Jakob Unterwurzacher 0f8d3318a3 main, fusefrontend: add "-noprealloc" option
Preallocation is very slow on hdds that run btrfs. Give the
user the option to disable it. This greatly speeds up small file
operations but reduces the robustness against out-of-space errors.

Also add the option to the man page.

More info:
2016-11-25 09:19:14 +01:00

168 lines
6.6 KiB

package main
import (
// argContainer stores the parsed CLI options and arguments
type argContainer struct {
debug, init, zerokey, fusedebug, openssl, passwd, fg, version,
plaintextnames, quiet, nosyslog, wpanic,
longnames, allow_other, ro, reverse, aessiv, nonempty, raw64,
noprealloc bool
masterkey, mountpoint, cipherdir, cpuprofile, extpass,
memprofile, ko, passfile, ctlsock string
// Configuration file name override
config string
notifypid, scryptn int
// _configCustom is true when the user sets a custom config file name.
// This is not a CLI option.
_configCustom bool
var flagSet *flag.FlagSet
// prefixOArgs transform options passed via "-o foo,bar" into regular options
// like "-foo -bar" and prefixes them to the command line.
func prefixOArgs(osArgs []string) []string {
// Need at least 3, example: gocryptfs -o foo,bar
if len(osArgs) < 3 {
return osArgs
// Find and extract "-o foo,bar"
var otherArgs, oOpts []string
for i := 1; i < len(osArgs); i++ {
if osArgs[i] == "-o" {
// Last argument?
if i+1 >= len(osArgs) {
tlog.Fatal.Printf("The \"-o\" option requires an argument")
oOpts = strings.Split(osArgs[i+1], ",")
// Skip over the arguments to "-o"
} else if strings.HasPrefix(osArgs[i], "-o=") {
oOpts = strings.Split(osArgs[i][3:], ",")
} else {
otherArgs = append(otherArgs, osArgs[i])
// Start with program name
newArgs := []string{osArgs[0]}
// Add options from "-o"
for _, o := range oOpts {
if o == "" {
if o == "o" || o == "-o" {
tlog.Fatal.Printf("You can't pass \"-o\" to \"-o\"")
newArgs = append(newArgs, "-"+o)
// Add other arguments
newArgs = append(newArgs, otherArgs...)
return newArgs
// parseCliOpts - parse command line options (i.e. arguments that start with "-")
func parseCliOpts() (args argContainer) {
os.Args = prefixOArgs(os.Args)
var err error
var opensslAuto string
flagSet = flag.NewFlagSet(tlog.ProgramName, flag.ContinueOnError)
flagSet.Usage = usageText
flagSet.BoolVar(&args.debug, "d", false, "")
flagSet.BoolVar(&args.debug, "debug", false, "Enable debug output")
flagSet.BoolVar(&args.fusedebug, "fusedebug", false, "Enable fuse library debug output")
flagSet.BoolVar(&args.init, "init", false, "Initialize encrypted directory")
flagSet.BoolVar(&args.zerokey, "zerokey", false, "Use all-zero dummy master key")
// Tri-state true/false/auto
flagSet.StringVar(&opensslAuto, "openssl", "auto", "Use OpenSSL instead of built-in Go crypto")
flagSet.BoolVar(&args.passwd, "passwd", false, "Change password")
flagSet.BoolVar(&args.fg, "f", false, "")
flagSet.BoolVar(&args.fg, "fg", false, "Stay in the foreground")
flagSet.BoolVar(&args.version, "version", false, "Print version and exit")
flagSet.BoolVar(&args.plaintextnames, "plaintextnames", false, "Do not encrypt file names")
flagSet.BoolVar(&args.quiet, "q", false, "")
flagSet.BoolVar(&args.quiet, "quiet", false, "Quiet - silence informational messages")
flagSet.BoolVar(&args.nosyslog, "nosyslog", false, "Do not redirect output to syslog when running in the background")
flagSet.BoolVar(&args.wpanic, "wpanic", false, "When encountering a warning, panic and exit immediately")
flagSet.BoolVar(&args.longnames, "longnames", true, "Store names longer than 176 bytes in extra files")
flagSet.BoolVar(&args.allow_other, "allow_other", false, "Allow other users to access the filesystem. "+
"Only works if user_allow_other is set in /etc/fuse.conf.")
flagSet.BoolVar(&, "ro", false, "Mount the filesystem read-only")
flagSet.BoolVar(&args.reverse, "reverse", false, "Reverse mode")
flagSet.BoolVar(&args.aessiv, "aessiv", false, "AES-SIV encryption")
flagSet.BoolVar(&args.nonempty, "nonempty", false, "Allow mounting over non-empty directories")
flagSet.BoolVar(&args.raw64, "raw64", false, "Use unpadded base64 for file names")
flagSet.BoolVar(&args.noprealloc, "noprealloc", false, "Disable preallocation before writing")
flagSet.StringVar(&args.masterkey, "masterkey", "", "Mount with explicit master key")
flagSet.StringVar(&args.cpuprofile, "cpuprofile", "", "Write cpu profile to specified file")
flagSet.StringVar(&args.memprofile, "memprofile", "", "Write memory profile to specified file")
flagSet.StringVar(&args.config, "config", "", "Use specified config file instead of CIPHERDIR/gocryptfs.conf")
flagSet.StringVar(&args.extpass, "extpass", "", "Use external program for the password prompt")
flagSet.StringVar(&args.passfile, "passfile", "", "Read password from file")
flagSet.StringVar(&args.ko, "ko", "", "Pass additional options directly to the kernel, comma-separated list")
flagSet.StringVar(&args.ctlsock, "ctlsock", "", "Create control socket at specified path")
flagSet.IntVar(&args.notifypid, "notifypid", 0, "Send USR1 to the specified process after "+
"successful mount - used internally for daemonization")
flagSet.IntVar(&args.scryptn, "scryptn", configfile.ScryptDefaultLogN, "scrypt cost parameter logN. "+
"A lower value speeds up mounting but makes the password susceptible to brute-force attacks")
// Ignored otions
var dummyBool bool
ignoreText := "(ignored for compatibility)"
flagSet.BoolVar(&dummyBool, "rw", false, ignoreText)
flagSet.BoolVar(&dummyBool, "nosuid", false, ignoreText)
flagSet.BoolVar(&dummyBool, "nodev", false, ignoreText)
var dummyString string
flagSet.StringVar(&dummyString, "o", "", "For compatibility, all options can be also passed as a comma-separated list to -o.")
// Actual parsing
err = flagSet.Parse(os.Args[1:])
if err == flag.ErrHelp {
if err != nil {
tlog.Warn.Printf("You passed: %s", prettyArgs())
tlog.Fatal.Printf("%v", err)
// "-openssl" needs some post-processing
if opensslAuto == "auto" {
args.openssl = prefer_openssl.PreferOpenSSL()
} else {
args.openssl, err = strconv.ParseBool(opensslAuto)
if err != nil {
tlog.Fatal.Printf("Invalid \"-openssl\" setting: %v", err)
// "-passfile FILE" is a shortcut for "-extpass=/bin/cat FILE"
if args.passfile != "" {
args.extpass = "/bin/cat " + args.passfile
if args.extpass != "" && args.masterkey != "" {
tlog.Fatal.Printf("The options -extpass and -masterkey cannot be used at the same time")
return args
// prettyArgs pretty-prints the command-line arguments.
func prettyArgs() string {
pa := fmt.Sprintf("%q", os.Args[1:])
// Get rid of "[" and "]"
pa = pa[1 : len(pa)-1]
return pa