fusefrontend: make openBackingDir() symlink-safe

openBackingDir() used encryptPath(), which is not symlink-safe
itself. Drop encryptPath() and implement our own directory walk.

Adds three seconds to untar and two seconds to rm:

$ ./benchmark.bash
Testing gocryptfs at /tmp/benchmark.bash.MzG: gocryptfs v1.6-36-g8fb3c2f-dirty; go-fuse v20170619-66-g6df8ddc; 2018-10-14 go1.11
WRITE: 262144000 bytes (262 MB, 250 MiB) copied, 1.25078 s, 210 MB/s
READ:  262144000 bytes (262 MB, 250 MiB) copied, 1.0318 s, 254 MB/s
UNTAR: 20.941
MD5:   11.568
LS:    1.638
RM:    5.337
This commit is contained in:
Jakob Unterwurzacher 2018-10-14 20:11:49 +02:00
parent 0e2e7c13cf
commit 932efbd459
4 changed files with 204 additions and 13 deletions

View File

@ -4,8 +4,11 @@ package fusefrontend
import (
@ -42,19 +45,53 @@ func (fs *FS) getBackingPath(relPath string) (string, error) {
// openBackingDir opens the parent ciphertext directory of plaintext path
// "relPath" and returns the dirfd and the encrypted basename.
// The caller should then use Openat(dirfd, cName, ...) and friends.
// openBackingDir is secure against symlink races.
// For convenience, if relPath is "", cName is going to be ".".
// openBackingDir is secure against symlink races by using Openat and
// ReadDirIVAt.
func (fs *FS) openBackingDir(relPath string) (dirfd int, cName string, err error) {
cRelPath, err := fs.encryptPath(relPath)
// With PlaintextNames, we don't need to read DirIVs. Easy.
if fs.args.PlaintextNames {
dir := nametransform.Dir(relPath)
dirfd, err = syscallcompat.OpenDirNofollow(fs.args.Cipherdir, dir)
if err != nil {
return -1, "", err
// If relPath is empty, cName is ".".
cName = filepath.Base(relPath)
return dirfd, cName, nil
// Open cipherdir (following symlinks)
dirfd, err = syscall.Open(fs.args.Cipherdir, syscall.O_RDONLY|syscall.O_DIRECTORY|syscallcompat.O_PATH, 0)
if err != nil {
return -1, "", err
// Open parent dir
dirfd, err = syscallcompat.OpenDirNofollow(fs.args.Cipherdir, filepath.Dir(cRelPath))
if err != nil {
return -1, "", err
// If relPath is empty, cName is ".".
if relPath == "" {
return dirfd, ".", nil
// Walk the directory tree
parts := strings.Split(relPath, "/")
for i, name := range parts {
iv, err := nametransform.ReadDirIVAt(dirfd)
if err != nil {
return -1, "", err
cName = fs.nameTransform.EncryptAndHashName(name, iv)
// Last part? We are done.
if i == len(parts)-1 {
// Not the last part? Descend into next directory.
dirfd2, err := syscallcompat.Openat(dirfd, cName, syscall.O_RDONLY|syscall.O_NOFOLLOW|syscall.O_DIRECTORY|syscallcompat.O_PATH, 0)
if err != nil {
return -1, "", err
dirfd = dirfd2
cName = filepath.Base(cRelPath)
return dirfd, cName, nil

View File

@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
package fusefrontend
import (
func TestOpenBackingDir(t *testing.T) {
cipherdir := test_helpers.InitFS(t)
args := Args{
Cipherdir: cipherdir,
fs := newTestFS(args)
code := fs.Mkdir("dir1", 0700, nil)
if !code.Ok() {
code = fs.Mkdir("dir1/dir2", 0700, nil)
if !code.Ok() {
dirfd, cName, err := fs.openBackingDir("")
if err != nil {
if cName != "." {
t.Fatal("cName should be .")
err = syscallcompat.Faccessat(dirfd, cName, unix.R_OK)
if err != nil {
err = syscallcompat.Faccessat(dirfd, ".", unix.R_OK)
if err != nil {
dirfd, cName, err = fs.openBackingDir("dir1")
if err != nil {
if cName == "" {
t.Fatal("cName should not be empty")
err = syscallcompat.Faccessat(dirfd, cName, unix.R_OK)
if err != nil {
dirfd, cName, err = fs.openBackingDir("dir1/dir2")
if err != nil {
if cName == "" {
t.Fatal("cName should not be empty")
err = syscallcompat.Faccessat(dirfd, cName, unix.R_OK)
if err != nil {
n255 := strings.Repeat("n", 255)
path := "dir1/" + n255
fs.Mkdir(path, 0700, nil)
dirfd, cName, err = fs.openBackingDir(path)
if err != nil {
if cName == "" {
t.Fatal("cName should not be empty")
if len(cName) >= 255 {
t.Fatalf("cName is too long: %q", cName)
err = syscallcompat.Faccessat(dirfd, cName, unix.R_OK)
if err != nil {
func TestOpenBackingDirPlaintextNames(t *testing.T) {
cipherdir := test_helpers.InitFS(t, "-plaintextnames")
args := Args{
Cipherdir: cipherdir,
PlaintextNames: true,
fs := newTestFS(args)
code := fs.Mkdir("dir1", 0700, nil)
if !code.Ok() {
code = fs.Mkdir("dir1/dir2", 0700, nil)
if !code.Ok() {
dirfd, cName, err := fs.openBackingDir("")
if err != nil {
if cName != "." {
t.Fatal("cName should be .")
err = syscallcompat.Faccessat(dirfd, cName, unix.R_OK)
if err != nil {
err = syscallcompat.Faccessat(dirfd, ".", unix.R_OK)
if err != nil {
dirfd, cName, err = fs.openBackingDir("dir1")
if err != nil {
if cName != "dir1" {
t.Fatalf("wrong cName: %q", cName)
err = syscallcompat.Faccessat(dirfd, cName, unix.R_OK)
if err != nil {
dirfd, cName, err = fs.openBackingDir("dir1/dir2")
if err != nil {
if cName != "dir2" {
t.Fatalf("wrong cName: %q", cName)
err = syscallcompat.Faccessat(dirfd, cName, unix.R_OK)
if err != nil {

View File

@ -11,18 +11,17 @@ import (
func newTestFS() *FS {
func newTestFS(args Args) *FS {
// Init crypto backend
key := make([]byte, cryptocore.KeyLen)
cCore := cryptocore.New(key, cryptocore.BackendGoGCM, contentenc.DefaultIVBits, true, false)
cEnc := contentenc.New(cCore, contentenc.DefaultBS, false)
nameTransform := nametransform.New(cCore.EMECipher, true, true)
args := Args{}
return NewFS(args, cEnc, nameTransform)
func TestEncryptDecryptXattrName(t *testing.T) {
fs := newTestFS()
fs := newTestFS(Args{})
attr1 := "user.foo123456789"
cAttr := fs.encryptXattrName(attr1)
t.Logf("cAttr=%v", cAttr)

View File

@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ func WriteDirIV(dirfd int, dir string) error {
// encryptAndHashName encrypts "name" and hashes it to a longname if it is
// too long.
func (be *NameTransform) encryptAndHashName(name string, iv []byte) string {
func (be *NameTransform) EncryptAndHashName(name string, iv []byte) string {
cName := be.EncryptName(name, iv)
if be.longNames && len(cName) > unix.NAME_MAX {
return be.HashLongName(cName)
@ -132,6 +132,9 @@ func (be *NameTransform) encryptAndHashName(name string, iv []byte) string {
// EncryptPathDirIV - encrypt relative plaintext path "plainPath" using EME with
// DirIV. "rootDir" is the backing storage root directory.
// Components that are longer than 255 bytes are hashed if be.longnames == true.
// TODO: EncryptPathDirIV is NOT SAFE against symlink races. This function
// should eventually be deleted.
func (be *NameTransform) EncryptPathDirIV(plainPath string, rootDir string) (string, error) {
var err error
// Empty string means root directory
@ -148,7 +151,7 @@ func (be *NameTransform) EncryptPathDirIV(plainPath string, rootDir string) (str
// in the tar extract benchmark.
parentDir := Dir(plainPath)
if iv, cParentDir := be.DirIVCache.Lookup(parentDir); iv != nil {
cBaseName := be.encryptAndHashName(baseName, iv)
cBaseName := be.EncryptAndHashName(baseName, iv)
return filepath.Join(cParentDir, cBaseName), nil
// We have to walk the directory tree, starting at the root directory.
@ -166,7 +169,7 @@ func (be *NameTransform) EncryptPathDirIV(plainPath string, rootDir string) (str
be.DirIVCache.Store(plainWD, iv, cipherWD)
cipherName := be.encryptAndHashName(plainName, iv)
cipherName := be.EncryptAndHashName(plainName, iv)
cipherWD = filepath.Join(cipherWD, cipherName)
plainWD = filepath.Join(plainWD, plainName)