nametransform: extend diriv cache to 100 entries

* extend the diriv cache to 100 entries
* add special handling for the immutable root diriv

The better cache allows to shed some complexity from the path
encryption logic (parent-of-parent check).

This commit is contained in:
Jakob Unterwurzacher 2017-08-09 21:44:15 +02:00
parent 75ec94a87a
commit e80b5f2049
2 changed files with 75 additions and 61 deletions

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@ -111,56 +111,45 @@ func (be *NameTransform) encryptAndHashName(name string, iv []byte) string {
// EncryptPathDirIV - encrypt relative plaintext path "plainPath" using EME with
// DirIV. "rootDir" is the backing storage root directory.
// Components that are longer than 255 bytes are hashed if be.longnames == true.
func (be *NameTransform) EncryptPathDirIV(plainPath string, rootDir string) (cipherPath string, err error) {
func (be *NameTransform) EncryptPathDirIV(plainPath string, rootDir string) (string, error) {
var err error
// Empty string means root directory
if plainPath == "" {
return plainPath, nil
// Reject names longer than 255 bytes already here. This relieves everybody
// who uses hashed long names from checking for that later.
// Reject names longer than 255 bytes.
baseName := filepath.Base(plainPath)
if len(baseName) > syscall.NAME_MAX {
return "", syscall.ENAMETOOLONG
// Check if the DirIV is cached. This catches the case of the user iterating
// over files in a directory pretty well.
parentDir := filepath.Dir(plainPath)
iv, cParentDir := be.DirIVCache.Lookup(parentDir)
if iv != nil {
// If we have the iv and the encrypted directory name in the cache, we
// can skip the directory walk. This optimization yields a 10% improvement
// in the tar extract benchmark.
parentDir := Dir(plainPath)
if iv, cParentDir := be.DirIVCache.Lookup(parentDir); iv != nil {
cBaseName := be.encryptAndHashName(baseName, iv)
return filepath.Join(cParentDir, cBaseName), nil
// We have to walk the directory tree, in the worst case starting at the root
// directory.
wd := rootDir
// We have to walk the directory tree, starting at the root directory.
// ciphertext working directory (relative path)
cipherWD := ""
// plaintext working directory (relative path)
plainWD := ""
plainNames := strings.Split(plainPath, "/")
// So the DirIV we need is not cached. But maybe one level higher is
// cached. Then we can skip a few items in the directory walk.
// This catches the case of walking directories recursively.
parentDir2 := filepath.Dir(parentDir)
iv, cParentDir = be.DirIVCache.Lookup(parentDir2)
if iv != nil {
parentDirBase := filepath.Base(parentDir)
cBaseName := be.encryptAndHashName(parentDirBase, iv)
wd = filepath.Join(wd, cParentDir, cBaseName)
cipherPath = filepath.Join(cParentDir, cBaseName)
skip := len(strings.Split(cipherPath, "/"))
plainNames = plainNames[skip:]
// Walk the directory tree starting at "wd"
for _, plainName := range plainNames {
iv, err = ReadDirIV(wd)
if err != nil {
return "", err
iv, _ := be.DirIVCache.Lookup(plainWD)
if iv == nil {
iv, err = ReadDirIV(filepath.Join(rootDir, cipherWD))
if err != nil {
return "", err
be.DirIVCache.Store(plainWD, iv, cipherWD)
encryptedName := be.encryptAndHashName(plainName, iv)
cipherPath = filepath.Join(cipherPath, encryptedName)
wd = filepath.Join(wd, encryptedName)
cipherName := be.encryptAndHashName(plainName, iv)
cipherWD = filepath.Join(cipherWD, cipherName)
plainWD = filepath.Join(plainWD, plainName)
// Cache the final DirIV
cParentDir = filepath.Dir(cipherPath)
be.DirIVCache.Store(parentDir, iv, cParentDir)
return cipherPath, nil
return cipherWD, nil
// Dir is like filepath.Dir but returns "" instead of ".".

View File

@ -5,59 +5,84 @@ import (
// Single-entry DirIV cache. Stores the directory IV and the encrypted
// path.
const (
maxEntries = 100
expireTime = 1 * time.Second
type cacheEntry struct {
// DirIV of the directory.
iv []byte
// Relative ciphertext path of the directory.
cDir string
// DirIVCache stores up to "maxEntries" directory IVs.
type DirIVCache struct {
// Directory the DirIV belongs to
dir string
// Time the entry expires.
// data in the cache, indexed by relative plaintext path
// of the directory.
data map[string]cacheEntry
// The DirIV of the root directory gets special treatment because it
// cannot change (the root directory cannot be renamed or deleted).
// It is unaffected by the expiry timer and cache clears.
rootDirIV []byte
// expiry is the time when the whole cache expires.
// The cached entry my become out-of-date if the ciphertext directory is
// modifed behind the back of gocryptfs. Having an expiry time limits the
// inconstency to one second, like attr_timeout does for the kernel
// getattr cache.
expiry time.Time
// The DirIV
iv []byte
// Ecrypted version of "dir"
cDir string
// Invalidated?
cleared bool
// lookup - fetch entry for "dir" from the cache
// Lookup - fetch entry for "dir" from the cache
func (c *DirIVCache) Lookup(dir string) ([]byte, string) {
defer c.RUnlock()
if c.cleared || c.dir != dir {
if dir == "" {
return c.rootDirIV, ""
if == nil {
return nil, ""
if time.Since(c.expiry) > 0 {
c.cleared = true = nil
return nil, ""
return c.iv, c.cDir
v :=[dir]
return v.iv, v.cDir
// store - write entry for "dir" into the cache
// Store - write entry for "dir" into the cache
func (c *DirIVCache) Store(dir string, iv []byte, cDir string) {
defer c.Unlock()
c.cleared = false
c.iv = iv
c.dir = dir
c.cDir = cDir
// Set expiry time one second into the future
c.expiry = time.Now().Add(1 * time.Second)
if dir == "" {
c.rootDirIV = iv
if == nil { = make(map[string]cacheEntry, maxEntries)
// Set expiry time one second into the future
c.expiry = time.Now().Add(expireTime)
// Delete a random entry from the map if reached maxEntries
if len( >= maxEntries {
for k := range {
delete(, k)
}[dir] = cacheEntry{iv, cDir}
// Clear ... clear the cache.
// Exported because it is called from fusefrontend when directories are
// renamed or deleted.
// Called from fusefrontend when directories are renamed or deleted.
func (c *DirIVCache) Clear() {
defer c.Unlock()
c.cleared = true
// Will be re-initialized in the next Store() = nil