Jakob Unterwurzacher 10f38e8870 reverse: generate file header for Read()
Also create virtual gocryptfs.diriv entries (no content yet).
2016-09-25 16:43:17 +02:00

119 lines
3.2 KiB

package fusefrontend_reverse
import (
// File header that contains an all-zero File ID
var zeroFileHeader *contentenc.FileHeader
func init() {
zeroFileHeader = contentenc.RandomHeader()
zeroFileHeader.Id = make([]byte, contentenc.HEADER_ID_LEN)
type reverseFile struct {
// Embed nodefs.defaultFile for a ENOSYS implementation of all methods
// Backing FD
fd *os.File
// Content encryption helper
contentEnc *contentenc.ContentEnc
func NewFile(fd *os.File, contentEnc *contentenc.ContentEnc) (nodefs.File, fuse.Status) {
return &reverseFile{
File: nodefs.NewDefaultFile(),
fd: fd,
contentEnc: contentEnc,
}, fuse.OK
// GetAttr - FUSE call
func (rf *reverseFile) GetAttr(*fuse.Attr) fuse.Status {
fmt.Printf("reverseFile.GetAttr fd=%d\n", rf.fd.Fd())
return fuse.ENOSYS
// readFile - read from the backing plaintext file, encrypt it, return the
// ciphertext.
// "off" ... ciphertext offset (must be >= HEADER_LEN)
// "length" ... ciphertext length
func (rf *reverseFile) readFile(off uint64, length uint64) (out []byte, err error) {
blocks := rf.contentEnc.ExplodeCipherRange(off, length)
// Read the backing plaintext in one go
alignedOffset, alignedLength := contentenc.JointPlaintextRange(blocks)
tlog.Warn.Printf("alignedOffset=%d, alignedLength=%d\n", alignedOffset, alignedLength)
plaintext := make([]byte, int(alignedLength))
n, err := rf.fd.ReadAt(plaintext, int64(alignedOffset))
if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
tlog.Warn.Printf("reverseFile.readFile: ReadAt: %s", err.Error())
return nil, err
// Truncate buffer down to actually read bytes
plaintext = plaintext[0:n]
// Encrypt blocks
ciphertext := rf.contentEnc.EncryptBlocks(plaintext, blocks[0].BlockNo, zeroFileHeader.Id)
// Crop down to the relevant part
lenHave := len(ciphertext)
skip := blocks[0].Skip
endWant := int(skip + length)
if lenHave > endWant {
out = ciphertext[skip:endWant]
} else if lenHave > int(skip) {
out = ciphertext[skip:lenHave]
} // else: out stays empty, file was smaller than the requested offset
return out, nil
// Read - FUSE call
func (rf *reverseFile) Read(buf []byte, ioff int64) (resultData fuse.ReadResult, status fuse.Status) {
length := uint64(len(buf))
off := uint64(ioff)
var out bytes.Buffer
var headerPart []byte
// Create a virtual file header
if off < contentenc.HEADER_LEN {
headerPart = zeroFileHeader.Pack()
headerPart = headerPart[off:]
if off+length < contentenc.HEADER_LEN {
headerPart = headerPart[:length]
hLen := uint64(len(headerPart))
off += hLen
length -= hLen
// Read actual file data
if length > 0 {
fileData, err := rf.readFile(off, length)
if err != nil {
return nil, fuse.ToStatus(err)
if len(fileData) == 0 {
// If we could not read any actual data, we also don't want to
// return the file header. An empty file stays empty in encrypted
// form.
return nil, fuse.OK
return fuse.ReadResultData(out.Bytes()), fuse.OK