package nametransform import ( "crypto/aes" "errors" "fmt" "log" ) // pad16 - pad data to AES block size (=16 byte) using standard PKCS#7 padding // func pad16(orig []byte) (padded []byte) { oldLen := len(orig) if oldLen == 0 { log.Panic("Padding zero-length string makes no sense") } padLen := aes.BlockSize - oldLen%aes.BlockSize if padLen == 0 { padLen = aes.BlockSize } newLen := oldLen + padLen padded = make([]byte, newLen) copy(padded, orig) padByte := byte(padLen) for i := oldLen; i < newLen; i++ { padded[i] = padByte } return padded } // unPad16 - remove padding func unPad16(padded []byte) ([]byte, error) { oldLen := len(padded) if oldLen == 0 { return nil, errors.New("Empty input") } if oldLen%aes.BlockSize != 0 { return nil, errors.New("Unaligned size") } // The last byte is always a padding byte padByte := padded[oldLen-1] // The padding byte's value is the padding length padLen := int(padByte) // Padding must be at least 1 byte if padLen == 0 { return nil, errors.New("Padding cannot be zero-length") } // Padding more than 16 bytes make no sense if padLen > aes.BlockSize { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Padding too long, padLen=%d > 16", padLen) } // Padding cannot be as long as (or longer than) the whole string, if padLen >= oldLen { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Padding too long, oldLen=%d >= padLen=%d", oldLen, padLen) } // All padding bytes must be identical for i := oldLen - padLen; i < oldLen; i++ { if padded[i] != padByte { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Padding byte at i=%d is invalid", i) } } newLen := oldLen - padLen return padded[0:newLen], nil }