#!/bin/bash set -eu cd "$(dirname "$0")" MYDIR=$PWD # GOPATH may contain multiple paths separated by ":" GOPATH1=$(go env GOPATH | cut -f1 -d:) # gocryptfs version according to git GITVERSION=$(git describe --tags --dirty) # go-fuse version according to git # Note: git in CentOS 7 does not have "git -C" yet, so we use plain "cd". FAIL=0 cd $GOPATH1/src/github.com/hanwen/go-fuse OUT=$(git describe --tags --dirty 2>&1) || FAIL=1 if [[ $FAIL -ne 0 ]]; then echo "$PWD: git describe: $OUT" echo "Hint: are you missing git tags?" exit 1 fi GITVERSIONFUSE=$OUT cd "$MYDIR" # Build Unix timestamp, something like 1467554204. BUILDTIME=$(date +%s) # Make sure we have the go binary go version > /dev/null # Parse "go version go1.6.2 linux/amd64" to "1.6" V=$(go version | cut -d" " -f3 | cut -c3-5) # Reject old Go versions already here. It would fail with compile # errors anyway. if [[ $V == "1.3" || $V == "1.4" ]] ; then echo "Error: you need Go 1.5 or higher to compile gocryptfs" echo -n "You have: " go version fi LDFLAGS="-X main.GitVersion=$GITVERSION -X main.GitVersionFuse=$GITVERSIONFUSE -X main.BuildTime=$BUILDTIME" go build "-ldflags=$LDFLAGS" $@ (cd gocryptfs-xray; go build $@) ./gocryptfs -version mkdir -p $GOPATH1/bin cp -af gocryptfs $GOPATH1/bin