
71 lines
2.7 KiB

{% load static %}
{% load cat_extra %}
{% load utils_extra %}
{% load event_extra %}
{% load tag_extra %}
{% include "agenda_culturel/ephemeris-inc.html" with event=event filter=filter with_year=with_year %}
{{ event.category | small_cat_recurrent:event.has_recurrences }}
{% if event.location or event.exact_location %}<hgroup>{% endif %}
{{ event|picto_status }}
<a href="{{ event.get_absolute_url }}">{{ event.title }}</a>
{% if event.location or event.exact_location %}
{% picto_from_name "map-pin" %}
{% include "agenda_culturel/event-location-inc.html" with event=event %}
{% endif %}
{% if event|need_complete_display:False %}<p>
{% picto_from_name "calendar" %}
<em>{% if event.end_day and event.end_day != event.start_day %}Cet événement dure du {% else %}Cet événement a lieu le{% endif %}
{% include "agenda_culturel/date-times-inc.html" with event=event %}
{% endif %}
{% if event.image or event.local_image %}
<article class='illustration'>
<img src="{% if event.local_image %}{{ event.local_image.url }}{% else %}{{ event.image }}{% endif %}" alt="{{ event.image_alt }}" />
{% endif %}
<p>{{ event.description |truncatewords:20 |linebreaks }}</p>
<footer class="infos-and-buttons">
<div class="infos">
{% for tag in event.tags %}
<a href="{% url 'view_tag' tag %}" role="button" class="small-cat">{{ tag }}</a>
{% endfor %}
{% if event.reference_urls %}
<p>Source{{ event.reference_urls|pluralize }}&nbsp;:
{% for eurl in event.reference_urls %}
<a href="{{ eurl }}">{{ eurl|hostname }}</a>{% if not forloop.last %}, {% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<p><em>À notre connaissance, cet événement n'est pas référencé autre part sur internet.</em></p>
{% endif %}
{% if perms.agenda_culturel.change_event %}
<div class="buttons">
{% include "agenda_culturel/edit-buttons-inc.html" with event=event %}
<a href="{{ event.get_absolute_url }}" role="button">Voir l'événement <svg width="1em" height="1em" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round">
<use href="{% static 'images/feather-sprite.svg' %}#chevron-right" />
{% endif %}