configfile: warn about missing feature flags

The plan is to drop support for the oldest filesystem versions
in gocryptfs v1.0. For now, we only warn the user.
This commit is contained in:
Jakob Unterwurzacher 2016-06-06 23:13:10 +02:00
parent cc5d5a3fcd
commit 0f4d350136
2 changed files with 43 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -92,12 +92,40 @@ func LoadConfFile(filename string, password string) ([]byte, *ConfFile, error) {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("Unsupported on-disk format %d", cf.Version)
// Check that all set feature flags are known
for _, flag := range cf.FeatureFlags {
if cf.isFeatureFlagKnown(flag) == false {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("Unsupported feature flag %s", flag)
if !cf.isFeatureFlagKnown(flag) {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("Unsupported feature flag %q", flag)
// Check that all required feature flags are set
var requiredFlags []flagIota
if cf.IsFeatureFlagSet(FlagPlaintextNames) {
requiredFlags = requiredFlagsPlaintextNames
} else {
requiredFlags = requiredFlagsNormal
deprecatedFs := false
for _, i := range requiredFlags {
if !cf.IsFeatureFlagSet(i) {
// For now, warn but continue.
fmt.Printf("Deprecated filesystem: feature flag %q is missing\n", knownFlags[i])
deprecatedFs = true
//return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("Required feature flag %q is missing", knownFlags[i])
if deprecatedFs {
fmt.Printf("\033[33m" + `
This filesystem was created by gocryptfs v0.6 or earlier. You are missing
security improvements. gocryptfs v1.0 is scheduled to drop support for this
filesystem, please upgrade!
If you disagree with the plan or have trouble upgrading, please join the
discussion at .
` + "\033[0m")
// Generate derived key from password
scryptHash := cf.ScryptObject.DeriveKey(password)

View File

@ -19,6 +19,19 @@ var knownFlags map[flagIota]string = map[flagIota]string{
FlagLongNames: "LongNames",
// Filesystems that do not have these feature flags set are deprecated.
var requiredFlagsNormal []flagIota = []flagIota{
// Filesystems without filename encryption obviously don't have or need the
// related feature flags.
var requiredFlagsPlaintextNames []flagIota = []flagIota{
// isFeatureFlagKnown verifies that we understand a feature flag
func (cf *ConfFile) isFeatureFlagKnown(flag string) bool {
for _, knownFlag := range knownFlags {