package main import ( "log" "syscall" "time" ) const ( // Number of entries in the dirCache. // 20 entries work well for "git stat" on a small git repo on sshfs. // Keep in sync with test_helpers.maxCacheFds ! // TODO: How to share this constant without causing an import cycle? dirCacheSize = 20 // Enable Lookup/Store/Clear debug messages enableDebugMessages = false // Enable hit rate statistics printing enableStats = false ) type dirCacheEntry struct { path string // fd to the directory (opened with O_PATH!) fd int // content of gocryptfs.diriv in this directory iv []byte } func (e *dirCacheEntry) Clear() { // An earlier clear may have already closed the fd, or the cache // has never been filled (fd is 0 in that case). // Note: package ensurefds012, imported from main, guarantees that dirCache // can never get fds 0,1,2. if e.fd > 0 { syscall.Close(e.fd) } e.fd = -1 e.path = "" e.iv = nil } type dirCache struct { // Expected length of the stored IVs. Only used for sanity checks. // Usually set to 16, but 0 in plaintextnames mode. ivLen int // Cache entries entries [dirCacheSize]dirCacheEntry // Where to store the next entry (index into entries) nextIndex int // On the first Lookup(), the expire thread is started, and this flag is set // to true. expireThreadRunning bool // Hit rate stats. Evaluated and reset by the expire thread. lookups uint64 hits uint64 } // Clear clears the cache contents. func (d *dirCache) Clear() { for i := range d.entries { d.entries[i].Clear() } } // Store the entry in the cache. The passed "fd" will be Dup()ed, and the caller // can close their copy at will. func (d *dirCache) Store(path string, fd int, iv []byte) { // Note: package ensurefds012, imported from main, guarantees that dirCache // can never get fds 0,1,2. if fd <= 0 || len(iv) != d.ivLen { log.Panicf("Store sanity check failed: fd=%d len=%d", fd, len(iv)) } e := &d.entries[d.nextIndex] // Round-robin works well enough d.nextIndex = (d.nextIndex + 1) % dirCacheSize // Close the old fd e.Clear() fd2, err := syscall.Dup(fd) if err != nil { return } e.fd = fd2 e.path = string([]byte(path[:])) e.iv = iv // expireThread is started on the first Lookup() if !d.expireThreadRunning { d.expireThreadRunning = true go d.expireThread() } } // Lookup checks if relPath is in the cache, and returns an (fd, iv) pair. // It returns (-1, nil) if not found. The fd is internally Dup()ed and the // caller must close it when done. func (d *dirCache) Lookup(path string) (fd int, iv []byte) { if enableStats { d.lookups++ } var e *dirCacheEntry for i := range d.entries { e = &d.entries[i] if e.fd <= 0 { // Cache slot is empty continue } if path != e.path { // Not the right path continue } var err error fd, err = syscall.Dup(e.fd) if err != nil { return -1, nil } iv = e.iv break } if fd == 0 { return -1, nil } if enableStats { d.hits++ } if fd <= 0 || len(iv) != d.ivLen { log.Panicf("Lookup sanity check failed: fd=%d len=%d", fd, len(iv)) } return fd, iv } // expireThread is started on the first Lookup() func (d *dirCache) expireThread() { for { time.Sleep(60 * time.Second) d.Clear() } }