#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace boost; using namespace boost::filesystem; using namespace std; using namespace cryfs; using namespace cpputils; using namespace blockstore; using namespace blockstore::ondisk; using namespace blockstore::integrity; using namespace blockstore::lowtohighlevel; using namespace blobstore::onblocks; using namespace blobstore::onblocks::datanodestore; using namespace cryfs::fsblobstore; void printNode(unique_ref node) { std::cout << "BlockId: " << node->blockId().ToString() << ", Depth: " << static_cast(node->depth()) << " "; auto innerNode = dynamic_pointer_move(node); if (innerNode != none) { std::cout << "Type: inner\n"; return; } auto leafNode = dynamic_pointer_move(node); if (leafNode != none) { std::cout << "Type: leaf\n"; return; } } void _forEachBlob(FsBlobStore* blobStore, const BlockId& rootId, std::function callback) { callback(rootId); auto rootBlob = blobStore->load(rootId); ASSERT(rootBlob != boost::none, "Blob not found but referenced from directory entry"); auto rootDir = dynamic_pointer_move(*rootBlob); if (rootDir != boost::none) { std::vector children; children.reserve((*rootDir)->NumChildren()); (*rootDir)->AppendChildrenTo(&children); for (const auto& child : children) { auto childEntry = (*rootDir)->GetChild(child.name); ASSERT(childEntry != boost::none, "We just got this from the entry list, it must exist."); auto childId = childEntry->blockId(); _forEachBlob(blobStore, childId, callback); } } } void _forEachBlockInBlob(DataNodeStore* nodeStore, const BlockId& rootId, std::function callback) { callback(rootId); auto node = nodeStore->load(rootId); auto innerNode = dynamic_pointer_move(*node); if (innerNode != boost::none) { for (uint32_t childIndex = 0; childIndex < (*innerNode)->numChildren(); ++childIndex) { auto childId = (*innerNode)->readChild(childIndex).blockId(); _forEachBlockInBlob(nodeStore, childId, callback); } } } unique_ref makeBlockStore(const path& basedir, const CryConfigLoader::ConfigLoadResult& config, LocalStateDir& localStateDir) { auto onDiskBlockStore = make_unique_ref(basedir); auto encryptedBlockStore = CryCiphers::find(config.configFile->config()->Cipher()).createEncryptedBlockstore(std::move(onDiskBlockStore), config.configFile->config()->EncryptionKey()); auto statePath = localStateDir.forFilesystemId(config.configFile->config()->FilesystemId()); auto integrityFilePath = statePath / "integritydata"; auto onIntegrityViolation = [] () { std::cerr << "Warning: Integrity violation encountered" << std::endl; }; auto integrityBlockStore = make_unique_ref(std::move(encryptedBlockStore), integrityFilePath, config.myClientId, false, true, onIntegrityViolation); return make_unique_ref(std::move(integrityBlockStore)); } std::vector _getKnownBlobIds(const path& basedir, const CryConfigLoader::ConfigLoadResult& config, LocalStateDir& localStateDir) { auto blockStore = makeBlockStore(basedir, config, localStateDir); auto fsBlobStore = make_unique_ref(make_unique_ref(std::move(blockStore), config.configFile->config()->BlocksizeBytes())); std::vector result; cout << "Listing all file system entities (i.e. blobs)..." << flush; auto rootId = BlockId::FromString(config.configFile->config()->RootBlob()); _forEachBlob(fsBlobStore.get(), rootId, [&result] (const BlockId& blockId) { result.push_back(blockId); }); cout << "done" << endl; return result; } std::vector _getKnownBlockIds(const path& basedir, const CryConfigLoader::ConfigLoadResult& config, LocalStateDir& localStateDir) { auto knownBlobIds = _getKnownBlobIds(basedir, config, localStateDir); auto blockStore = makeBlockStore(basedir, config, localStateDir); auto nodeStore = make_unique_ref(std::move(blockStore), config.configFile->config()->BlocksizeBytes()); std::vector result; const uint32_t numNodes = nodeStore->numNodes(); result.reserve(numNodes); uint32_t i = 0; cout << "Listing all blocks used by these file system entities..." << endl; for (const auto& blobId : knownBlobIds) { _forEachBlockInBlob(nodeStore.get(), blobId, [&result, &i, numNodes] (const BlockId& blockId) { cout << "\r" << (++i) << "/" << numNodes << flush; result.push_back(blockId); }); } std::cout << "...done" << endl; return result; } set _getAllBlockIds(const path& basedir, const CryConfigLoader::ConfigLoadResult& config, LocalStateDir& localStateDir) { auto blockStore= makeBlockStore(basedir, config, localStateDir); set result; blockStore->forEachBlock([&result] (const BlockId& blockId) { result.insert(blockId); }); return result; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if (argc != 2) { std::cerr << "Usage: cryfs-stats [basedir]" << std::endl; exit(1); } path basedir = argv[1]; std::cout << "Calculating stats for filesystem at " << basedir << std::endl; auto console = std::make_shared(); console->print("Loading config\n"); auto askPassword = [console] () { return console->askPassword("Password: "); }; unique_ref keyProvider = make_unique_ref( console, askPassword, askPassword, make_unique_ref(SCrypt::DefaultSettings) ); auto config_path = basedir / "cryfs.config"; LocalStateDir localStateDir(cpputils::system::HomeDirectory::getXDGDataDir() / "cryfs"); CryConfigLoader config_loader(console, Random::OSRandom(), std::move(keyProvider), localStateDir, boost::none, boost::none, boost::none); auto config = config_loader.load(config_path, false, true); if (config == boost::none) { std::cerr << "Error loading config file" << std::endl; exit(1); } cout << "Listing all blocks..." << flush; set unaccountedBlocks = _getAllBlockIds(basedir, *config, localStateDir); cout << "done" << endl; vector accountedBlocks = _getKnownBlockIds(basedir, *config, localStateDir); for (const BlockId& blockId : accountedBlocks) { auto num_erased = unaccountedBlocks.erase(blockId); ASSERT(1 == num_erased, "Blob id referenced by directory entry but didn't found it on disk? This can't happen."); } console->print("Calculate statistics\n"); auto blockStore = makeBlockStore(basedir, *config, localStateDir); auto nodeStore = make_unique_ref(std::move(blockStore), config->configFile->config()->BlocksizeBytes()); uint32_t numUnaccountedBlocks = unaccountedBlocks.size(); uint32_t numLeaves = 0; uint32_t numInner = 0; console->print("Unaccounted blocks: " + std::to_string(unaccountedBlocks.size()) + "\n"); for (const auto &blockId : unaccountedBlocks) { console->print("\r" + std::to_string(numLeaves+numInner) + "/" + std::to_string(numUnaccountedBlocks) + ": "); auto node = nodeStore->load(blockId); auto innerNode = dynamic_pointer_move(*node); if (innerNode != none) { ++numInner; printNode(std::move(*innerNode)); } auto leafNode = dynamic_pointer_move(*node); if (leafNode != none) { ++numLeaves; printNode(std::move(*leafNode)); } } console->print("\n" + std::to_string(numLeaves) + " leaves and " + std::to_string(numInner) + " inner nodes\n"); }