flags))); m_streamFilter.Initialize(parameters); firstSize = m_hashVerifier.m_firstSize; blockSize = 1; lastSize = m_hashVerifier.m_lastSize; } byte * AuthenticatedDecryptionFilter::ChannelCreatePutSpace(const std::string &channel, size_t &size) { if (channel.empty()) return m_streamFilter.CreatePutSpace(size); if (channel == AAD_CHANNEL) return m_hashVerifier.CreatePutSpace(size); throw InvalidChannelName("AuthenticatedDecryptionFilter", channel); } size_t AuthenticatedDecryptionFilter::ChannelPut2(const std::string &channel, const byte *begin, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking) { if (channel.empty()) { if (m_lastSize > 0) m_hashVerifier.ForceNextPut(); return FilterWithBufferedInput::Put2(begin, length, messageEnd, blocking); } if (channel == AAD_CHANNEL) return m_hashVerifier.Put2(begin, length, 0, blocking); throw InvalidChannelName("AuthenticatedDecryptionFilter", channel); } void AuthenticatedDecryptionFilter::FirstPut(const byte *inString) { m_hashVerifier.Put(inString, m_firstSize); } void AuthenticatedDecryptionFilter::NextPutMultiple(const byte *inString, size_t length) { m_streamFilter.Put(inString, length); } void AuthenticatedDecryptionFilter::LastPut(const byte *inString, size_t length) { m_streamFilter.MessageEnd(); m_hashVerifier.PutMessageEnd(inString, length); } // ************************************************************* void SignerFilter::IsolatedInitialize(const NameValuePairs ¶meters) { m_putMessage = parameters.GetValueWithDefault(Name::PutMessage(), false); m_messageAccumulator.reset(m_signer.NewSignatureAccumulator(m_rng)); } size_t SignerFilter::Put2(const byte *inString, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking) { FILTER_BEGIN; m_messageAccumulator->Update(inString, length); if (m_putMessage) FILTER_OUTPUT(1, inString, length, 0); if (messageEnd) { m_buf.New(m_signer.SignatureLength()); m_signer.Sign(m_rng, m_messageAccumulator.release(), m_buf); FILTER_OUTPUT(2, m_buf, m_buf.size(), messageEnd); m_messageAccumulator.reset(m_signer.NewSignatureAccumulator(m_rng)); } FILTER_END_NO_MESSAGE_END; } SignatureVerificationFilter::SignatureVerificationFilter(const PK_Verifier &verifier, BufferedTransformation *attachment, word32 flags) : FilterWithBufferedInput(attachment) , m_verifier(verifier), m_flags(0), m_verified(0) { IsolatedInitialize(MakeParameters(Name::SignatureVerificationFilterFlags(), flags)); } void SignatureVerificationFilter::InitializeDerivedAndReturnNewSizes(const NameValuePairs ¶meters, size_t &firstSize, size_t &blockSize, size_t &lastSize) { m_flags = parameters.GetValueWithDefault(Name::SignatureVerificationFilterFlags(), (word32)DEFAULT_FLAGS); m_messageAccumulator.reset(m_verifier.NewVerificationAccumulator()); size_t size = m_verifier.SignatureLength(); CRYPTOPP_ASSERT(size != 0); // TODO: handle recoverable signature scheme m_verified = false; firstSize = m_flags & SIGNATURE_AT_BEGIN ? size : 0; blockSize = 1; lastSize = m_flags & SIGNATURE_AT_BEGIN ? 0 : size; } void SignatureVerificationFilter::FirstPut(const byte *inString) { if (m_flags & SIGNATURE_AT_BEGIN) { if (m_verifier.SignatureUpfront()) m_verifier.InputSignature(*m_messageAccumulator, inString, m_verifier.SignatureLength()); else { m_signature.New(m_verifier.SignatureLength()); if (inString) {memcpy(m_signature, inString, m_signature.size());} } if (m_flags & PUT_SIGNATURE) AttachedTransformation()->Put(inString, m_signature.size()); } else { CRYPTOPP_ASSERT(!m_verifier.SignatureUpfront()); } } void SignatureVerificationFilter::NextPutMultiple(const byte *inString, size_t length) { m_messageAccumulator->Update(inString, length); if (m_flags & PUT_MESSAGE) AttachedTransformation()->Put(inString, length); } void SignatureVerificationFilter::LastPut(const byte *inString, size_t length) { if (m_flags & SIGNATURE_AT_BEGIN) { CRYPTOPP_ASSERT(length == 0); m_verifier.InputSignature(*m_messageAccumulator, m_signature, m_signature.size()); m_verified = m_verifier.VerifyAndRestart(*m_messageAccumulator); } else { m_verifier.InputSignature(*m_messageAccumulator, inString, length); m_verified = m_verifier.VerifyAndRestart(*m_messageAccumulator); if (m_flags & PUT_SIGNATURE) AttachedTransformation()->Put(inString, length); } if (m_flags & PUT_RESULT) AttachedTransformation()->Put(m_verified); if ((m_flags & THROW_EXCEPTION) && !m_verified) throw SignatureVerificationFailed(); } // ************************************************************* size_t Source::PumpAll2(bool blocking) { unsigned int messageCount = UINT_MAX; do { RETURN_IF_NONZERO(PumpMessages2(messageCount, blocking)); } while(messageCount == UINT_MAX); return 0; } bool Store::GetNextMessage() { if (!m_messageEnd && !AnyRetrievable()) { m_messageEnd=true; return true; } else return false; } unsigned int Store::CopyMessagesTo(BufferedTransformation &target, unsigned int count, const std::string &channel) const { if (m_messageEnd || count == 0) return 0; else { CopyTo(target, ULONG_MAX, channel); if (GetAutoSignalPropagation()) target.ChannelMessageEnd(channel, GetAutoSignalPropagation()-1); return 1; } } void StringStore::StoreInitialize(const NameValuePairs ¶meters) { ConstByteArrayParameter array; if (!parameters.GetValue(Name::InputBuffer(), array)) throw InvalidArgument("StringStore: missing InputBuffer argument"); m_store = array.begin(); m_length = array.size(); m_count = 0; } size_t StringStore::TransferTo2(BufferedTransformation &target, lword &transferBytes, const std::string &channel, bool blocking) { lword position = 0; size_t blockedBytes = CopyRangeTo2(target, position, transferBytes, channel, blocking); m_count += (size_t)position; transferBytes = position; return blockedBytes; } size_t StringStore::CopyRangeTo2(BufferedTransformation &target, lword &begin, lword end, const std::string &channel, bool blocking) const { size_t i = UnsignedMin(m_length, m_count+begin); size_t len = UnsignedMin(m_length-i, end-begin); size_t blockedBytes = target.ChannelPut2(channel, m_store+i, len, 0, blocking); if (!blockedBytes) begin += len; return blockedBytes; } void RandomNumberStore::StoreInitialize(const NameValuePairs ¶meters) { parameters.GetRequiredParameter("RandomNumberStore", "RandomNumberGeneratorPointer", m_rng); int length; parameters.GetRequiredIntParameter("RandomNumberStore", "RandomNumberStoreSize", length); m_length = length; } size_t RandomNumberStore::TransferTo2(BufferedTransformation &target, lword &transferBytes, const std::string &channel, bool blocking) { if (!blocking) throw NotImplemented("RandomNumberStore: nonblocking transfer is not implemented by this object"); transferBytes = UnsignedMin(transferBytes, m_length - m_count); m_rng->GenerateIntoBufferedTransformation(target, channel, transferBytes); m_count += transferBytes; return 0; } size_t NullStore::CopyRangeTo2(BufferedTransformation &target, lword &begin, lword end, const std::string &channel, bool blocking) const { static const byte nullBytes[128] = {0}; while (begin < end) { size_t len = (size_t)STDMIN(end-begin, lword(128)); size_t blockedBytes = target.ChannelPut2(channel, nullBytes, len, 0, blocking); if (blockedBytes) return blockedBytes; begin += len; } return 0; } size_t NullStore::TransferTo2(BufferedTransformation &target, lword &transferBytes, const std::string &channel, bool blocking) { lword begin = 0; size_t blockedBytes = NullStore::CopyRangeTo2(target, begin, transferBytes, channel, blocking); transferBytes = begin; m_size -= begin; return blockedBytes; } NAMESPACE_END #endif