10400 #3

lapervenche merged 18 commits from ZwiiCMS-Team/ZwiiCMS:10400 into 10400 2021-02-09 20:02:50 +01:00
2 changed files with 18 additions and 10 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 3b8b09df59 - Show all commits

View File

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ class common {
const ACCESS_TIMER = 1800;
// Numéro de version
const ZWII_VERSION = '';
const ZWII_VERSION = '';
const ZWII_UPDATE_CHANNEL = "v10";
public static $actions = [];
@ -1647,20 +1647,27 @@ class core extends common {
$css = '/*' . md5(json_encode($this->getData(['theme']))) . '*/';
// Import des polices de caractères
$css .= '@import url("https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=' . $this->getData(['theme', 'text', 'font']) . '|' . $this->getData(['theme', 'title', 'font']) . '|' . $this->getData(['theme', 'header', 'font']) . '|' . $this->getData(['theme', 'menu', 'font']) . '");';
// Fond du site
// Fond du body
$colors = helper::colorVariants($this->getData(['theme', 'body', 'backgroundColor']));
$css .= 'body,div.mce-edit-area{background-color:' . $colors['normal'] . ';font-family:"' . str_replace('+', ' ', $this->getData(['theme', 'text', 'font'])) . '",sans-serif}';
// Fond TinyMCe
$css .= 'div.mce-edit-area{background-color:' . $colors['normal'] . ' !important}';
// Body
$css .= 'body{font-family:"' . str_replace('+', ' ', $this->getData(['theme', 'text', 'font'])) . '",sans-serif}';
if($themeBodyImage = $this->getData(['theme', 'body', 'image'])) {
$css .= 'body,div.mce-edit-area{background-image:url("../file/source/' . $themeBodyImage . '");background-position:' . $this->getData(['theme', 'body', 'imagePosition']) . ';background-attachment:' . $this->getData(['theme', 'body', 'imageAttachment']) . ';background-size:' . $this->getData(['theme', 'body', 'imageSize']) . ';background-repeat:' . $this->getData(['theme', 'body', 'imageRepeat']) . '}';
$css .= 'div.mce-edit-area{background-image:url("../file/source/' . $themeBodyImage . '") !important;background-position:' . $this->getData(['theme', 'body', 'imagePosition']) . ';background-attachment:' . $this->getData(['theme', 'body', 'imageAttachment']) . ';background-size:' . $this->getData(['theme', 'body', 'imageSize']) . ';background-repeat:' . $this->getData(['theme', 'body', 'imageRepeat']) . '}';
// Image dans html pour éviter les déformations.
$css .= 'html{background-image:url("../file/source/' . $themeBodyImage . '");background-position:' . $this->getData(['theme', 'body', 'imagePosition']) . ';background-attachment:' . $this->getData(['theme', 'body', 'imageAttachment']) . ';background-size:' . $this->getData(['theme', 'body', 'imageSize']) . ';background-repeat:' . $this->getData(['theme', 'body', 'imageRepeat']) . '}';
// Couleur du body transparente
$css .= 'body{background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0)}';
} else {
// Pas d'image couleur du body
$css .= 'html{background-color:' . $colors['normal'] . ';}';
// Icône BacktoTop
$css .= '#backToTop {background-color:' .$this->getData(['theme', 'body', 'toTopbackgroundColor']). ';color:'.$this->getData(['theme', 'body', 'toTopColor']).';}';
// Site
$colors = helper::colorVariants($this->getData(['theme', 'text', 'linkColor']));
$css .= 'a{color:' . $colors['normal'] . '}';
// Fond TinyMCe
$css .= 'div.mce-edit-area{background-color:' . $colors['normal'] . ' !important}';
$css .= 'div.mce-edit-area{background-color:' . $colors['normal'] . ';font-family:"' . str_replace('+', ' ', $this->getData(['theme', 'text', 'font'])) . '",sans-serif}';
//$css .= 'a:hover:not(.inputFile, button){color:' . $colors['darken'] . '}';
$css .= 'body,.row > div{font-size:' . $this->getData(['theme', 'text', 'fontSize']) . '}';
$css .= 'body{color:' . $this->getData(['theme', 'text', 'textColor']) . '}';

View File

@ -22,14 +22,15 @@ $(document).ready(function(){
$("input, select").on("change", function() {
// Couleur du fond
var css = "body{background-color:" + $("#themeBodyBackgroundColor").val() + "}";
var css = "html{background-color:" + $("#themeBodyBackgroundColor").val() + "}";
// Image du fond
var themeBodyImage = $("#themeBodyImage").val();
if(themeBodyImage) {
css += "body{background-image:url('<?php echo helper::baseUrl(false); ?>site/file/source/" + themeBodyImage + "');background-repeat:" + $("#themeBodyImageRepeat").val() + ";background-position:" + $("#themeBodyImagePosition").val() + ";background-attachment:" + $("#themeBodyImageAttachment").val() + ";background-size:" + $("#themeBodyImageSize").val() + "}";
css += "html{background-image:url('<?php echo helper::baseUrl(false); ?>site/file/source/" + themeBodyImage + "');background-repeat:" + $("#themeBodyImageRepeat").val() + ";background-position:" + $("#themeBodyImagePosition").val() + ";background-attachment:" + $("#themeBodyImageAttachment").val() + ";background-size:" + $("#themeBodyImageSize").val() + "}";
css += "html{background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0);}";
else {
css += "body{background-image:none}";
css += "html{background-image:none}";
css += '#backToTop {background-color:' + $("#themeBodyToTopBackground").val() + ';color:' + $("#themeBodyToTopColor").val() + ';}';