# https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/make.html#Makefile-Conventions # and https://www.gnu.org/prep/standards/standards.html SHELL = /bin/sh # If needed TMPDIR ?= /tmp # Used for feature tests TOUT ?= a.out TOUT := $(strip $(TOUT)) # Allow override for the cryptest.exe recipe. Change to # ./libcryptopp.so or ./libcryptopp.dylib to suit your # taste. https://github.com/weidai11/cryptopp/issues/866 LINK_LIBRARY ?= libcryptopp.a LINK_LIBRARY_PATH ?= ./ # Default FLAGS if none were provided CPPFLAGS ?= -DNDEBUG CXXFLAGS ?= -g2 -O3 -fPIC -pipe AR ?= ar ARFLAGS ?= cr RANLIB ?= ranlib CP ?= cp MV ?= mv CHMOD ?= chmod MKDIR ?= mkdir -p GREP ?= grep SED ?= sed LN ?= ln -sf LDCONF ?= /sbin/ldconfig -n IS_IOS ?= 0 IS_ANDROID ?= 0 IS_ARM_EMBEDDED ?= 0 # Clang is reporting armv8l-unknown-linux-gnueabihf # for ARMv7 images on Aarch64 hardware. MACHINEX := $(shell $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -dumpmachine 2>/dev/null) HOSTX := $(shell echo $(MACHINEX) | cut -f 1 -d '-') ifeq ($(HOSTX),) HOSTX := $(shell uname -m 2>/dev/null) endif IS_LINUX := $(shell echo $(MACHINEX) | $(GREP) -i -c "Linux") # Can be used by Android and Embedded cross-compiles. Disable by default because # Android and embedded users typically don't run this configuration. HAS_SOLIB_VERSION ?= 0 # Formerly adhoc.cpp was created from adhoc.cpp.proto when needed. # This is now needed because ISA tests are performed using adhoc.cpp. ifeq ($(wildcard adhoc.cpp),) $(shell cp adhoc.cpp.proto adhoc.cpp) endif ########################################################### ##### General Variables ##### ########################################################### # http://www.gnu.org/prep/standards/html_node/Directory-Variables.html ifeq ($(PREFIX),) PREFIX = /usr/local endif ifeq ($(LIBDIR),) LIBDIR := $(PREFIX)/lib endif ifeq ($(DATADIR),) DATADIR := $(PREFIX)/share endif ifeq ($(INCLUDEDIR),) INCLUDEDIR := $(PREFIX)/include endif ifeq ($(BINDIR),) BINDIR := $(PREFIX)/bin endif # We honor ARFLAGS, but the "v" option used by default causes a noisy make ifeq ($(ARFLAGS),rv) ARFLAGS = r endif ########################################################### ##### MacOS ##### ########################################################### # MacOS cross-compile configuration. # See http://www.cryptopp.com/wiki/MacOS_(Command_Line). ifeq ($(IS_MACOS),1) # setenv-macos.sh sets CPPFLAGS, CXXFLAGS and LDFLAGS IS_APPLE_LIBTOOL=$(shell libtool -V 2>&1 | $(GREP) -i -c 'Apple') ifeq ($(IS_APPLE_LIBTOOL),1) AR = libtool else AR = /usr/bin/libtool endif ARFLAGS = -static -o endif ########################################################### ##### iOS ##### ########################################################### # iOS cross-compile configuration. # See http://www.cryptopp.com/wiki/iOS_(Command_Line). ifeq ($(IS_IOS),1) # setenv-ios.sh sets CPPFLAGS, CXXFLAGS and LDFLAGS AR = libtool ARFLAGS = -static -o endif ########################################################### ##### Android ##### ########################################################### # Android cross-compile configuration. # See http://www.cryptopp.com/wiki/Android_(Command_Line). ifeq ($(IS_ANDROID),1) # setenv-android.sh sets CPPFLAGS, CXXFLAGS and LDFLAGS # Source files copied into PWD for Android cpu-features # setenv-android.sh does the copying. Its a dirty compile. ANDROID_CPU_OBJ = cpu-features.o endif ########################################################### ##### Embedded ##### ########################################################### # ARM embedded cross-compile configuration. # See http://www.cryptopp.com/wiki/ARM_Embedded_(Command_Line) # and http://www.cryptopp.com/wiki/ARM_Embedded_(Bare Metal). ifeq ($(IS_ARM_EMBEDDED),1) # setenv-android.sh sets CPPFLAGS, CXXFLAGS and LDFLAGS endif ########################################################### ##### Compiler and Platform ##### ########################################################### # Wait until CXXFLAGS have been set by setenv scripts. GCC_COMPILER := $(shell $(CXX) --version 2>/dev/null | $(GREP) -v -E 'llvm|clang' | $(GREP) -i -c -E '(gcc|g\+\+)') CLANG_COMPILER := $(shell $(CXX) --version 2>/dev/null | $(GREP) -i -c -E 'llvm|clang') HOSTX := $(shell $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -dumpmachine 2>/dev/null | cut -f 1 -d '-') ifeq ($(HOSTX),) HOSTX := $(shell uname -m 2>/dev/null) endif # This dance is because Clang reports the host architecture instead # of the target architecture for -dumpmachine. Running Clang on an # x86_64 machine with -arch arm64 yields x86_64 instead of arm64. ifeq ($(CLANG_COMPILER),1) # The compiler is either GCC or Clang IS_X86 := $(shell echo $(CXXFLAGS) | $(GREP) -v 64 | $(GREP) -i -c -E 'i.86') IS_X64 := $(shell echo $(CXXFLAGS) | $(GREP) -i -c -E 'x86_64|amd64') IS_ARM32 := $(shell echo $(CXXFLAGS) | $(GREP) -v 64 | $(GREP) -i -c -E 'arm|armhf|arm7l|armeabihf') IS_ARMV8 := $(shell echo $(CXXFLAGS) | $(GREP) -i -c -E 'aarch32|aarch64|arm64|armv8') else IS_X86 := $(shell echo $(HOSTX) | $(GREP) -v 64 | $(GREP) -i -c -E 'i.86') IS_X64 := $(shell echo $(HOSTX) | $(GREP) -i -c -E 'x86_64|amd64') IS_ARM32 := $(shell echo $(HOSTX) | $(GREP) -v 64 | $(GREP) -i -c -E 'arm|armhf|arm7l|eabihf') IS_ARMV8 := $(shell echo $(HOSTX) | $(GREP) -i -c -E 'aarch32|aarch64|arm64|armv8') endif ifeq ($(IS_ARMV8),1) IS_ARM32 = 0 endif IS_X32 := 0 IS_PPC32 := 0 IS_PPC64 := 0 # Uncomment for debugging # $(info Here's what we found... IS_X86: $(IS_X86), IS_X64: $(IS_X64), IS_ARM32: $(IS_ARM32), IS_ARMV8: $(IS_ARMV8)) ########################################################### ##### Test Program ##### ########################################################### # Hack to skip CPU feature tests for some recipes DETECT_FEATURES ?= 1 ifeq ($(findstring -DCRYPTOPP_DISABLE_ASM,$(CXXFLAGS)),-DCRYPTOPP_DISABLE_ASM) DETECT_FEATURES := 0 else ifeq ($(findstring clean,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),clean) DETECT_FEATURES := 0 else ifeq ($(findstring distclean,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),distclean) DETECT_FEATURES := 0 else ifeq ($(findstring trim,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),trim) DETECT_FEATURES := 0 else ifeq ($(findstring zip,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),zip) DETECT_FEATURES := 0 endif # Strip out -Wall, -Wextra and friends for feature testing. FORTIFY_SOURCE is removed # because it requires -O1 or higher, but we use -O0 to tame the optimizer. # Always print testing flags since some tests always happen, like 64-bit. TCXXFLAGS := $(filter-out -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=% -M -MM -Wall -Wextra -Werror% -Wunused -Wconversion -Wp%, $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS)) ifneq ($(strip $(TCXXFLAGS)),) $(info Using testing flags: $(TCXXFLAGS)) endif # TCOMMAND is used for just about all tests. Make will lazy-evaluate # the variables when executed by $(shell $(TCOMMAND) ...). TCOMMAND = $(CXX) $(TCXXFLAGS) $(TEXTRA) $(ZOPT) $(TOPT) $(TPROG) -o $(TOUT) ########################################################### ##### X86/X32/X64 Options ##### ########################################################### ifneq ($(IS_X86)$(IS_X64),00) ifeq ($(DETECT_FEATURES),1) SSE2_FLAG = -msse2 SSE3_FLAG = -msse3 SSSE3_FLAG = -mssse3 SSE41_FLAG = -msse4.1 SSE42_FLAG = -msse4.2 CLMUL_FLAG = -mpclmul AESNI_FLAG = -maes AVX_FLAG = -mavx AVX2_FLAG = -mavx2 SHANI_FLAG = -msha TPROG = TestPrograms/test_x86_sse2.cpp TOPT = $(SSE2_FLAG) HAVE_OPT = $(shell $(TCOMMAND) 2>&1 | wc -w) ifeq ($(strip $(HAVE_OPT)),0) CHACHA_FLAG = $(SSE2_FLAG) else # Make does not have useful debugging facilities. Show the user # what happened by compiling again without the pipe. $(info Running make again to see what failed) $(info $(shell $(TCOMMAND))) SSE2_FLAG = endif ifeq ($(SSE2_FLAG),) CXXFLAGS += -DCRYPTOPP_DISABLE_ASM endif # Need SSE2 or higher for these tests ifneq ($(SSE2_FLAG),) TPROG = TestPrograms/test_x86_ssse3.cpp TOPT = $(SSSE3_FLAG) HAVE_OPT = $(shell $(TCOMMAND) 2>&1 | wc -w) ifeq ($(strip $(HAVE_OPT)),0) ARIA_FLAG = $(SSSE3_FLAG) CHAM_FLAG = $(SSSE3_FLAG) KECCAK_FLAG = $(SSSE3_FLAG) LEA_FLAG = $(SSSE3_FLAG) LSH256_FLAG = $(SSSE3_FLAG) LSH512_FLAG = $(SSSE3_FLAG) SIMON128_FLAG = $(SSSE3_FLAG) SPECK128_FLAG = $(SSSE3_FLAG) else SSSE3_FLAG = endif # The first Apple MacBooks were Core2's with SSE4.1 ifneq ($(IS_DARWIN),0) # Add SSE2 algo's here as required # They get a free upgrade endif TPROG = TestPrograms/test_x86_sse41.cpp TOPT = $(SSE41_FLAG) HAVE_OPT = $(shell $(TCOMMAND) 2>&1 | wc -w) ifeq ($(strip $(HAVE_OPT)),0) BLAKE2B_FLAG = $(SSE41_FLAG) BLAKE2S_FLAG = $(SSE41_FLAG) else SSE41_FLAG = endif TPROG = TestPrograms/test_x86_sse42.cpp TOPT = $(SSE42_FLAG) HAVE_OPT = $(shell $(TCOMMAND) 2>&1 | wc -w) ifeq ($(strip $(HAVE_OPT)),0) CRC_FLAG = $(SSE42_FLAG) else SSE42_FLAG = endif TPROG = TestPrograms/test_x86_clmul.cpp TOPT = $(CLMUL_FLAG) HAVE_OPT = $(shell $(TCOMMAND) 2>&1 | wc -w) ifeq ($(strip $(HAVE_OPT)),0) GCM_FLAG = $(SSSE3_FLAG) $(CLMUL_FLAG) GF2N_FLAG = $(CLMUL_FLAG) else CLMUL_FLAG = endif TPROG = TestPrograms/test_x86_aes.cpp TOPT = $(AESNI_FLAG) HAVE_OPT = $(shell $(TCOMMAND) 2>&1 | wc -w) ifeq ($(strip $(HAVE_OPT)),0) AES_FLAG = $(SSE41_FLAG) $(AESNI_FLAG) SM4_FLAG = $(SSSE3_FLAG) $(AESNI_FLAG) else AESNI_FLAG = endif TPROG = TestPrograms/test_x86_avx.cpp TOPT = $(AVX_FLAG) HAVE_OPT = $(shell $(TCOMMAND) 2>&1 | wc -w) ifeq ($(strip $(HAVE_OPT)),0) # XXX_FLAG = $(AVX_FLAG) else AVX_FLAG = endif TPROG = TestPrograms/test_x86_avx2.cpp TOPT = $(AVX2_FLAG) HAVE_OPT = $(shell $(TCOMMAND) 2>&1 | wc -w) ifeq ($(strip $(HAVE_OPT)),0) CHACHA_AVX2_FLAG = $(AVX2_FLAG) LSH256_AVX2_FLAG = $(AVX2_FLAG) LSH512_AVX2_FLAG = $(AVX2_FLAG) else AVX2_FLAG = endif TPROG = TestPrograms/test_x86_sha.cpp TOPT = $(SHANI_FLAG) HAVE_OPT = $(shell $(TCOMMAND) 2>&1 | wc -w) ifeq ($(strip $(HAVE_OPT)),0) SHA_FLAG = $(SSE42_FLAG) $(SHANI_FLAG) else SHANI_FLAG = endif ifeq ($(SSE3_FLAG),) CXXFLAGS += -DCRYPTOPP_DISABLE_SSE3 else ifeq ($(SSSE3_FLAG),) CXXFLAGS += -DCRYPTOPP_DISABLE_SSSE3 else ifeq ($(SSE41_FLAG),) CXXFLAGS += -DCRYPTOPP_DISABLE_SSE4 else ifeq ($(SSE42_FLAG),) CXXFLAGS += -DCRYPTOPP_DISABLE_SSE4 endif ifneq ($(SSE42_FLAG),) # Unusual GCC/Clang on Macports. It assembles AES, but not CLMUL. # test_x86_clmul.s:15: no such instruction: 'pclmulqdq $0, %xmm1,%xmm0' ifeq ($(CLMUL_FLAG),) CXXFLAGS += -DCRYPTOPP_DISABLE_CLMUL endif ifeq ($(AESNI_FLAG),) CXXFLAGS += -DCRYPTOPP_DISABLE_AESNI endif ifeq ($(AVX_FLAG),) CXXFLAGS += -DCRYPTOPP_DISABLE_AVX else ifeq ($(AVX2_FLAG),) CXXFLAGS += -DCRYPTOPP_DISABLE_AVX2 endif # SHANI independent of AVX per GH #1045 ifeq ($(SHANI_FLAG),) CRYPTOPP_CXXFLAGS += -DCRYPTOPP_DISABLE_SHANI endif endif # Drop to SSE2 if available ifeq ($(GCM_FLAG),) GCM_FLAG = $(SSE2_FLAG) endif # Most Clang cannot handle mixed asm with positional arguments, where the # body is Intel style with no prefix and the templates are AT&T style. # Also see https://bugs.llvm.org/show_bug.cgi?id=39895 . # CRYPTOPP_DISABLE_MIXED_ASM is now being added in config_asm.h for all # Clang compilers. This test will need to be re-enabled if Clang fixes it. #TPROG = TestPrograms/test_asm_mixed.cpp #TOPT = #HAVE_OPT = $(shell $(TCOMMAND) 2>&1 | wc -w) #ifneq ($(strip $(HAVE_OPT)),0) # CXXFLAGS += -DCRYPTOPP_DISABLE_MIXED_ASM #endif # SSE2_FLAGS endif # DETECT_FEATURES endif # IS_X86, IS_X32 and IS_X64 endif ########################################################### ##### ARM A-32 and NEON ##### ########################################################### ifneq ($(IS_ARM32),0) ifeq ($(DETECT_FEATURES),1) # Android needs -c compile flag for NEON. Otherwise there's an odd linker message. ifeq ($(IS_ANDROID),1) NEON_FLAG = -march=armv7-a -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -mfpu=neon else NEON_FLAG = -march=armv7-a -mfpu=neon endif # Clang needs an option to include TPROG = TestPrograms/test_arm_neon_header.cpp TOPT = -DCRYPTOPP_ARM_NEON_HEADER=1 $(NEON_FLAG) HAVE_OPT = $(shell $(TCOMMAND) 2>&1 | wc -w) ifeq ($(strip $(HAVE_OPT)),0) TEXTRA += -DCRYPTOPP_ARM_NEON_HEADER=1 endif TPROG = TestPrograms/test_arm_neon.cpp TOPT = $(NEON_FLAG) HAVE_OPT = $(shell $(TCOMMAND) 2>&1 | wc -w) ifeq ($(strip $(HAVE_OPT)),0) ARIA_FLAG = $(NEON_FLAG) AES_FLAG = $(NEON_FLAG) CRC_FLAG = $(NEON_FLAG) GCM_FLAG = $(NEON_FLAG) BLAKE2B_FLAG = $(NEON_FLAG) BLAKE2S_FLAG = $(NEON_FLAG) CHACHA_FLAG = $(NEON_FLAG) CHAM_FLAG = $(NEON_FLAG) LEA_FLAG = $(NEON_FLAG) SHA_FLAG = $(NEON_FLAG) SIMON128_FLAG = $(NEON_FLAG) SPECK128_FLAG = $(NEON_FLAG) SM4_FLAG = $(NEON_FLAG) else # Make does not have useful debugging facilities. Show the user # what happened by compiling again without the pipe. $(info Running make again to see what failed) $(info $(shell $(TCOMMAND))) NEON_FLAG = endif ifeq ($(NEON_FLAG),) CXXFLAGS += -DCRYPTOPP_DISABLE_ASM endif # DETECT_FEATURES endif # IS_ARM32 endif ########################################################### ##### Aach32 and Aarch64 ##### ########################################################### ifneq ($(IS_ARMV8),0) ifeq ($(DETECT_FEATURES),1) ifeq ($(IS_IOS),1) ASIMD_FLAG = -arch arm64 CRC_FLAG = -arch arm64 AES_FLAG = -arch arm64 PMUL_FLAG = -arch arm64 SHA_FLAG = -arch arm64 else ASIMD_FLAG = -march=armv8-a CRC_FLAG = -march=armv8-a+crc AES_FLAG = -march=armv8-a+crypto GCM_FLAG = -march=armv8-a+crypto GF2N_FLAG = -march=armv8-a+crypto SHA_FLAG = -march=armv8-a+crypto endif TPROG = TestPrograms/test_arm_neon_header.cpp TOPT = -DCRYPTOPP_ARM_NEON_HEADER=1 HAVE_OPT = $(shell $(TCOMMAND) 2>&1 | wc -w) ifeq ($(strip $(HAVE_OPT)),0) TEXTRA += -DCRYPTOPP_ARM_NEON_HEADER=1 endif TPROG = TestPrograms/test_arm_acle_header.cpp TOPT = -DCRYPTOPP_ARM_ACLE_HEADER=1 $(ASIMD_FLAG) HAVE_OPT = $(shell $(TCOMMAND) 2>&1 | wc -w) ifeq ($(strip $(HAVE_OPT)),0) TEXTRA += -DCRYPTOPP_ARM_ACLE_HEADER=1 endif TPROG = TestPrograms/test_arm_asimd.cpp TOPT = $(ASIMD_FLAG) HAVE_OPT = $(shell $(TCOMMAND) 2>&1 | wc -w) ifeq ($(strip $(HAVE_OPT)),0) ARIA_FLAG = $(ASIMD_FLAG) BLAKE2B_FLAG = $(ASIMD_FLAG) BLAKE2S_FLAG = $(ASIMD_FLAG) CHACHA_FLAG = $(ASIMD_FLAG) CHAM_FLAG = $(ASIMD_FLAG) LEA_FLAG = $(ASIMD_FLAG) NEON_FLAG = $(ASIMD_FLAG) SIMON128_FLAG = $(ASIMD_FLAG) SPECK128_FLAG = $(ASIMD_FLAG) SM4_FLAG = $(ASIMD_FLAG) else # Make does not have useful debugging facilities. Show the user # what happened by compiling again without the pipe. $(info Running make again to see what failed) $(info $(shell $(TCOMMAND))) ASIMD_FLAG = endif ifeq ($(ASIMD_FLAG),) CXXFLAGS += -DCRYPTOPP_DISABLE_ASM endif ifneq ($(ASIMD_FLAG),) TPROG = TestPrograms/test_arm_crc.cpp TOPT = $(CRC_FLAG) HAVE_OPT = $(shell $(TCOMMAND) 2>&1 | wc -w) ifneq ($(strip $(HAVE_OPT)),0) CRC_FLAG = CXXFLAGS += -DCRYPTOPP_DISABLE_ARM_CRC32 endif TPROG = TestPrograms/test_arm_aes.cpp TOPT = $(AES_FLAG) HAVE_OPT = $(shell $(TCOMMAND) 2>&1 | wc -w) ifneq ($(strip $(HAVE_OPT)),0) AES_FLAG = CXXFLAGS += -DCRYPTOPP_DISABLE_ARM_AES endif TPROG = TestPrograms/test_arm_pmull.cpp TOPT = $(PMULL_FLAG) HAVE_OPT = $(shell $(TCOMMAND) 2>&1 | wc -w) ifneq ($(strip $(HAVE_OPT)),0) GCM_FLAG = GF2N_FLAG = CXXFLAGS += -DCRYPTOPP_DISABLE_ARM_PMULL endif TPROG = TestPrograms/test_arm_sha1.cpp TOPT = $(SHA_FLAG) HAVE_OPT = $(shell $(TCOMMAND) 2>&1 | wc -w) ifneq ($(strip $(HAVE_OPT)),0) SHA_FLAG = CXXFLAGS += -DCRYPTOPP_DISABLE_ARM_SHA1 endif TPROG = TestPrograms/test_arm_sha256.cpp TOPT = $(SHA_FLAG) HAVE_OPT = $(shell $(TCOMMAND) 2>&1 | wc -w) ifneq ($(strip $(HAVE_OPT)),0) SHA_FLAG = CXXFLAGS += -DCRYPTOPP_DISABLE_ARM_SHA2 endif TPROG = TestPrograms/test_arm_sm3.cpp TOPT = -march=armv8.4-a+sm3 HAVE_OPT = $(shell $(TCOMMAND) 2>&1 | wc -w) ifeq ($(strip $(HAVE_OPT)),0) SM3_FLAG = -march=armv8.4-a+sm3 SM4_FLAG = -march=armv8.4-a+sm3 else #CXXFLAGS += -DCRYPTOPP_DISABLE_ARM_SM3 #CXXFLAGS += -DCRYPTOPP_DISABLE_ARM_SM4 endif TPROG = TestPrograms/test_arm_sha3.cpp TOPT = -march=armv8.4-a+sha3 HAVE_OPT = $(shell $(TCOMMAND) 2>&1 | wc -w) ifeq ($(strip $(HAVE_OPT)),0) SHA3_FLAG = -march=armv8.4-a+sha3 else #CXXFLAGS += -DCRYPTOPP_DISABLE_ARM_SHA3 endif TPROG = TestPrograms/test_arm_sha512.cpp TOPT = -march=armv8.4-a+sha512 HAVE_OPT = $(shell $(TCOMMAND) 2>&1 | wc -w) ifeq ($(strip $(HAVE_OPT)),0) SHA512_FLAG = -march=armv8.4-a+sha512 else #CXXFLAGS += -DCRYPTOPP_DISABLE_ARM_SHA512 endif # ASIMD_FLAG endif # DETECT_FEATURES endif # IS_ARMV8 endif ########################################################### ##### Common ##### ########################################################### # No ASM for Travis testing ifeq ($(findstring no-asm,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),no-asm) ifeq ($(findstring -DCRYPTOPP_DISABLE_ASM,$(CXXFLAGS)),) CXXFLAGS += -DCRYPTOPP_DISABLE_ASM endif # CXXFLAGS endif # No ASM # Undefined Behavior Sanitizer (UBsan) testing. Issue 'make ubsan'. ifeq ($(findstring ubsan,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),ubsan) ifeq ($(findstring -fsanitize=undefined,$(CXXFLAGS)),) CXXFLAGS += -fsanitize=undefined endif # CXXFLAGS ifeq ($(findstring -DCRYPTOPP_COVERAGE,$(CXXFLAGS)),) CXXFLAGS += -DCRYPTOPP_COVERAGE endif # CXXFLAGS endif # UBsan # Address Sanitizer (Asan) testing. Issue 'make asan'. ifeq ($(findstring asan,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),asan) ifeq ($(findstring -fsanitize=address,$(CXXFLAGS)),) CXXFLAGS += -fsanitize=address endif # CXXFLAGS ifeq ($(findstring -DCRYPTOPP_COVERAGE,$(CXXFLAGS)),) CXXFLAGS += -DCRYPTOPP_COVERAGE endif # CXXFLAGS ifeq ($(findstring -fno-omit-frame-pointer,$(CXXFLAGS)),) CXXFLAGS += -fno-omit-frame-pointer endif # CXXFLAGS endif # Asan # LD gold linker testing. Triggered by 'LD=ld.gold'. ifeq ($(findstring ld.gold,$(LD)),ld.gold) ifeq ($(findstring -fuse-ld=gold,$(CXXFLAGS)),) ELF_FORMAT := $(shell file `which ld.gold` 2>&1 | cut -d":" -f 2 | $(GREP) -i -c "elf") ifneq ($(ELF_FORMAT),0) LDFLAGS += -fuse-ld=gold endif # ELF/ELF64 endif # CXXFLAGS endif # Gold # Valgrind testing. Issue 'make valgrind'. ifneq ($(filter valgrind,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),) # Tune flags; see http://valgrind.org/docs/manual/quick-start.html CXXFLAGS := $(CXXFLAGS:-g%=-g3) CXXFLAGS := $(CXXFLAGS:-O%=-O1) CXXFLAGS := $(CXXFLAGS:-xO%=-xO1) ifeq ($(findstring -DCRYPTOPP_COVERAGE,$(CXXFLAGS)),) CXXFLAGS += -DCRYPTOPP_COVERAGE endif # -DCRYPTOPP_COVERAGE endif # Valgrind # Debug testing on GNU systems. Triggered by -DDEBUG. # Newlib test due to http://sourceware.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=20268 ifneq ($(filter -DDEBUG -DDEBUG=1,$(CXXFLAGS)),) USING_GLIBCXX := $(shell $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -E pch.cpp 2>&1 | $(GREP) -i -c "__GLIBCXX__") ifneq ($(USING_GLIBCXX),0) ifeq ($(HAS_NEWLIB),0) ifeq ($(findstring -D_GLIBCXX_DEBUG,$(CXXFLAGS)),) CXXFLAGS += -D_GLIBCXX_DEBUG endif # CXXFLAGS endif # HAS_NEWLIB endif # USING_GLIBCXX endif # GNU Debug build # Dead code stripping. Issue 'make lean'. ifeq ($(findstring lean,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),lean) ifeq ($(findstring -ffunction-sections,$(CXXFLAGS)),) CXXFLAGS += -ffunction-sections endif # CXXFLAGS ifeq ($(findstring -fdata-sections,$(CXXFLAGS)),) CXXFLAGS += -fdata-sections endif # CXXFLAGS ifneq ($(IS_IOS),0) ifeq ($(findstring -Wl,-dead_strip,$(LDFLAGS)),) LDFLAGS += -Wl,-dead_strip endif # CXXFLAGS else # BSD, Linux and Unix ifeq ($(findstring -Wl,--gc-sections,$(LDFLAGS)),) LDFLAGS += -Wl,--gc-sections endif # LDFLAGS endif # MAKECMDGOALS endif # Dead code stripping ########################################################### ##### Source and object files ##### ########################################################### # List cryptlib.cpp first, then cpu.cpp, then integer.cpp to tame C++ static initialization problems. SRCS := cryptlib.cpp cpu.cpp integer.cpp $(filter-out cryptlib.cpp cpu.cpp integer.cpp pch.cpp simple.cpp,$(sort $(wildcard *.cpp))) # For Makefile.am; resource.h is Windows INCL := $(filter-out resource.h,$(sort $(wildcard *.h))) # Cryptogams source files. We couple to ARMv7. # Limit to Linux. The source files target the GNU assembler. # Also see https://www.cryptopp.com/wiki/Cryptogams. ifeq ($(IS_ARM32)$(IS_LINUX),11) ifeq ($(CLANG_COMPILER),1) CRYPTOGAMS_ARMV4_FLAG = -march=armv7-a -Wa,--noexecstack CRYPTOGAMS_ARMV4_THUMB_FLAG = -march=armv7-a -mthumb -Wa,--noexecstack else CRYPTOGAMS_ARMV4_FLAG = -march=armv7-a -Wa,--noexecstack CRYPTOGAMS_ARMV4_THUMB_FLAG = -march=armv7-a -Wa,--noexecstack endif SRCS += aes_armv4.S sha1_armv4.S sha256_armv4.S sha512_armv4.S endif # Remove unneeded arch specific files to speed build time. ifeq ($(IS_PPC32)$(IS_PPC64),00) SRCS := $(filter-out ppc_%,$(SRCS)) endif ifeq ($(IS_ARM32)$(IS_ARMV8),00) SRCS := $(filter-out arm_%,$(SRCS)) SRCS := $(filter-out neon_%,$(SRCS)) endif ifeq ($(IS_X86)$(IS_X32)$(IS_X64),000) SRCS := $(filter-out sse_%,$(SRCS)) endif # List cryptlib.cpp first, then cpu.cpp, then integer.cpp to tame C++ static initialization problems. OBJS := $(SRCS:.cpp=.o) OBJS := $(OBJS:.S=.o) # List test.cpp first to tame C++ static initialization problems. TESTSRCS := adhoc.cpp test.cpp bench1.cpp bench2.cpp bench3.cpp datatest.cpp dlltest.cpp fipsalgt.cpp validat0.cpp validat1.cpp validat2.cpp validat3.cpp validat4.cpp validat5.cpp validat6.cpp validat7.cpp validat8.cpp validat9.cpp validat10.cpp regtest1.cpp regtest2.cpp regtest3.cpp regtest4.cpp TESTINCL := bench.h factory.h validate.h # Test objects TESTOBJS := $(TESTSRCS:.cpp=.o) LIBOBJS := $(filter-out $(TESTOBJS),$(OBJS)) # Clean recipe, Issue 998. Don't filter-out some artifacts from the list of objects # The *.S is a hack. It makes the ASM appear like C++ so the object files make the CLEAN_OBJS list CLEAN_SRCS := $(wildcard *.cpp) $(patsubst %.S,%.cpp,$(wildcard *.S)) CLEAN_OBJS := $(CLEAN_SRCS:.cpp=.o) $(CLEAN_SRCS:.cpp=.import.o) $(CLEAN_SRCS:.cpp=.export.o) # For Shared Objects, Diff, Dist/Zip rules LIB_VER := $(shell $(GREP) "define CRYPTOPP_VERSION" config_ver.h | cut -d" " -f 3) LIB_MAJOR := $(shell echo $(LIB_VER) | cut -c 1) LIB_MINOR := $(shell echo $(LIB_VER) | cut -c 2) LIB_PATCH := $(shell echo $(LIB_VER) | cut -c 3) ifeq ($(strip $(LIB_PATCH)),) LIB_PATCH := 0 endif ifeq ($(HAS_SOLIB_VERSION),1) # Full version suffix for shared library SOLIB_VERSION_SUFFIX=.$(LIB_MAJOR).$(LIB_MINOR).$(LIB_PATCH) # Different patchlevels and minors are compatible since 6.1 SOLIB_COMPAT_SUFFIX=.$(LIB_MAJOR) SOLIB_FLAGS=-Wl,-soname,libcryptopp.so$(SOLIB_COMPAT_SUFFIX) endif # HAS_SOLIB_VERSION ########################################################### ##### Targets and Recipes ##### ########################################################### # Default builds program with static library only .PHONY: default default: cryptest.exe .PHONY: all static dynamic all: static dynamic cryptest.exe ifneq ($(IS_IOS),0) static: libcryptopp.a shared dynamic dylib: libcryptopp.dylib else static: libcryptopp.a shared dynamic: libcryptopp.so$(SOLIB_VERSION_SUFFIX) endif .PHONY: test check test check: cryptest.exe ./cryptest.exe v # CXXFLAGS are tuned earlier. Applications must use linker flags # -Wl,--gc-sections (Linux and Unix) or -Wl,-dead_strip (OS X) .PHONY: lean lean: static dynamic cryptest.exe .PHONY: clean clean: -$(RM) adhoc.cpp.o adhoc.cpp.proto.o $(CLEAN_OBJS) $(ANDROID_CPU_OBJ) rdrand-*.o @-$(RM) libcryptopp.a libcryptopp.dylib cryptopp.dll libcryptopp.dll.a libcryptopp.import.a @-$(RM) libcryptopp.so libcryptopp.so$(SOLIB_COMPAT_SUFFIX) libcryptopp.so$(SOLIB_VERSION_SUFFIX) @-$(RM) cryptest.exe dlltest.exe cryptest.import.exe cryptest.dat ct et @-$(RM) *.la *.lo *.gcov *.gcno *.gcda *.stackdump core core-* @-$(RM) /tmp/adhoc.exe @-$(RM) -r /tmp/cryptopp_test/ @-$(RM) -r *.exe.dSYM/ @-$(RM) -r *.dylib.dSYM/ @-$(RM) -r cov-int/ .PHONY: autotools-clean autotools-clean: @-$(RM) -f configure.ac configure configure.in Makefile.am Makefile.in Makefile @-$(RM) -f config.guess config.status config.sub config.h.in compile depcomp @-$(RM) -f install-sh stamp-h1 ar-lib *.lo *.la *.m4 local.* lt*.sh missing @-$(RM) -f cryptest cryptestcwd libtool* libcryptopp.la libcryptopp.pc* @-$(RM) -rf build-aux/ m4/ auto*.cache/ .deps/ .libs/ .PHONY: cmake-clean cmake-clean: @-$(RM) -f cryptopp-config.cmake CMakeLists.txt @-$(RM) -rf cmake_build/ .PHONY: android-clean android-clean: @-$(RM) -f $(patsubst %_simd.cpp,%_simd.cpp.neon,$(wildcard *_simd.cpp)) @-$(RM) -rf obj/ .PHONY: distclean distclean: clean autotools-clean cmake-clean android-clean -$(RM) adhoc.cpp adhoc.cpp.copied GNUmakefile.deps benchmarks.html cryptest.txt -$(RM) cryptest_all.info cryptest_debug.info cryptest_noasm.info cryptest_base.info cryptest.info cryptest_release.info @-$(RM) cryptest-*.txt cryptopp.tgz libcryptopp.pc *.o *.bc *.ii *~ @-$(RM) -r cryptlib.lib cryptest.exe *.suo *.sdf *.pdb Win32/ x64/ ipch/ @-$(RM) -r $(LIBOBJS:.o=.obj) $(TESTOBJS:.o=.obj) @-$(RM) -r $(LIBOBJS:.o=.lst) $(TESTOBJS:.o=.lst) @-$(RM) -r TestCoverage/ ref*/ @-$(RM) cryptopp$(LIB_VER)\.* CryptoPPRef.zip # Install cryptest.exe, libcryptopp.a and libcryptopp.so. # The library install was broken-out into its own recipe at GH #653. .PHONY: install install: cryptest.exe install-lib @-$(MKDIR) $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR) $(CP) cryptest.exe $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR) $(CHMOD) u=rwx,go=rx $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/cryptest.exe @-$(MKDIR) $(DESTDIR)$(DATADIR)/cryptopp/TestData @-$(MKDIR) $(DESTDIR)$(DATADIR)/cryptopp/TestVectors $(CP) TestData/*.dat $(DESTDIR)$(DATADIR)/cryptopp/TestData $(CHMOD) u=rw,go=r $(DESTDIR)$(DATADIR)/cryptopp/TestData/*.dat $(CP) TestVectors/*.txt $(DESTDIR)$(DATADIR)/cryptopp/TestVectors $(CHMOD) u=rw,go=r $(DESTDIR)$(DATADIR)/cryptopp/TestVectors/*.txt # A recipe to install only the library, and not cryptest.exe. Also # see https://github.com/weidai11/cryptopp/issues/653. .PHONY: install-lib install-lib: @-$(MKDIR) $(DESTDIR)$(INCLUDEDIR)/cryptopp $(CP) *.h $(DESTDIR)$(INCLUDEDIR)/cryptopp $(CHMOD) u=rw,go=r $(DESTDIR)$(INCLUDEDIR)/cryptopp/*.h ifneq ($(wildcard libcryptopp.a),) @-$(MKDIR) $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR) $(CP) libcryptopp.a $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR) $(CHMOD) u=rw,go=r $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/libcryptopp.a endif ifneq ($(wildcard libcryptopp.dylib),) @-$(MKDIR) $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR) $(CP) libcryptopp.dylib $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR) $(CHMOD) u=rwx,go=rx $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/libcryptopp.dylib -install_name_tool -id $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/libcryptopp.dylib $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/libcryptopp.dylib endif ifneq ($(wildcard libcryptopp.so$(SOLIB_VERSION_SUFFIX)),) @-$(MKDIR) $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR) $(CP) libcryptopp.so$(SOLIB_VERSION_SUFFIX) $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR) $(CHMOD) u=rwx,go=rx $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/libcryptopp.so$(SOLIB_VERSION_SUFFIX) ifeq ($(HAS_SOLIB_VERSION),1) -$(LN) libcryptopp.so$(SOLIB_VERSION_SUFFIX) $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/libcryptopp.so $(LDCONF) $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR) endif endif ifneq ($(wildcard libcryptopp.pc),) @-$(MKDIR) $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/pkgconfig $(CP) libcryptopp.pc $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/pkgconfig $(CHMOD) u=rw,go=r $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/pkgconfig/libcryptopp.pc endif .PHONY: remove uninstall remove uninstall: -$(RM) -r $(DESTDIR)$(INCLUDEDIR)/cryptopp -$(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/libcryptopp.a -$(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/cryptest.exe @-$(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/libcryptopp.dylib @-$(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/libcryptopp.so$(SOLIB_VERSION_SUFFIX) @-$(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/libcryptopp.so$(SOLIB_COMPAT_SUFFIX) @-$(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/libcryptopp.so libcryptopp.a: $(LIBOBJS) $(ANDROID_CPU_OBJ) $(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $@ $(LIBOBJS) $(ANDROID_CPU_OBJ) $(RANLIB) $@ ifeq ($(HAS_SOLIB_VERSION),1) .PHONY: libcryptopp.so libcryptopp.so: libcryptopp.so$(SOLIB_VERSION_SUFFIX) endif libcryptopp.so$(SOLIB_VERSION_SUFFIX): $(LIBOBJS) $(ANDROID_CPU_OBJ) $(CXX) -shared $(SOLIB_FLAGS) -o $@ $(strip $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS)) -Wl,--exclude-libs,ALL $(LIBOBJS) $(ANDROID_CPU_OBJ) $(LDFLAGS) $(LDLIBS) ifeq ($(HAS_SOLIB_VERSION),1) -$(LN) libcryptopp.so$(SOLIB_VERSION_SUFFIX) libcryptopp.so -$(LN) libcryptopp.so$(SOLIB_VERSION_SUFFIX) libcryptopp.so$(SOLIB_COMPAT_SUFFIX) endif libcryptopp.dylib: $(LIBOBJS) $(CXX) -dynamiclib -o $@ $(strip $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS)) -install_name "$@" -current_version "$(LIB_MAJOR).$(LIB_MINOR).$(LIB_PATCH)" -compatibility_version "$(LIB_MAJOR).$(LIB_MINOR)" -headerpad_max_install_names $(LDFLAGS) $(LIBOBJS) cryptest.exe: $(LINK_LIBRARY) $(TESTOBJS) $(CXX) -o $@ $(strip $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS)) $(TESTOBJS) $(LINK_LIBRARY_PATH)$(LINK_LIBRARY) $(LDFLAGS) $(LDLIBS) # Used to generate list of source files for Autotools, CMakeList and Android.mk .PHONY: sources sources: $(info ***** Library sources *****) $(info $(filter-out $(TESTSRCS),$(SRCS))) $(info ) $(info ***** Library headers *****) $(info $(filter-out $(TESTINCL),$(INCL))) $(info ) $(info ***** Test sources *****) $(info $(TESTSRCS)) $(info ) $(info ***** Test headers *****) $(info $(TESTINCL)) adhoc.cpp: adhoc.cpp.proto ifeq ($(wildcard adhoc.cpp),) cp adhoc.cpp.proto adhoc.cpp else touch adhoc.cpp endif # Include dependencies, if present. You must issue `make deps` to create them. ifeq ($(wildcard GNUmakefile.deps),GNUmakefile.deps) -include GNUmakefile.deps endif # Dependencies # A few recipes trigger warnings for -std=c++11 and -stdlib=c++ NOSTD_CXXFLAGS=$(filter-out -stdlib=%,$(filter-out -std=%,$(CXXFLAGS))) # Cryptogams ARM asm implementation. AES needs -mthumb for Clang aes_armv4.o : aes_armv4.S $(CXX) $(strip $(CPPFLAGS) $(NOSTD_CXXFLAGS) $(CRYPTOGAMS_ARMV4_THUMB_FLAG) -c) $< # Use C++ compiler on C source after patching. # https://github.com/weidai11/cryptopp/issues/926 cpu-features.o: cpu-features.h cpu-features.c $(CXX) -x c $(strip $(CPPFLAGS) $(NOSTD_CXXFLAGS) -c) cpu-features.c # SSSE3 or NEON available aria_simd.o : aria_simd.cpp $(CXX) $(strip $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(ARIA_FLAG) -c) $< # SSE, NEON or POWER7 available blake2s_simd.o : blake2s_simd.cpp $(CXX) $(strip $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(BLAKE2S_FLAG) -c) $< # SSE, NEON or POWER8 available blake2b_simd.o : blake2b_simd.cpp $(CXX) $(strip $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(BLAKE2B_FLAG) -c) $< # SSE2 or NEON available chacha_simd.o : chacha_simd.cpp $(CXX) $(strip $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CHACHA_FLAG) -c) $< # AVX2 available chacha_avx.o : chacha_avx.cpp $(CXX) $(strip $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CHACHA_AVX2_FLAG) -c) $< # SSSE3 available cham_simd.o : cham_simd.cpp $(CXX) $(strip $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CHAM_FLAG) -c) $< # Power9 available darn.o : darn.cpp $(CXX) $(strip $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(DARN_FLAG) -c) $< # SSE2 on i686 donna_sse.o : donna_sse.cpp $(CXX) $(strip $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(SSE2_FLAG) -c) $< # SSE2 on i686 sse_simd.o : sse_simd.cpp $(CXX) $(strip $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(SSE2_FLAG) -c) $< # SSE4.2 or ARMv8a available crc_simd.o : crc_simd.cpp $(CXX) $(strip $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CRC_FLAG) -c) $< # PCLMUL or ARMv7a/ARMv8a available gcm_simd.o : gcm_simd.cpp $(CXX) $(strip $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(GCM_FLAG) -c) $< # Carryless multiply gf2n_simd.o : gf2n_simd.cpp $(CXX) $(strip $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(GF2N_FLAG) -c) $< # SSSE3 available keccak_simd.o : keccak_simd.cpp $(CXX) $(strip $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(KECCAK_FLAG) -c) $< # SSSE3 available lea_simd.o : lea_simd.cpp $(CXX) $(strip $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(LEA_FLAG) -c) $< # SSSE3 available lsh256_sse.o : lsh256_sse.cpp $(CXX) $(strip $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(LSH256_FLAG) -c) $< # AVX2 available lsh256_avx.o : lsh256_avx.cpp $(CXX) $(strip $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(LSH256_AVX2_FLAG) -c) $< # SSSE3 available lsh512_sse.o : lsh512_sse.cpp $(CXX) $(strip $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(LSH512_FLAG) -c) $< # AVX2 available lsh512_avx.o : lsh512_avx.cpp $(CXX) $(strip $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(LSH512_AVX2_FLAG) -c) $< # NEON available neon_simd.o : neon_simd.cpp $(CXX) $(strip $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(NEON_FLAG) -c) $< # AESNI or ARMv7a/ARMv8a available rijndael_simd.o : rijndael_simd.cpp $(CXX) $(strip $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(AES_FLAG) -c) $< # SSE4.2/SHA-NI or ARMv8a available sha_simd.o : sha_simd.cpp $(CXX) $(strip $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(SHA_FLAG) -c) $< # Cryptogams SHA1 asm implementation. sha1_armv4.o : sha1_armv4.S $(CXX) $(strip $(CPPFLAGS) $(NOSTD_CXXFLAGS) $(CRYPTOGAMS_ARMV4_FLAG) -c) $< # Cryptogams SHA256 asm implementation. sha256_armv4.o : sha256_armv4.S $(CXX) $(strip $(CPPFLAGS) $(NOSTD_CXXFLAGS) $(CRYPTOGAMS_ARMV4_FLAG) -c) $< # Cryptogams SHA512 asm implementation. sha512_armv4.o : sha512_armv4.S $(CXX) $(strip $(CPPFLAGS) $(NOSTD_CXXFLAGS) $(CRYPTOGAMS_ARMV4_FLAG) -c) $< # SSE4.2/SHA-NI or ARMv8a available shacal2_simd.o : shacal2_simd.cpp $(CXX) $(strip $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(SHA_FLAG) -c) $< # SSSE3, NEON or POWER8 available simon128_simd.o : simon128_simd.cpp $(CXX) $(strip $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(SIMON128_FLAG) -c) $< # SSSE3, NEON or POWER8 available speck128_simd.o : speck128_simd.cpp $(CXX) $(strip $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(SPECK128_FLAG) -c) $< # ARMv8.4 available sm3_simd.o : sm3_simd.cpp $(CXX) $(strip $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(SM3_FLAG) -c) $< # AESNI available sm4_simd.o : sm4_simd.cpp $(CXX) $(strip $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(SM4_FLAG) -c) $< %.o : %.cpp $(CXX) $(strip $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -c) $< .PHONY: dep deps depend dep deps depend GNUmakefile.deps: $(CXX) $(strip $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS)) -MM *.cpp > GNUmakefile.deps