# Django Docker Boilerplate --- Provides a quick and easy way to get started with a Django project using Docker. It comes with pre-configured services, including PostgreSQL, Redis, Celery (worker and beat), Nginx, and Traefik, that can be used to run a Django web application. It also comes with a few shortcuts to make development easier. --- ## Features - Django web application framework - PostgreSQL database - Redis - Celery worker and beat services: Celery is a task queue that is used to run background tasks asynchronously. - Nginx web server: Used to serve static files and media files, and to proxy requests to the Django application. - Traefik reverse proxy: Used to route requests to the appropriate service. It also provides SSL termination. ## Included Packages and Tools - Pytest: Testing framework - Pytest Sugar: Plugin for pytest that changes the default look - Pytest Django: Plugin for pytest that provides useful tools for testing Django applications - Coverage: Test coverage - Ruff: Linter - Black: Code formatter ## Requirements - Docker - Docker Compose - Python 3.10 or higher - Make(optional for shortcuts) ## Getting Started To get started, follow these steps: 1. Clone the repository: ``` git clone https://github.com/godd0t/django-docker-quickstart.git ``` 2. Change directory into the project: ``` cd django-docker-quickstart ``` 3. Copy the `env.example` file to `.env` and update the values as needed: ``` cp env.example .env ``` ## Initial Setup ### Development Prerequisites To set up the project for development, follow these steps: 1. Create a virtual environment: ``` python -m venv venv ``` 2. Activate the virtual environment: ``` source venv/bin/activate ``` 3. Install the development requirements: ``` pip install -r requirements/requirements-dev.txt ``` 4. Build the image and run the container: ``` docker-compose -f docker-compose.dev.yml up --build -d ``` Or you can use the shortcut: ``` make build-dev ``` Now you can access the application at http://localhost:8000. With the development environment, you can make changes to the code and the changes will be reflected immediately. ### Production To set up the project for production, follow these steps: 1. Build the image and run the container: ``` docker-compose -f docker-compose.prod.yml up --build -d ``` Or you can use the shortcut: ``` make build-prod ``` ## Shortcuts To make development easier, there are a few shortcuts available: Create migrations: ``` make make-migrations ``` Run migrations: ``` make migrate ``` Run the linter: ``` make lint ``` Run the formatter: ``` make format ``` Run the tests: ``` make test ``` Create a super user: ``` make super-user ``` Build and run dev environment: ``` make build-dev ``` Build and run prod environment: ``` make build-prod ```