test: add pingpong.bash and pingping-rsync.bash

Mounts two gocryptfs filesystems, "ping" and "pong" and moves the
linux-3.0 kernel tree back and forth between them.

When called as "pingpong-rsync.bash" it uses "rsync --remove-source-files"
for moving the files, otherwise plain "mv".
This commit is contained in:
Jakob Unterwurzacher 2016-06-08 22:38:14 +02:00
parent 5da292828c
commit 37d824c9a8
2 changed files with 66 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
# Mounts two gocryptfs filesystems, "ping" and "pong" and moves the
# linux-3.0 kernel tree back and forth between them.
# When called as "pingpong-rsync.bash" it uses "rsync --remove-source-files"
# for moving the files, otherwise plain "mv".
set -eu
cd "$(dirname "$0")"
MYNAME=$(basename $0)
# Setup
cd /tmp
wget -nv --show-progress -c https://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v3.0/linux-3.0.tar.gz
PING=$(mktemp -d ping.XXX)
PONG=$(mktemp -d pong.XXX)
mkdir $PING.mnt $PONG.mnt
# Cleanup trap
# Note: gocryptfs may have already umounted itself because bash relays SIGINT
# Just ignore fusermount errors.
trap "set +e ; cd /tmp; fusermount -u -z $PING.mnt ; fusermount -u -z $PONG.mnt ; rm -rf $PING $PONG $PING.mnt $PONG.mnt" EXIT
gocryptfs -q -init -extpass="echo test" -scryptn=10 $PING
gocryptfs -q -init -extpass="echo test" -scryptn=10 $PONG
gocryptfs -q -extpass="echo test" -nosyslog $PING $PING.mnt
gocryptfs -q -extpass="echo test" -nosyslog $PONG $PONG.mnt
echo "Initial extract"
tar xf /tmp/linux-3.0.tar.gz -C $PING.mnt
function move_and_md5 {
if [ $MYNAME = pingpong-rsync.bash ]; then
echo -n "rsync "
rsync -a --remove-source-files $1 $2
find $1 -type d -delete
echo -n "mv "
mv $1 $2
if [ -e $1 ]; then
echo "error: source directory $1 was not removed"
exit 1
cd $2
echo -n "md5 "
md5sum --status -c $MD5
cd ..
while true; do
echo -n "$N: "
move_and_md5 $PING.mnt/linux-3.0 $PONG.mnt
move_and_md5 $PONG.mnt/linux-3.0 $PING.mnt
date +%H:%M:%S
let N=$N+1