import { GlobalWorkerOptions, PasswordResponses, getDocument, renderTextLayer, } from "pdfjs-dist"; GlobalWorkerOptions.workerSrc = "/viewer/js/worker.js"; let pdfDoc = null; let pageRendering = false; let renderPending = false; let renderPendingZoom = 0; const canvas = document.getElementById("content"); const container = document.getElementById("container"); let orientationDegrees = 0; let zoomRatio = 1; let textLayerDiv = document.getElementById("text"); let task = null; let newPageNumber = 0; let newZoomRatio = 1; let useRender; const cache = []; const maxCached = 6; let isTextLayerVisible = false; function maybeRenderNextPage() { if (renderPending) { pageRendering = false; renderPending = false; renderPage(channel.getPage(), renderPendingZoom, false); return true; } return false; } function handleRenderingError(error) { console.log("rendering error: " + error); pageRendering = false; maybeRenderNextPage(); } function doPrerender(pageNumber, prerenderTrigger) { if (useRender) { if (pageNumber + 1 <= pdfDoc.numPages) { renderPage(pageNumber + 1, false, true, pageNumber); } else if (pageNumber - 1 > 0) { renderPage(pageNumber - 1, false, true, pageNumber); } } else if (pageNumber === prerenderTrigger + 1) { if (prerenderTrigger - 1 > 0) { renderPage(prerenderTrigger - 1, false, true, prerenderTrigger); } } } function display(newCanvas, zoom) { canvas.height = newCanvas.height; canvas.width = newCanvas.width; =; =; canvas.getContext("2d", { alpha: false }).drawImage(newCanvas, 0, 0); if (!zoom) { scrollTo(0, 0); } } function setLayerTransform(pageWidth, pageHeight, layerDiv) { const translate = { X: Math.max(0, pageWidth - document.body.clientWidth) / 2, Y: Math.max(0, pageHeight - document.body.clientHeight) / 2 }; = `${translate.X}px ${translate.Y}px`; } function getDefaultZoomRatio(page, orientationDegrees) { const viewport = page.getViewport({scale: 1, rotation: orientationDegrees}); const widthZoomRatio = document.body.clientWidth / viewport.width; const heightZoomRatio = document.body.clientHeight / viewport.height; return Math.max(Math.min(widthZoomRatio, heightZoomRatio, channel.getMaxZoomRatio()), channel.getMinZoomRatio()); } function renderPage(pageNumber, zoom, prerender, prerenderTrigger=0) { pageRendering = true; useRender = !prerender; newPageNumber = pageNumber; newZoomRatio = channel.getZoomRatio(); orientationDegrees = channel.getDocumentOrientationDegrees(); console.log("page: " + pageNumber + ", zoom: " + newZoomRatio + ", orientationDegrees: " + orientationDegrees + ", prerender: " + prerender); for (let i = 0; i < cache.length; i++) { const cached = cache[i]; if (cached.pageNumber === pageNumber && cached.zoomRatio === newZoomRatio && cached.orientationDegrees === orientationDegrees) { if (useRender) { cache.splice(i, 1); cache.push(cached); display(cached.canvas, zoom); textLayerDiv.replaceWith(cached.textLayerDiv); textLayerDiv = cached.textLayerDiv; setLayerTransform(cached.pageWidth, cached.pageHeight, textLayerDiv);"--scale-factor", newZoomRatio.toString()); } pageRendering = false; doPrerender(pageNumber, prerenderTrigger); return; } } pdfDoc.getPage(pageNumber).then(function(page) { if (maybeRenderNextPage()) { return; } const defaultZoomRatio = getDefaultZoomRatio(page, orientationDegrees); if (cache.length === 0) { zoomRatio = defaultZoomRatio; newZoomRatio = defaultZoomRatio; channel.setZoomRatio(defaultZoomRatio); } const viewport = page.getViewport({scale: newZoomRatio, rotation: orientationDegrees}); if (useRender) { if (newZoomRatio !== zoomRatio) { = viewport.height + "px"; = viewport.width + "px"; } zoomRatio = newZoomRatio; } if (zoom === 2) { pageRendering = false; return; } const newCanvas = document.createElement("canvas"); const ratio = globalThis.devicePixelRatio; newCanvas.height = viewport.height * ratio; newCanvas.width = viewport.width * ratio; = viewport.height + "px"; = viewport.width + "px"; const newContext = newCanvas.getContext("2d", { alpha: false }); newContext.scale(ratio, ratio); task = page.render({ canvasContext: newContext, viewport: viewport }); task.promise.then(function() { task = null; let rendered = false; function render() { if (!useRender || rendered) { return; } display(newCanvas, zoom); rendered = true; } render(); const newTextLayerDiv = textLayerDiv.cloneNode(); task = renderTextLayer({ textContentSource: page.streamTextContent(), container: newTextLayerDiv, viewport: viewport }); task.promise.then(function() { task = null; render(); // We use CSS transform to rotate a text layer div of zero // degrees rotation. So, when the rotation is 90 or 270 // degrees, set width and height of the text layer div to the // height and width of the canvas, respectively, to prevent // text layer misalignment. if (orientationDegrees % 180 === 0) { =; =; } else { =; =; } setLayerTransform(viewport.width, viewport.height, newTextLayerDiv); if (useRender) { textLayerDiv.replaceWith(newTextLayerDiv); textLayerDiv = newTextLayerDiv;"--scale-factor", newZoomRatio.toString()); } if (cache.length === maxCached) { cache.shift(); } cache.push({ pageNumber: pageNumber, zoomRatio: newZoomRatio, orientationDegrees: orientationDegrees, canvas: newCanvas, textLayerDiv: newTextLayerDiv, pageWidth: viewport.width, pageHeight: viewport.height }); pageRendering = false; doPrerender(pageNumber, prerenderTrigger); }).catch(handleRenderingError); }).catch(handleRenderingError); }); } globalThis.onRenderPage = function (zoom) { if (pageRendering) { if (newPageNumber === channel.getPage() && newZoomRatio === channel.getZoomRatio() && orientationDegrees === channel.getDocumentOrientationDegrees()) { useRender = true; return; } renderPending = true; renderPendingZoom = zoom; if (task !== null) { task.cancel(); task = null; } } else { renderPage(channel.getPage(), zoom, false); } }; globalThis.isTextSelected = function () { return globalThis.getSelection().toString() !== ""; }; globalThis.toggleTextLayerVisibility = function () { let textLayerForeground = "red"; let textLayerOpacity = 1; if (isTextLayerVisible) { textLayerForeground = "transparent"; textLayerOpacity = 0.2; }"--text-layer-foreground", textLayerForeground);"--text-layer-opacity", textLayerOpacity.toString()); isTextLayerVisible = !isTextLayerVisible; }; globalThis.loadDocument = function () { const pdfPassword = channel.getPassword(); const loadingTask = getDocument({ url: "https://localhost/placeholder.pdf", password: pdfPassword }); loadingTask.onPassword = (_, error) => { if (error === PasswordResponses.NEED_PASSWORD) { channel.showPasswordPrompt(); } else if (error === PasswordResponses.INCORRECT_PASSWORD) { channel.invalidPassword(); } }; loadingTask.promise.then(function (newDoc) { channel.onLoaded(); pdfDoc = newDoc; channel.setNumPages(pdfDoc.numPages); pdfDoc.getMetadata().then(function (data) { channel.setDocumentProperties(JSON.stringify(; }).catch(function (error) { console.log("getMetadata error: " + error); }); renderPage(channel.getPage(), false, false); }, function (reason) { console.error( + ": " + reason.message); }); }; globalThis.onresize = () => { setLayerTransform(canvas.clientWidth, canvas.clientHeight, textLayerDiv); };