#!/bin/bash -eu # # Check plaintext file name length -> encrypted file name length relation # # Part of the gocryptfs test suite # https://nuetzlich.net/gocryptfs/ NAME="x" LEN=1 if [[ ! -f a/gocryptfs.conf ]] ; then echo "fatal: must have gocryptfs dir 'a' mounted at 'b'" exit 1 fi if ! mountpoint b > /dev/null ; then echo "fatal: must have gocryptfs dir 'a' mounted at 'b'" exit 1 fi rm -f b/* while [[ $LEN -le 255 ]]; do touch "b/$NAME" || break ELEN=$(ls a | wc -L) echo "$LEN $ELEN" rm "b/$NAME" NAME="${NAME}x" LEN=${#NAME} done