send(); exit; } $languages = include 'lang/languages.php'; if (isset($_SESSION['RF']['language']) && file_exists('lang/' . basename($_SESSION['RF']['language']) . '.php')) { if (array_key_exists($_SESSION['RF']['language'], $languages)) { include 'lang/' . basename($_SESSION['RF']['language']) . '.php'; } else { response(trans('Lang_Not_Found').AddErrorLocation())->send(); exit; } } else { response(trans('Lang_Not_Found').AddErrorLocation())->send(); exit; } //check $_GET['file'] if (isset($_GET['file']) && !checkRelativePath($_GET['file'])) { response(trans('wrong path').AddErrorLocation())->send(); exit; } //check $_POST['file'] if(isset($_POST['path']) && !checkRelativePath($_POST['path'])) { response(trans('wrong path').AddErrorLocation())->send(); exit; } $ftp = ftp_con($config); if (isset($_GET['action'])) { switch ($_GET['action']) { case 'new_file_form': echo trans('Filename') . ':

'; break; case 'view': if (isset($_GET['type'])) { $_SESSION['RF']["view_type"] = $_GET['type']; } else { response(trans('view type number missing').AddErrorLocation())->send(); exit; } break; case 'filter': if (isset($_GET['type'])) { if (isset($config['remember_text_filter']) && $config['remember_text_filter']) { $_SESSION['RF']["filter"] = $_GET['type']; } } else { response(trans('view type number missing').AddErrorLocation())->send(); exit; } break; case 'sort': if (isset($_GET['sort_by'])) { $_SESSION['RF']["sort_by"] = $_GET['sort_by']; } if (isset($_GET['descending'])) { $_SESSION['RF']["descending"] = $_GET['descending']; } break; case 'save_img': break; $info = pathinfo($_POST['name']); $image_data = $_POST['url']; if (preg_match('/^data:image\/(\w+);base64,/', $image_data, $type)) { $image_data = substr($image_data, strpos($image_data, ',') + 1); $type = strtolower($type[1]); // jpg, png, gif $image_data = base64_decode($image_data); if ($image_data === false) { response(trans('TUI_Decode_Failed').AddErrorLocation())->send(); exit; } } else { response(trans('').AddErrorLocation())->send(); exit; } if ($image_data === false) { response(trans('').AddErrorLocation())->send(); exit; } if (!checkresultingsize(strlen($image_data))) { response(sprintf(trans('max_size_reached'), $config['MaxSizeTotal']).AddErrorLocation())->send(); exit; } if ($ftp) { $temp = tempnam('/tmp', 'RF'); unlink($temp); $temp .=".".substr(strrchr($_POST['url'], '.'), 1); file_put_contents($temp, $image_data); $ftp->put($config['ftp_base_folder'].$config['upload_dir'] . $_POST['path'] . $_POST['name'], $temp, FTP_BINARY); create_img($temp, $temp, 122, 91); $ftp->put($config['ftp_base_folder'].$config['ftp_thumbs_dir']. $_POST['path'] . $_POST['name'], $temp, FTP_BINARY); unlink($temp); } else { file_put_contents($config['current_path'] . $_POST['path'] . $_POST['name'], $image_data); create_img($config['current_path'] . $_POST['path'] . $_POST['name'], $config['thumbs_base_path'].$_POST['path'].$_POST['name'], 122, 91); // TODO something with this function cause its blowing my mind new_thumbnails_creation( $config['current_path'].$_POST['path'], $config['current_path'].$_POST['path'].$_POST['name'], $_POST['name'], $config['current_path'], $config ); } break; case 'extract': if (!$config['extract_files']) { response(trans('wrong action').AddErrorLocation())->send(); } if ($ftp) { $path = $config['ftp_base_url'].$config['upload_dir'] . $_POST['path']; $base_folder = $config['ftp_base_url'].$config['upload_dir'] . fix_dirname($_POST['path']) . "/"; } else { $path = $config['current_path'] . $_POST['path']; $base_folder = $config['current_path'] . fix_dirname($_POST['path']) . "/"; } $info = pathinfo($path); if ($ftp) { $tempDir = tempdir(); $temp = tempnam($tempDir, 'RF'); unlink($temp); $temp .= "." . $info['extension']; $handle = fopen($temp, "w"); fwrite($handle, file_get_contents($path)); fclose($handle); $path = $temp; $base_folder = $tempDir . "/"; } $info = pathinfo($path); switch ($info['extension']) { case "zip": $zip = new ZipArchive; if ($zip->open($path) === true) { //get total size $sizeTotalFinal = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < $zip->numFiles; $i++) { $aStat = $zip->statIndex($i); $sizeTotalFinal += $aStat['size']; } if (!checkresultingsize($sizeTotalFinal)) { response(sprintf(trans('max_size_reached'), $config['MaxSizeTotal']).AddErrorLocation())->send(); exit; } //make all the folders and unzip into the folders for ($i = 0; $i < $zip->numFiles; $i++) { $FullFileName = $zip->statIndex($i); if (checkRelativePath($FullFileName['name'])) { if (substr($FullFileName['name'], -1, 1) == "/") { create_folder($base_folder . $FullFileName['name']); } if (! (substr($FullFileName['name'], -1, 1) == "/")) { $fileinfo = pathinfo($FullFileName['name']); if (in_array(strtolower($fileinfo['extension']), $config['ext'])) { copy('zip://' . $path . '#' . $FullFileName['name'], $base_folder . $FullFileName['name']); } } } } $zip->close(); } else { response(trans('Zip_No_Extract').AddErrorLocation())->send(); exit; } break; case "gz": // No resulting size pre-control available $p = new PharData($path); $p->decompress(); // creates files.tar break; case "tar": // No resulting size pre-control available // unarchive from the tar $phar = new PharData($path); $phar->decompressFiles(); $files = array(); check_files_extensions_on_phar($phar, $files, '', $config); $phar->extractTo($base_folder, $files, true); break; default: response(trans('Zip_Invalid').AddErrorLocation())->send(); exit; } if ($ftp) { unlink($path); $ftp->putAll($base_folder, "/".$config['ftp_base_folder'] . $config['upload_dir'] . fix_dirname($_POST['path']), FTP_BINARY); deleteDir($base_folder); } break; case 'media_preview': if(isset($_GET['file'])){ $_GET['file'] = sanitize($_GET['file']); } if(isset($_GET['title'])){ $_GET['title'] = sanitize($_GET['title']); } if($ftp){ $preview_file = $config['ftp_base_url'].$config['upload_dir'] . $_GET['file']; }else{ $preview_file = $config['current_path'] . $_GET["file"]; } $info = pathinfo($preview_file); ob_start(); ?>
send(); exit; break; case 'copy_cut': if ($_POST['sub_action'] != 'copy' && $_POST['sub_action'] != 'cut') { response(trans('wrong sub-action').AddErrorLocation())->send(); exit; } if (trim($_POST['path']) == '') { response(trans('no path').AddErrorLocation())->send(); exit; } $msg_sub_action = ($_POST['sub_action'] == 'copy' ? trans('Copy') : trans('Cut')); $path = $config['current_path'] . $_POST['path']; if (is_dir($path)) { // can't copy/cut dirs if ($config['copy_cut_dirs'] === false) { response(sprintf(trans('Copy_Cut_Not_Allowed'), $msg_sub_action, trans('Folders')).AddErrorLocation())->send(); exit; } list($sizeFolderToCopy, $fileNum, $foldersCount) = folder_info($path, false); // size over limit if ($config['copy_cut_max_size'] !== false && is_int($config['copy_cut_max_size'])) { if (($config['copy_cut_max_size'] * 1024 * 1024) < $sizeFolderToCopy) { response(sprintf(trans('Copy_Cut_Size_Limit'), $msg_sub_action, $config['copy_cut_max_size']).AddErrorLocation())->send(); exit; } } // file count over limit if ($config['copy_cut_max_count'] !== false && is_int($config['copy_cut_max_count'])) { if ($config['copy_cut_max_count'] < $fileNum) { response(sprintf(trans('Copy_Cut_Count_Limit'), $msg_sub_action, $config['copy_cut_max_count']).AddErrorLocation())->send(); exit; } } if (!checkresultingsize($sizeFolderToCopy)) { response(sprintf(trans('max_size_reached'), $config['MaxSizeTotal']).AddErrorLocation())->send(); exit; } } else { // can't copy/cut files if ($config['copy_cut_files'] === false) { response(sprintf(trans('Copy_Cut_Not_Allowed'), $msg_sub_action, trans('Files')).AddErrorLocation())->send(); exit; } } $_SESSION['RF']['clipboard']['path'] = $_POST['path']; $_SESSION['RF']['clipboard_action'] = $_POST['sub_action']; break; case 'clear_clipboard': $_SESSION['RF']['clipboard'] = null; $_SESSION['RF']['clipboard_action'] = null; break; case 'chmod': if ($ftp) { $path = $config['ftp_base_url'] . $config['upload_dir'] . $_POST['path']; if ( ($_POST['folder']==1 && $config['chmod_dirs'] === false) || ($_POST['folder']==0 && $config['chmod_files'] === false) || (is_function_callable("chmod") === false)) { response(sprintf(trans('File_Permission_Not_Allowed'), (is_dir($path) ? trans('Folders') : trans('Files')), 403).AddErrorLocation())->send(); exit; } $info = $_POST['permissions']; } else { $path = $config['current_path'] . $_POST['path']; if ( (is_dir($path) && $config['chmod_dirs'] === false) || (is_file($path) && $config['chmod_files'] === false) || (is_function_callable("chmod") === false)) { response(sprintf(trans('File_Permission_Not_Allowed'), (is_dir($path) ? trans('Folders') : trans('Files')), 403).AddErrorLocation())->send(); exit; } $perms = fileperms($path) & 0777; $info = '-'; // Owner $info .= (($perms & 0x0100) ? 'r' : '-'); $info .= (($perms & 0x0080) ? 'w' : '-'); $info .= (($perms & 0x0040) ? (($perms & 0x0800) ? 's' : 'x') : (($perms & 0x0800) ? 'S' : '-')); // Group $info .= (($perms & 0x0020) ? 'r' : '-'); $info .= (($perms & 0x0010) ? 'w' : '-'); $info .= (($perms & 0x0008) ? (($perms & 0x0400) ? 's' : 'x') : (($perms & 0x0400) ? 'S' : '-')); // World $info .= (($perms & 0x0004) ? 'r' : '-'); $info .= (($perms & 0x0002) ? 'w' : '-'); $info .= (($perms & 0x0001) ? (($perms & 0x0200) ? 't' : 'x') : (($perms & 0x0200) ? 'T' : '-')); } $ret = '
r   w   x  
'; if ((!$ftp && is_dir($path))) { $ret .= '

'; } $ret .= '
'; response($ret)->send(); exit; break; case 'get_lang': if (! file_exists('lang/languages.php')) { response(trans('Lang_Not_Found').AddErrorLocation())->send(); exit; } $languages = include 'lang/languages.php'; if (! isset($languages) || ! is_array($languages)) { response(trans('Lang_Not_Found').AddErrorLocation())->send(); exit; } $curr = $_SESSION['RF']['language']; $ret = ''; response($ret)->send(); exit; break; case 'change_lang': $choosen_lang = (!empty($_POST['choosen_lang']))? $_POST['choosen_lang']:"en_EN"; if (array_key_exists($choosen_lang, $languages)) { if (! file_exists('lang/' . $choosen_lang . '.php')) { response(trans('Lang_Not_Found').AddErrorLocation())->send(); exit; } else { $_SESSION['RF']['language'] = $choosen_lang; } } break; case 'cad_preview': if ($ftp) { $selected_file = $config['ftp_base_url'].$config['upload_dir'] . $_GET['file']; } else { $selected_file = $config['current_path'] . $_GET['file']; if (! file_exists($selected_file)) { response(trans('File_Not_Found').AddErrorLocation())->send(); exit; } } if ($ftp) { $url_file = $selected_file; } else { $url_file = $config['base_url'] . $config['upload_dir'] . str_replace($config['current_path'], '', $_GET["file"]); } $cad_url = urlencode($url_file); $cad_html = ""; $ret = $cad_html; response($ret)->send(); break; case 'get_file': // preview or edit $sub_action = $_GET['sub_action']; $preview_mode = $_GET["preview_mode"]; if ($sub_action != 'preview' && $sub_action != 'edit') { response(trans('wrong action').AddErrorLocation())->send(); exit; } if ($ftp) { $selected_file = ($sub_action == 'preview' ? $config['ftp_base_url'].$config['upload_dir'] . $_GET['file'] : $config['ftp_base_url'].$config['upload_dir'] . $_POST['path']); } else { $selected_file = ($sub_action == 'preview' ? $config['current_path'] . $_GET['file'] : $config['current_path'] . $_POST['path']); if (! file_exists($selected_file)) { response(trans('File_Not_Found').AddErrorLocation())->send(); exit; } } $info = pathinfo($selected_file); if ($preview_mode == 'text') { $is_allowed = ($sub_action == 'preview' ? $config['preview_text_files'] : $config['edit_text_files']); $allowed_file_exts = ($sub_action == 'preview' ? $config['previewable_text_file_exts'] : $config['editable_text_file_exts']); } elseif ($preview_mode == 'google') { $is_allowed = $config['googledoc_enabled']; $allowed_file_exts = $config['googledoc_file_exts']; } if (! isset($allowed_file_exts) || ! is_array($allowed_file_exts)) { $allowed_file_exts = array(); } if (!isset($info['extension'])) { $info['extension']=''; } if (! in_array($info['extension'], $allowed_file_exts) || ! isset($is_allowed) || $is_allowed === false || (!$ftp && ! is_readable($selected_file)) ) { response(sprintf(trans('File_Open_Edit_Not_Allowed'), ($sub_action == 'preview' ? strtolower(trans('Open')) : strtolower(trans('Edit')))).AddErrorLocation())->send(); exit; } if ($sub_action == 'preview') { if ($preview_mode == 'text') { // get and sanities $data = file_get_contents($selected_file); $data = htmlspecialchars(htmlspecialchars_decode($data)); $ret = ''; $ret .= ''; $ret .= '
'; } elseif ($preview_mode == 'google') { if ($ftp) { $url_file = $selected_file; } else { $url_file = $config['base_url'] . $config['upload_dir'] . str_replace($config['current_path'], '', $_GET["file"]); } $googledoc_url = urlencode($url_file); $ret = ""; } }else{ $data = stripslashes(htmlspecialchars(file_get_contents($selected_file))); if(in_array($info['extension'],array('html','html'))){ $ret = ''; }else{ $ret = ''; } } response($ret)->send(); exit; break; default: response(trans('no action passed').AddErrorLocation())->send(); exit; } } else { response(trans('no action passed').AddErrorLocation())->send(); exit; }