117 lines
4.4 KiB
117 lines
4.4 KiB
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <cpp-utils/data/FixedSizeData.h>
#include <cpp-utils/random/Random.h>
#include <cpp-utils/data/SerializationHelper.h>
namespace blockstore {
// Tag is used to distinguish different concrete IdWrappers
template<class Tag>
class IdWrapper final {
using IdData = cpputils::FixedSizeData<16>;
static constexpr size_t BINARY_LENGTH = IdData::BINARY_LENGTH;
static constexpr size_t STRING_LENGTH = IdData::STRING_LENGTH;
explicit IdWrapper(const IdData& id);
const IdData& data() const;
static IdWrapper Random();
static IdWrapper Null();
static IdWrapper FromString(const std::string &data);
std::string ToString() const;
static IdWrapper FromBinary(const void *source);
void ToBinary(void *target) const;
IdData id_;
friend struct std::hash<IdWrapper>;
friend struct std::less<IdWrapper>;
template<class Tag2> friend bool operator==(const IdWrapper<Tag2>& lhs, const IdWrapper<Tag2>& rhs);
template<class Tag2> friend bool operator!=(const IdWrapper<Tag2>& lhs, const IdWrapper<Tag2>& rhs);
template<class Tag>
constexpr size_t IdWrapper<Tag>::BINARY_LENGTH;
template<class Tag>
constexpr size_t IdWrapper<Tag>::STRING_LENGTH;
template<class Tag>
inline IdWrapper<Tag>::IdWrapper(const IdData& id): id_(id) {}
template<class Tag>
inline IdWrapper<Tag> IdWrapper<Tag>::Random() {
return IdWrapper(cpputils::Random::PseudoRandom().getFixedSize<BINARY_LENGTH>());
template<class Tag>
inline IdWrapper<Tag> IdWrapper<Tag>::Null() {
return IdWrapper(IdData::Null());
template<class Tag>
inline IdWrapper<Tag> IdWrapper<Tag>::FromString(const std::string &data) {
return IdWrapper(IdData::FromString(data));
template<class Tag>
inline std::string IdWrapper<Tag>::ToString() const {
return id_.ToString();
template<class Tag>
inline IdWrapper<Tag> IdWrapper<Tag>::FromBinary(const void *source) {
return IdWrapper(IdData::FromBinary(source));
template<class Tag>
inline void IdWrapper<Tag>::ToBinary(void *target) const {
template<class Tag>
inline const typename IdWrapper<Tag>::IdData& IdWrapper<Tag>::data() const {
return id_;
template<class Tag>
inline bool operator==(const IdWrapper<Tag>& lhs, const IdWrapper<Tag>& rhs) {
return lhs.id_ == rhs.id_;
template<class Tag>
inline bool operator!=(const IdWrapper<Tag>& lhs, const IdWrapper<Tag>& rhs) {
return !operator==(lhs, rhs);
#define DEFINE_IDWRAPPER(IdWrapper) \
namespace std { \
/*Allow using IdWrapper in std::unordered_map / std::unordered_set */ \
template <> struct hash<IdWrapper> { \
size_t operator()(const IdWrapper &idWrapper) const { \
/*Ids are random, so it is enough to use the first few bytes as a hash */ \
return cpputils::deserialize<size_t>(idWrapper.id_.data()); \
} \
}; \
/*Allow using IdWrapper in std::map / std::set */ \
template <> struct less<IdWrapper> { \
bool operator()(const IdWrapper &lhs, const IdWrapper &rhs) const { \
return 0 > std::memcmp(lhs.id_.data(), rhs.id_.data(), IdWrapper::BINARY_LENGTH); \
} \
}; \
} \