Sebastian Messmer 9ccb006f61 - Switch some CI jobs to clang 15
- Fix clang-tidy warnings from Clang 15
2023-07-08 14:48:59 -07:00

141 lines
5.2 KiB

#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include <csignal>
#include <cpp-utils/assert/assert.h>
// TODO Test SignalHandler
* A SignalHandlerRAII instance replaces the signal handler for the given signal with the given handler
* as long as it is alive and sets it to the previous handler once it dies.
* This way, it can be used for stacking different signal handlers on top of each other.
namespace cpputils {
using SignalHandlerFunction = void(int);
#if !defined(_MSC_VER)
template<SignalHandlerFunction* handler>
class SignalHandlerRAII final {
explicit SignalHandlerRAII(int signal)
: _old_handler(), _signal(signal) {
struct sigaction new_signal_handler{};
std::memset(&new_signal_handler, 0, sizeof(new_signal_handler));
new_signal_handler.sa_handler = handler; // NOLINT(cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-union-access)
new_signal_handler.sa_flags = SA_RESTART;
const int error = sigfillset(&new_signal_handler.sa_mask); // block all signals while signal handler is running
if (0 != error) {
throw std::runtime_error("Error calling sigfillset. Errno: " + std::to_string(errno));
_sigaction(_signal, &new_signal_handler, &_old_handler);
~SignalHandlerRAII() {
// reset to old signal handler
struct sigaction removed_handler{};
_sigaction(_signal, &_old_handler, &removed_handler);
if (handler != removed_handler.sa_handler) { // NOLINT(cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-union-access)
ASSERT(false, "Signal handler screwup. We just replaced a signal handler that wasn't our own.");
static void _sigaction(int signal, struct sigaction *new_handler, struct sigaction *old_handler) {
const int error = sigaction(signal, new_handler, old_handler);
if (0 != error) {
throw std::runtime_error("Error calling sigaction. Errno: " + std::to_string(errno));
struct sigaction _old_handler;
int _signal;
namespace details {
// The Linux default behavior (i.e. the way we set up sigaction above) is to disable signal processing while the signal
// handler is running and to re-enable the custom handler once processing is finished. The Windows default behavior
// is to reset the handler to the default handler directly before executing the handler, i.e. the handler will only
// be called once. To fix this, we use this RAII class on Windows, of which an instance will live in the signal handler.
// In its constructor, it disables signal handling, and in its destructor it re-sets the custom handler.
// This is not perfect since there is a small time window between calling the signal handler and calling the constructor
// of this class, but it's the best we can do.
template<SignalHandlerFunction* handler>
class SignalHandlerRunningRAII final {
explicit SignalHandlerRunningRAII(int signal) : _signal(signal) {
SignalHandlerFunction* old_handler = ::signal(_signal, SIG_IGN);
if (old_handler == SIG_ERR) {
throw std::logic_error("Error disabling signal(). Errno: " + std::to_string(errno));
if (old_handler != SIG_DFL) {
// see description above, we expected the signal handler to be reset.
throw std::logic_error("We expected windows to reset the signal handler but it didn't. Did the Windows API change?");
~SignalHandlerRunningRAII() {
SignalHandlerFunction* old_handler = ::signal(_signal, &details::wrap_signal_handler<handler>);
if (old_handler == SIG_ERR) {
throw std::logic_error("Error resetting signal() after calling handler. Errno: " + std::to_string(errno));
if (old_handler != SIG_IGN) {
throw std::logic_error("Weird, we just did set the signal handler to ignore. Why isn't it still ignore?");
int _signal;
template<SignalHandlerFunction* handler>
void wrap_signal_handler(int signal) {
SignalHandlerRunningRAII<handler> disable_signal_processing_while_handler_running_and_reset_handler_afterwards(signal);
template<SignalHandlerFunction* handler>
class SignalHandlerRAII final {
explicit SignalHandlerRAII(int signal)
: _old_handler(nullptr), _signal(signal) {
_old_handler = ::signal(_signal, &details::wrap_signal_handler<handler>);
if (_old_handler == SIG_ERR) {
throw std::logic_error("Error calling signal(). Errno: " + std::to_string(errno));
~SignalHandlerRAII() {
// reset to old signal handler
SignalHandlerFunction* error = ::signal(_signal, _old_handler);
if (error == SIG_ERR) {
throw std::logic_error("Error resetting signal(). Errno: " + std::to_string(errno));
if (error != &details::wrap_signal_handler<handler>) {
throw std::logic_error("Signal handler screwup. We just replaced a signal handler that wasn't our own.");
SignalHandlerFunction* _old_handler;
int _signal;