Jakob Unterwurzacher e50a6a57e5 syscallcompat: implement Getdents()
The Readdir function provided by os is inherently slow because
it calls Lstat on all files.

Getdents gives us all the information we need, but does not have
a proper wrapper in the stdlib.

Implement the "Getdents()" wrapper function that calls
syscall.Getdents() and parses the returned byte blob to a
fuse.DirEntry slice.
2017-08-15 19:03:57 +02:00
getdents_linux.go syscallcompat: implement Getdents() 2017-08-15 19:03:57 +02:00
getdents_other.go syscallcompat: implement Getdents() 2017-08-15 19:03:57 +02:00
getdents_test.go syscallcompat: implement Getdents() 2017-08-15 19:03:57 +02:00
sys_darwin.go main, syscallcompat: use Dup3 instead of Dup2 2017-06-18 15:43:22 +02:00
sys_linux.go main, syscallcompat: use Dup3 instead of Dup2 2017-06-18 15:43:22 +02:00