Jakob Unterwurzacher 58d1e24b7c Add OpenSSL support for file content encryption/decryption
This brings streaming read performance from 30MB/s to 81MB/s
(similar improvement for writes)
2015-09-06 10:42:34 +02:00

141 lines
3.1 KiB

package cryptfs
// File content encryption / decryption
import (
type CryptFile struct {
file *os.File
gcm cipher.AEAD
// DecryptBlocks - Decrypt a number of blocks
func (be *CryptFS) DecryptBlocks(ciphertext []byte) ([]byte, error) {
cBuf := bytes.NewBuffer(ciphertext)
var err error
var pBuf bytes.Buffer
for cBuf.Len() > 0 {
cBlock := cBuf.Next(int(be.cipherBS))
pBlock, err := be.DecryptBlock(cBlock)
if err != nil {
return pBuf.Bytes(), err
// DecryptBlock - Verify and decrypt GCM block
func (be *CryptFS) DecryptBlock(ciphertext []byte) ([]byte, error) {
// Empty block?
if len(ciphertext) == 0 {
return ciphertext, nil
if len(ciphertext) < NONCE_LEN {
Warn.Printf("decryptBlock: Block is too short: %d bytes\n", len(ciphertext))
return nil, errors.New("Block is too short")
// Extract nonce
nonce := ciphertext[:NONCE_LEN]
ciphertext = ciphertext[NONCE_LEN:]
// Decrypt
var plaintext []byte
plaintext, err := be.gcm.Open(plaintext, nonce, ciphertext, nil)
if err != nil {
Warn.Printf("DecryptBlock: %s\n", err.Error())
return nil, err
return plaintext, nil
// encryptBlock - Encrypt and add MAC using GCM
func (be *CryptFS) EncryptBlock(plaintext []byte) []byte {
// Empty block?
if len(plaintext) == 0 {
return plaintext
// Get fresh nonce
nonce := gcmNonce.Get()
// Encrypt plaintext and append to nonce
ciphertext := be.gcm.Seal(nonce, nonce, plaintext, nil)
return ciphertext
// Split a plaintext byte range into (possible partial) blocks
func (be *CryptFS) SplitRange(offset uint64, length uint64) []intraBlock {
var b intraBlock
var parts []intraBlock
b.fs = be
for length > 0 {
b.BlockNo = offset / be.plainBS
b.Offset = offset % be.plainBS
b.Length = be.minu64(length, be.plainBS - b.Offset)
parts = append(parts, b)
offset += b.Length
length -= b.Length
return parts
// PlainSize - calculate plaintext size from ciphertext size
func (be *CryptFS) PlainSize(size uint64) uint64 {
// Zero sized files stay zero-sized
if size > 0 {
overhead := be.cipherBS - be.plainBS
nBlocks := (size + be.cipherBS - 1) / be.cipherBS
size -= nBlocks * overhead
return size
func (be *CryptFS) minu64(x uint64, y uint64) uint64 {
if x < y {
return x
return y
// Get the byte range in the ciphertext corresponding to blocks
// (full blocks!)
func (be *CryptFS) JoinCiphertextRange(blocks []intraBlock) (uint64, uint64) {
offset, _ := blocks[0].CiphertextRange()
last := blocks[len(blocks)-1]
length := (last.BlockNo - blocks[0].BlockNo + 1) * be.cipherBS
return offset, length
// Crop plaintext that correspons to complete cipher blocks down to what is
// requested according to "iblocks"
func (be *CryptFS) CropPlaintext(plaintext []byte, blocks []intraBlock) []byte {
offset := blocks[0].Offset
last := blocks[len(blocks)-1]
length := (last.BlockNo - blocks[0].BlockNo + 1) * be.plainBS
var cropped []byte
if offset + length > uint64(len(plaintext)) {
cropped = plaintext[offset:len(plaintext)]
} else {
cropped = plaintext[offset:offset+length]
return cropped