fusefrontend: write: consolidate and move encryption to contentenc

Collect all the plaintext and pass everything to contentenc in
one call.

This will allow easier parallization of the encryption.

This commit is contained in:
Jakob Unterwurzacher 2017-06-01 21:39:47 +02:00
parent 53b7c17261
commit a24faa3ba5
2 changed files with 27 additions and 21 deletions

View File

@ -149,6 +149,24 @@ func (be *ContentEnc) DecryptBlock(ciphertext []byte, blockNo uint64, fileID []b
return plaintext, nil
// EncryptBlocks is like EncryptBlock but takes multiple plaintext blocks.
func (be *ContentEnc) EncryptBlocks(plaintextBlocks [][]byte, firstBlockNo uint64, fileID []byte) []byte {
// Encrypt piecewise.
ciphertextBlocks := make([][]byte, len(plaintextBlocks))
for i, v := range plaintextBlocks {
ciphertextBlocks[i] = be.EncryptBlock(v, firstBlockNo+uint64(i), fileID)
// Concatenate ciphertext into a single byte array.
// Size the output buffer for the maximum possible size (all blocks complete)
// to allocations in out.Write()
tmp := make([]byte, len(plaintextBlocks)*int(be.CipherBS()))
out := bytes.NewBuffer(tmp[:0])
for _, v := range ciphertextBlocks {
return out.Bytes()
// EncryptBlock - Encrypt plaintext using a random nonce.
// blockNo and fileID are used as associated data.
// The output is nonce + ciphertext + tag.

View File

@ -272,22 +272,17 @@ func (f *file) doWrite(data []byte, off int64) (uint32, fuse.Status) {
// re-read it after the RLock().
fileID := f.fileTableEntry.ID
defer f.fileTableEntry.HeaderLock.RUnlock()
// Handle payload data
status := fuse.OK
dataBuf := bytes.NewBuffer(data)
blocks := f.contentEnc.ExplodePlainRange(uint64(off), uint64(len(data)))
writeChain := make([][]byte, len(blocks))
var numOutBytes int
toEncrypt := make([][]byte, len(blocks))
for i, b := range blocks {
blockData := dataBuf.Next(int(b.Length))
// Incomplete block -> Read-Modify-Write
if b.IsPartial() {
// Read
o := b.BlockPlainOff()
var oldData []byte
oldData, status = f.doRead(o, f.contentEnc.PlainBS())
oldData, status := f.doRead(b.BlockPlainOff(), f.contentEnc.PlainBS())
if status != fuse.OK {
tlog.Warn.Printf("ino%d fh%d: RMW read failed: %s", f.qIno.Ino, f.intFd(), status.String())
return 0, status
@ -296,33 +291,26 @@ func (f *file) doWrite(data []byte, off int64) (uint32, fuse.Status) {
blockData = f.contentEnc.MergeBlocks(oldData, blockData, int(b.Skip))
tlog.Debug.Printf("len(oldData)=%d len(blockData)=%d", len(oldData), len(blockData))
// Encrypt
blockData = f.contentEnc.EncryptBlock(blockData, b.BlockNo, fileID)
tlog.Debug.Printf("ino%d: Writing %d bytes to block #%d",
f.qIno.Ino, uint64(len(blockData))-f.contentEnc.BlockOverhead(), b.BlockNo)
// Store output data in the writeChain
writeChain[i] = blockData
numOutBytes += len(blockData)
// Concatenenate all elements in the writeChain into one contiguous buffer
tmp := make([]byte, numOutBytes)
writeBuf := bytes.NewBuffer(tmp[:0])
for _, w := range writeChain {
// Write into the to-encrypt list
toEncrypt[i] = blockData
// Encrypt all blocks
ciphertext := f.contentEnc.EncryptBlocks(toEncrypt, blocks[0].BlockNo, f.fileTableEntry.ID)
// Preallocate so we cannot run out of space in the middle of the write.
// This prevents partially written (=corrupt) blocks.
var err error
cOff := blocks[0].BlockCipherOff()
cOff := int64(blocks[0].BlockCipherOff())
if !f.fs.args.NoPrealloc {
err = syscallcompat.EnospcPrealloc(int(f.fd.Fd()), int64(cOff), int64(writeBuf.Len()))
err = syscallcompat.EnospcPrealloc(int(f.fd.Fd()), cOff, int64(len(ciphertext)))
if err != nil {
tlog.Warn.Printf("ino%d fh%d: doWrite: prealloc failed: %s", f.qIno.Ino, f.intFd(), err.Error())
return 0, fuse.ToStatus(err)
// Write
_, err = f.fd.WriteAt(writeBuf.Bytes(), int64(cOff))
_, err = f.fd.WriteAt(ciphertext, cOff)
if err != nil {
tlog.Warn.Printf("doWrite: Write failed: %s", err.Error())
return 0, fuse.ToStatus(err)