Jakob Unterwurzacher 9f9d59ded9 inomap: rework logic to efficiently support flags
Adding flags allows to use inomap in reverse mode,
replacing the clunky inoBaseDirIV/inoBaseNameFile
logic that causes problems with high underlying
inode numbers ( )

Microbenchmarks (values below) show that the "SingleDev"
case is now much slower due to an extra map lookup,
but this has no visible effects in ./test.bash results,
so there was no time spent optimizing the case further.

$ go test -bench=.
goos: linux
goarch: amd64
BenchmarkTranslateSingleDev-4   	18757510	        61.5 ns/op
BenchmarkTranslateManyDevs-4    	18061515	        64.5 ns/op
ok	2.467s
2020-04-19 22:00:56 +02:00
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