package syscallcompat import ( "path/filepath" "strings" "syscall" ) // OpenDirNofollow opens the dir at "relPath" in a way that is secure against // symlink attacks. Symlinks that are part of "relPath" are never followed. // This function is implemented by walking the directory tree, starting at // "baseDir", using the Openat syscall with the O_NOFOLLOW flag. // Symlinks that are part of the "baseDir" path are followed. // Retries on EINTR. func OpenDirNofollow(baseDir string, relPath string) (fd int, err error) { if !filepath.IsAbs(baseDir) { return -1, syscall.EINVAL } if filepath.IsAbs(relPath) { return -1, syscall.EINVAL } // Open the base dir (following symlinks) dirfd, err := retryEINTR2(func() (int, error) { return syscall.Open(baseDir, syscall.O_DIRECTORY|O_PATH, 0) }) if err != nil { return -1, err } // Caller wanted to open baseDir itself? if relPath == "" { return dirfd, nil } // Split the path into components parts := strings.Split(relPath, "/") // Walk the directory tree var dirfd2 int for _, name := range parts { dirfd2, err = Openat(dirfd, name, syscall.O_NOFOLLOW|syscall.O_DIRECTORY|O_PATH, 0) syscall.Close(dirfd) if err != nil { return -1, err } dirfd = dirfd2 } // Return fd to final directory return dirfd, nil }