package speed /* Make the "-speed" benchmarks also accessible to the standard test system. Example run: $ go test -bench . BenchmarkStupidGCM-2 100000 22552 ns/op 181.62 MB/s BenchmarkGoGCM-2 20000 81871 ns/op 50.03 MB/s BenchmarkAESSIV-2 10000 104623 ns/op 39.15 MB/s PASS ok 6.022s */ import ( "testing" ) func BenchmarkStupidGCM(b *testing.B) { bStupidGCM(b) } func BenchmarkGoGCM(b *testing.B) { bGoGCM(b) } func BenchmarkAESSIV(b *testing.B) { bAESSIV(b) } func BenchmarkXchacha(b *testing.B) { bXchacha20poly1305(b) } func BenchmarkStupidXchacha(b *testing.B) { bStupidXchacha(b) }