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package fusefrontend
import (
// RootNode is the root of the filesystem tree of Nodes.
type RootNode struct {
// args stores configuration arguments
args Args
// Filename encryption helper
nameTransform nametransform.NameTransformer
// Content encryption helper
contentEnc *contentenc.ContentEnc
// MitigatedCorruptions is used to report data corruption that is internally
// mitigated by ignoring the corrupt item. For example, when OpenDir() finds
// a corrupt filename, we still return the other valid filenames.
// The corruption is logged to syslog to inform the user, and in addition,
// the corrupt filename is logged to this channel via
// reportMitigatedCorruption().
// "gocryptfs -fsck" reads from the channel to also catch these transparently-
// mitigated corruptions.
MitigatedCorruptions chan string
// IsIdle flag is set to zero each time fs.isFiltered() is called
// (uint32 so that it can be reset with CompareAndSwapUint32).
// When -idle was used when mounting, idleMonitor() sets it to 1
// periodically.
IsIdle uint32
// inoMap translates inode numbers from different devices to unique inode
// numbers.
inoMap *inomap.InoMap
func NewRootNode(args Args, c *contentenc.ContentEnc, n nametransform.NameTransformer) *RootNode {
return &RootNode{
args: args,
nameTransform: n,
contentEnc: c,
inoMap: inomap.New(),
// reportMitigatedCorruption is used to report a corruption that was transparently
// mitigated and did not return an error to the user. Pass the name of the corrupt
// item (filename for OpenDir(), xattr name for ListXAttr() etc).
// See the MitigatedCorruptions channel for more info.
func (rn *RootNode) reportMitigatedCorruption(item string) {
if rn.MitigatedCorruptions == nil {
select {
case rn.MitigatedCorruptions <- item:
case <-time.After(1 * time.Second):
tlog.Warn.Printf("BUG: reportCorruptItem: timeout")