main: accept "-o" at the front AND at the end

Moving "-o" to the end broke a third-party app, SiriKali.
Breaking your users is bad, so let's accept "-o" anywhere.
This commit is contained in:
Jakob Unterwurzacher 2016-10-10 19:44:34 +02:00
parent 828f718483
commit 7b2049c769
2 changed files with 36 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -32,22 +32,39 @@ var flagSet *flag.FlagSet
// prefixOArgs transform options passed via "-o foo,bar" into regular options
// like "-foo -bar" and prefixes them to the command line.
func prefixOArgs(osArgs []string) []string {
l := len(osArgs)
// Need at least 3, example: gocryptfs -o foo,bar
if l < 3 {
if len(osArgs) < 3 {
return osArgs
if osArgs[l-2] != "-o" {
return osArgs
// Find and extract "-o foo,bar"
var otherArgs, oOpts []string
for i := 1; i < len(osArgs); i++ {
if osArgs[i] == "-o" {
// Last argument?
if i+1 >= len(osArgs) {
tlog.Fatal.Printf("The \"-o\" option requires an argument")
oOpts = strings.Split(osArgs[i+1], ",")
// Skip over the arguments to "-o"
} else if strings.HasPrefix(osArgs[i], "-o=") {
oOpts = strings.Split(osArgs[i][3:], ",")
} else {
otherArgs = append(otherArgs, osArgs[i])
oOpts := strings.Split(osArgs[l-1], ",")
osArgs = osArgs[:l-2]
// Start with program name
newArgs := []string{osArgs[0]}
// Add options from "-o"
for _, a := range oOpts {
newArgs = append(newArgs, "-"+a)
for _, o := range oOpts {
if o == "" {
newArgs = append(newArgs, "-"+o)
newArgs = append(newArgs, osArgs[1:]...)
// Add other arguments
newArgs = append(newArgs, otherArgs...)
return newArgs

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@ -38,15 +38,24 @@ func TestPrefixOArgs(t *testing.T) {
i: []string{"gocryptfs", "foo", "bar", "-o", "a,b,xxxxx"},
o: []string{"gocryptfs", "-a", "-b", "-xxxxx", "foo", "bar"},
i: []string{"gocryptfs", "foo", "bar", "-d", "-o=a,b,xxxxx"},
o: []string{"gocryptfs", "-a", "-b", "-xxxxx", "foo", "bar", "-d"},
i: []string{"gocryptfs", "foo", "bar", "-oooo", "a,b,xxxxx"},
o: []string{"gocryptfs", "foo", "bar", "-oooo", "a,b,xxxxx"},
i: []string{"gocryptfs", "-o", "rw", "--config", "fff", "ccc", "mmm"},
o: []string{"gocryptfs", "-rw", "--config", "fff", "ccc", "mmm"},
for _, tc := range testcases {
o := prefixOArgs(tc.i)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(o, tc.o) {
t.Errorf("\n i=%q\nwant=%q\n got=%q", tc.i, tc.o, o)
t.Errorf("\n in=%q\nwant=%q\n got=%q", tc.i, tc.o, o)