name: CI on: ['push', 'pull_request'] jobs: build: name: Build and Test strategy: matrix: os: - macos-10.15 compiler: - cxx: g++-7 cc: gcc-7 homebrew_package: gcc@7 - cxx: g++-8 cc: gcc-8 homebrew_package: gcc@8 - cxx: g++-9 cc: gcc-9 homebrew_package: gcc@9 # - cxx: g++-10 # cc: gcc-10 # homebrew_package: gcc@10 build_type: - Debug - Release - RelWithDebInfo runs-on: ${{matrix.os}} env: # Setting conan cache dir to a location where our Github Cache Action can find it CONAN_USER_HOME: "${{ github.workspace }}/conan-cache/" steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v1 #TODO Ideally, the Find pip cache location + Setup pip cache step would be part of the setup action that runs pip, but Github doesn't support nested actions yet, see - name: Find pip cache location id: pip_cache_dir run: | echo "::set-output name=pip_cache_dir::$(pip3 cache dir)" shell: bash - name: Setup pip cache uses: actions/cache@v2 with: path: ${{ steps.pip_cache_dir.outputs.pip_cache_dir }} key: v0-${{ runner.os }}-setup-pip-${{ github.run_number }} restore-keys: v0-${{ runner.os }}-setup-pip- - name: Setup uses: ./.github/workflows/actions/osx_setup with: compiler_homebrew_package: ${{ matrix.compiler.homebrew_package }} #TODO Ideally, the Setup ccache step would be part of the build action, but Github doesn't support nested actions yet, see - name: Setup ccache uses: hendrikmuhs/ccache-action@7a464b8f54f1e1b78e7eb9d0272bc83072959235 # ccache-action@v1.0.3 with: key: "v0-${{ runner.os }}-ccache__${{matrix.os}}__${{matrix.compiler.cxx}}__${{}}__${{matrix.build_type}}__" - name: Configure ccache shell: bash run: ccache --set-config=compiler_check=content # TODO Ideally, the Setup conan cache step would be part of the build action, but Github doesn't support nested actions yet, see - name: Setup conan cache uses: actions/cache@v2 with: path: ${{ env.CONAN_USER_HOME }} key: "v0-${{ runner.os }}-conancache__${{matrix.os}}__${{matrix.compiler.cxx}}__${{}}__${{matrix.build_type}}__-${{ github.run_number }}" restore-keys: "v0-${{ runner.os }}-conancache__${{matrix.os}}__${{matrix.compiler.cxx}}__${{}}__${{matrix.build_type}}__-" - name: Build uses: ./.github/workflows/actions/run_build with: cxx: ${{ matrix.compiler.cxx }} cc: ${{ }} build_type: ${{ matrix.build_type }} - name: Test uses: ./.github/workflows/actions/run_tests