#include "DataTree.h" #include "../datanodestore/DataNodeStore.h" #include "../datanodestore/DataInnerNode.h" #include "../datanodestore/DataLeafNode.h" #include "../utils/Math.h" #include "impl/algorithms.h" #include "messmer/cpp-utils/pointer/cast.h" #include "messmer/cpp-utils/pointer/optional_ownership_ptr.h" #include #include using blockstore::Key; using blobstore::onblocks::datanodestore::DataNodeStore; using blobstore::onblocks::datanodestore::DataNode; using blobstore::onblocks::datanodestore::DataInnerNode; using blobstore::onblocks::datanodestore::DataLeafNode; using blobstore::onblocks::datanodestore::DataNodeLayout; using std::dynamic_pointer_cast; using std::function; using boost::shared_mutex; using boost::shared_lock; using boost::unique_lock; using boost::none; using std::vector; using cpputils::dynamic_pointer_move; using cpputils::optional_ownership_ptr; using cpputils::WithOwnership; using cpputils::WithoutOwnership; using cpputils::unique_ref; namespace blobstore { namespace onblocks { namespace datatreestore { DataTree::DataTree(DataNodeStore *nodeStore, unique_ref rootNode) : _mutex(), _nodeStore(nodeStore), _rootNode(std::move(rootNode)) { } DataTree::~DataTree() { } void DataTree::removeLastDataLeaf() { auto deletePosOrNull = algorithms::GetLowestRightBorderNodeWithMoreThanOneChildOrNull(_nodeStore, _rootNode.get()); ASSERT(deletePosOrNull.get() != nullptr, "Tree has only one leaf, can't shrink it."); deleteLastChildSubtree(deletePosOrNull.get()); ifRootHasOnlyOneChildReplaceRootWithItsChild(); } void DataTree::ifRootHasOnlyOneChildReplaceRootWithItsChild() { DataInnerNode *rootNode = dynamic_cast(_rootNode.get()); ASSERT(rootNode != nullptr, "RootNode is not an inner node"); if (rootNode->numChildren() == 1) { auto child = _nodeStore->load(rootNode->getChild(0)->key()); ASSERT(child != none, "Couldn't load first child of root node"); _rootNode = _nodeStore->overwriteNodeWith(std::move(_rootNode), **child); _nodeStore->remove(std::move(*child)); } } void DataTree::deleteLastChildSubtree(DataInnerNode *node) { auto lastChild = _nodeStore->load(node->LastChild()->key()); ASSERT(lastChild != none, "Couldn't load last child"); _nodeStore->removeSubtree(std::move(*lastChild)); node->removeLastChild(); } unique_ref DataTree::addDataLeaf() { auto insertPosOrNull = algorithms::GetLowestInnerRightBorderNodeWithLessThanKChildrenOrNull(_nodeStore, _rootNode.get()); if (insertPosOrNull) { return addDataLeafAt(insertPosOrNull.get()); } else { return addDataLeafToFullTree(); } } unique_ref DataTree::addDataLeafAt(DataInnerNode *insertPos) { auto new_leaf = _nodeStore->createNewLeafNode(); auto chain = createChainOfInnerNodes(insertPos->depth()-1, new_leaf.get()); insertPos->addChild(*chain); return new_leaf; } optional_ownership_ptr DataTree::createChainOfInnerNodes(unsigned int num, DataNode *child) { //TODO This function is implemented twice, once with optional_ownership_ptr, once with unique_ref. Redundancy! optional_ownership_ptr chain = cpputils::WithoutOwnership(child); for(unsigned int i=0; icreateNewInnerNode(*chain); chain = cpputils::WithOwnership(std::move(newnode)); } return chain; } unique_ref DataTree::createChainOfInnerNodes(unsigned int num, unique_ref child) { unique_ref chain = std::move(child); for(unsigned int i=0; icreateNewInnerNode(*chain); } return chain; } DataInnerNode* DataTree::increaseTreeDepth(unsigned int levels) { ASSERT(levels >= 1, "Parameter out of bounds: tried to increase tree depth by zero."); auto copyOfOldRoot = _nodeStore->createNewNodeAsCopyFrom(*_rootNode); auto chain = createChainOfInnerNodes(levels-1, copyOfOldRoot.get()); auto newRootNode = DataNode::convertToNewInnerNode(std::move(_rootNode), *chain); DataInnerNode *result = newRootNode.get(); _rootNode = std::move(newRootNode); return result; } unique_ref DataTree::addDataLeafToFullTree() { DataInnerNode *rootNode = increaseTreeDepth(1); auto newLeaf = addDataLeafAt(rootNode); return newLeaf; } const Key &DataTree::key() const { return _rootNode->key(); } void DataTree::flush() const { // By grabbing a lock, we ensure that all modifying functions don't run currently and are therefore flushed unique_lock lock(_mutex); // We also have to flush the root node _rootNode->flush(); } unique_ref DataTree::releaseRootNode() { return std::move(_rootNode); } //TODO Test numLeaves(), for example also two configurations with same number of bytes but different number of leaves (last leaf has 0 bytes) uint32_t DataTree::numLeaves() const { shared_lock lock(_mutex); return _numLeaves(*_rootNode); } uint32_t DataTree::_numLeaves(const DataNode &node) const { const DataLeafNode *leaf = dynamic_cast(&node); if (leaf != nullptr) { return 1; } const DataInnerNode &inner = dynamic_cast(node); uint64_t numLeavesInLeftChildren = (inner.numChildren()-1) * leavesPerFullChild(inner); auto lastChild = _nodeStore->load(inner.LastChild()->key()); ASSERT(lastChild != none, "Couldn't load last child"); uint64_t numLeavesInRightChild = _numLeaves(**lastChild); return numLeavesInLeftChildren + numLeavesInRightChild; } void DataTree::traverseLeaves(uint32_t beginIndex, uint32_t endIndex, function func) { //TODO Can we traverse in parallel? unique_lock lock(_mutex); //TODO Only lock when resizing. Otherwise parallel read/write to a blob is not possible! ASSERT(beginIndex <= endIndex, "Invalid parameters"); if (0 == endIndex) { // In this case the utils::ceilLog(_, endIndex) below would fail return; } uint8_t neededTreeDepth = utils::ceilLog(_nodeStore->layout().maxChildrenPerInnerNode(), endIndex); uint32_t numLeaves = this->_numLeaves(*_rootNode); // TODO Querying the size causes a tree traversal down to the leaves. Possible without querying the size? if (_rootNode->depth() < neededTreeDepth) { //TODO Test cases that actually increase it here by 0 level / 1 level / more than 1 level increaseTreeDepth(neededTreeDepth - _rootNode->depth()); } if (numLeaves <= beginIndex) { //TODO Test cases with numLeaves < / >= beginIndex // There is a gap between the current size and the begin of the traversal return _traverseLeaves(_rootNode.get(), 0, numLeaves-1, endIndex, [beginIndex, numLeaves, &func, this](DataLeafNode* node, uint32_t index) { if (index >= beginIndex) { func(node, index); } else if (index == numLeaves - 1) { // It is the old last leaf - resize it to maximum node->resize(_nodeStore->layout().maxBytesPerLeaf()); } }); } else if (numLeaves < endIndex) { // We are starting traversal in the valid region, but traverse until after it (we grow new leaves) return _traverseLeaves(_rootNode.get(), 0, beginIndex, endIndex, [numLeaves, &func, this] (DataLeafNode *node, uint32_t index) { if (index == numLeaves - 1) { // It is the old last leaf - resize it to maximum node->resize(_nodeStore->layout().maxBytesPerLeaf()); } func(node, index); }); } else { //We are traversing entirely inside the valid region _traverseLeaves(_rootNode.get(), 0, beginIndex, endIndex, func); } } void DataTree::_traverseLeaves(DataNode *root, uint32_t leafOffset, uint32_t beginIndex, uint32_t endIndex, function func) { DataLeafNode *leaf = dynamic_cast(root); if (leaf != nullptr) { ASSERT(beginIndex <= 1 && endIndex <= 1, "If root node is a leaf, the (sub)tree has only one leaf - access indices must be 0 or 1."); if (beginIndex == 0 && endIndex == 1) { func(leaf, leafOffset); } return; } DataInnerNode *inner = dynamic_cast(root); uint32_t leavesPerChild = leavesPerFullChild(*inner); uint32_t beginChild = beginIndex/leavesPerChild; uint32_t endChild = utils::ceilDivision(endIndex, leavesPerChild); vector> children = getOrCreateChildren(inner, beginChild, endChild); for (uint32_t childIndex = beginChild; childIndex < endChild; ++childIndex) { uint32_t childOffset = childIndex * leavesPerChild; uint32_t localBeginIndex = utils::maxZeroSubtraction(beginIndex, childOffset); uint32_t localEndIndex = std::min(leavesPerChild, endIndex - childOffset); auto child = std::move(children[childIndex-beginChild]); _traverseLeaves(child.get(), leafOffset + childOffset, localBeginIndex, localEndIndex, func); } } vector> DataTree::getOrCreateChildren(DataInnerNode *node, uint32_t begin, uint32_t end) { vector> children; children.reserve(end-begin); for (uint32_t childIndex = begin; childIndex < std::min(node->numChildren(), end); ++childIndex) { auto child = _nodeStore->load(node->getChild(childIndex)->key()); ASSERT(child != none, "Couldn't load child node"); children.emplace_back(std::move(*child)); } for (uint32_t childIndex = node->numChildren(); childIndex < end; ++childIndex) { //TODO This creates each child with one chain to one leaf only, and then on the next lower level it // has to create the children for the child. Would be faster to directly create full trees if necessary. children.emplace_back(addChildTo(node)); } ASSERT(children.size() == end-begin, "Number of children in the result is wrong"); return children; } unique_ref DataTree::addChildTo(DataInnerNode *node) { auto new_leaf = _nodeStore->createNewLeafNode(); new_leaf->resize(_nodeStore->layout().maxBytesPerLeaf()); auto chain = createChainOfInnerNodes(node->depth()-1, std::move(new_leaf)); node->addChild(*chain); return std::move(chain); } uint32_t DataTree::leavesPerFullChild(const DataInnerNode &root) const { return utils::intPow(_nodeStore->layout().maxChildrenPerInnerNode(), (uint32_t)root.depth()-1); } uint64_t DataTree::numStoredBytes() const { shared_lock lock(_mutex); return _numStoredBytes(); } uint64_t DataTree::_numStoredBytes() const { return _numStoredBytes(*_rootNode); } uint64_t DataTree::_numStoredBytes(const DataNode &root) const { const DataLeafNode *leaf = dynamic_cast(&root); if (leaf != nullptr) { return leaf->numBytes(); } const DataInnerNode &inner = dynamic_cast(root); uint64_t numBytesInLeftChildren = (inner.numChildren()-1) * leavesPerFullChild(inner) * _nodeStore->layout().maxBytesPerLeaf(); auto lastChild = _nodeStore->load(inner.LastChild()->key()); ASSERT(lastChild != none, "Couldn't load last child"); uint64_t numBytesInRightChild = _numStoredBytes(**lastChild); return numBytesInLeftChildren + numBytesInRightChild; } void DataTree::resizeNumBytes(uint64_t newNumBytes) { //TODO Can we resize in parallel? Especially creating new blocks (i.e. encrypting them) is expensive and should be done in parallel. boost::upgrade_lock lock(_mutex); { boost::upgrade_to_unique_lock exclusiveLock(lock); //TODO Faster implementation possible (no addDataLeaf()/removeLastDataLeaf() in a loop, but directly resizing) LastLeaf(_rootNode.get())->resize(_nodeStore->layout().maxBytesPerLeaf()); uint64_t currentNumBytes = _numStoredBytes(); ASSERT(currentNumBytes % _nodeStore->layout().maxBytesPerLeaf() == 0, "The last leaf is not a max data leaf, although we just resized it to be one."); uint32_t currentNumLeaves = currentNumBytes / _nodeStore->layout().maxBytesPerLeaf(); uint32_t newNumLeaves = std::max(UINT64_C(1), utils::ceilDivision(newNumBytes, _nodeStore->layout().maxBytesPerLeaf())); for(uint32_t i = currentNumLeaves; i < newNumLeaves; ++i) { addDataLeaf()->resize(_nodeStore->layout().maxBytesPerLeaf()); } for(uint32_t i = currentNumLeaves; i > newNumLeaves; --i) { removeLastDataLeaf(); } uint32_t newLastLeafSize = newNumBytes - (newNumLeaves-1)*_nodeStore->layout().maxBytesPerLeaf(); LastLeaf(_rootNode.get())->resize(newLastLeafSize); } ASSERT(newNumBytes == numStoredBytes(), "We resized to the wrong number of bytes ("+std::to_string(numStoredBytes())+" instead of "+std::to_string(newNumBytes)+")"); } optional_ownership_ptr DataTree::LastLeaf(DataNode *root) { DataLeafNode *leaf = dynamic_cast(root); if (leaf != nullptr) { return WithoutOwnership(leaf); } DataInnerNode *inner = dynamic_cast(root); auto lastChild = _nodeStore->load(inner->LastChild()->key()); ASSERT(lastChild != none, "Couldn't load last child"); return WithOwnership(LastLeaf(std::move(*lastChild))); } unique_ref DataTree::LastLeaf(unique_ref root) { auto leaf = dynamic_pointer_move(root); if (leaf != none) { return std::move(*leaf); } auto inner = dynamic_pointer_move(root); ASSERT(inner != none, "Root node is neither a leaf nor an inner node"); auto child = _nodeStore->load((*inner)->LastChild()->key()); ASSERT(child != none, "Couldn't load last child"); return LastLeaf(std::move(*child)); } uint64_t DataTree::maxBytesPerLeaf() const { return _nodeStore->layout().maxBytesPerLeaf(); } } } }