
76 lines
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#pragma once
* This implements an ASSERT(expr, msg) macro.
* In a debug build, it will crash and halt the program on an assert failure.
* In a release build, it will throw an AssertFailed exception instead, which can then be caught.
#include "AssertFailed.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include "backtrace.h"
#include "../logging/logging.h"
namespace cpputils {
namespace _assert {
struct DisableAbortOnFailedAssertionRAII final {
explicit DisableAbortOnFailedAssertionRAII()
: thread_id_(std::this_thread::get_id()) {
~DisableAbortOnFailedAssertionRAII() {
if (thread_id_ != std::this_thread::get_id()) {
using namespace logging;
LOG(ERR, "DisableAbortOnFailedAssertionRAII instance must be destructed in the same thread that created it");
static int num_instances() {
return num_instances_;
static thread_local int num_instances_; // initialized to zero in assert.cpp
std::thread::id thread_id_;
inline std::string format(const char *expr, const std::string &message, const char *file, int line) {
std::string result = std::string()+"Assertion ["+expr+"] failed in "+file+":"+std::to_string(line)+": "+message+"\n\n" + backtrace();
return result;
inline void assert_fail_release [[noreturn]] (const char *expr, const std::string &message, const char *file, int line) {
using namespace logging;
auto msg = format(expr, message, file, line);
LOG(ERR, msg);
throw AssertFailed(msg);
inline void assert_fail_debug [[noreturn]] (const char *expr, const std::string &message, const char *file, int line) {
using namespace logging;
auto msg = format(expr, message, file, line);
LOG(ERR, msg);
if (DisableAbortOnFailedAssertionRAII::num_instances() > 0) {
throw AssertFailed(msg);
} else {
#ifdef NDEBUG
//TODO Check whether disabling assertions in prod affects speed.
#define ASSERT(expr, msg) (void)((expr) || (cpputils::_assert::assert_fail_release(#expr, msg, __FILE__, __LINE__),0))
#define ASSERT(expr, msg) (void)((expr) || (cpputils::_assert::assert_fail_debug(#expr, msg, __FILE__, __LINE__),0))