# Configuration file for the omegat-tools scripts # Lines starting with # or ; are considered comments and ignored by the script. [Paths] # Enter the full path to the directory containing the target OmegaT projects, # as per the examples below. # Use forward slashes to separate directories, even on Windows. # If the "glossaries" dictionary is in a subdirectory of the "projects" # directory, you can use %(projects)s as shown below as a stand-in for the full # project path. projects = /Documents/OmegaT_Projects glossaries = %(projects)s/glossaries [Files] # The files needed to collect and copy OmegaT project data, # and the extensions that identify potential glossary files. project_file = omegat.project main_memory = omegat/project_save.tmx main_glossary = glossary/glossary.txt glossary_files = *.txt, *.utf8, *.csv, *.tsv [Translators] # List the username matching the 'creationid' or 'changeid' fields of # the TMX file, and a pseudo target language code such as EN-AA. # The code following the hyphen must consist of two capital letters. # Example (replace with your own list of translator user names, # and assign a unique code to each one): junior_translator = EN-JT