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2022-06-24 17:14:37 +02:00
# Copyright: See the LICENSE file.
import collections
import logging
import warnings
from . import builder, declarations, enums, errors, utils
logger = logging.getLogger('factory.generate')
# Factory metaclasses
def get_factory_bases(bases):
"""Retrieve all FactoryMetaClass-derived bases from a list."""
return [b for b in bases if issubclass(b, BaseFactory)]
def resolve_attribute(name, bases, default=None):
"""Find the first definition of an attribute according to MRO order."""
for base in bases:
if hasattr(base, name):
return getattr(base, name)
return default
class FactoryMetaClass(type):
"""Factory metaclass for handling ordered declarations."""
def __call__(cls, **kwargs):
"""Override the default Factory() syntax to call the default strategy.
Returns an instance of the associated class.
if cls._meta.strategy == enums.BUILD_STRATEGY:
return cls.build(**kwargs)
elif cls._meta.strategy == enums.CREATE_STRATEGY:
return cls.create(**kwargs)
elif cls._meta.strategy == enums.STUB_STRATEGY:
return cls.stub(**kwargs)
raise errors.UnknownStrategy('Unknown Meta.strategy: {}'.format(
def __new__(mcs, class_name, bases, attrs):
"""Record attributes as a pattern for later instance construction.
This is called when a new Factory subclass is defined; it will collect
attribute declaration from the class definition.
class_name (str): the name of the class being created
bases (list of class): the parents of the class being created
attrs (str => obj dict): the attributes as defined in the class
A new class
parent_factories = get_factory_bases(bases)
if parent_factories:
base_factory = parent_factories[0]
base_factory = None
attrs_meta = attrs.pop('Meta', None)
attrs_params = attrs.pop('Params', None)
base_meta = resolve_attribute('_meta', bases)
options_class = resolve_attribute('_options_class', bases, FactoryOptions)
meta = options_class()
attrs['_meta'] = meta
new_class = super().__new__(
mcs, class_name, bases, attrs)
return new_class
def __str__(cls):
if cls._meta.abstract:
return '<%s (abstract)>' % cls.__name__
return f'<{cls.__name__} for {cls._meta.model}>'
class BaseMeta:
abstract = True
strategy = enums.CREATE_STRATEGY
class OptionDefault:
"""The default for an option.
name: str, the name of the option ('class Meta' attribute)
value: object, the default value for the option
inherit: bool, whether to inherit the value from the parent factory's `class Meta`
when no value is provided
checker: callable or None, an optional function used to detect invalid option
values at declaration time
def __init__(self, name, value, inherit=False, checker=None):
self.name = name
self.value = value
self.inherit = inherit
self.checker = checker
def apply(self, meta, base_meta):
value = self.value
if self.inherit and base_meta is not None:
value = getattr(base_meta, self.name, value)
if meta is not None:
value = getattr(meta, self.name, value)
if self.checker is not None:
self.checker(meta, value)
return value
def __str__(self):
return '%s(%r, %r, inherit=%r)' % (
self.name, self.value, self.inherit)
class FactoryOptions:
def __init__(self):
self.factory = None
self.base_factory = None
self.base_declarations = {}
self.parameters = {}
self.parameters_dependencies = {}
self.pre_declarations = builder.DeclarationSet()
self.post_declarations = builder.DeclarationSet()
self._counter = None
self.counter_reference = None
def declarations(self):
base_declarations = dict(self.base_declarations)
for name, param in utils.sort_ordered_objects(self.parameters.items(), getter=lambda item: item[1]):
base_declarations.update(param.as_declarations(name, base_declarations))
return base_declarations
def _build_default_options(self):
""""Provide the default value for all allowed fields.
Custom FactoryOptions classes should override this method
to update() its return value.
def is_model(meta, value):
if isinstance(value, FactoryMetaClass):
raise TypeError(
"%s is already a %s"
% (repr(value), Factory.__name__)
return [
OptionDefault('model', None, inherit=True, checker=is_model),
OptionDefault('abstract', False, inherit=False),
OptionDefault('strategy', enums.CREATE_STRATEGY, inherit=True),
OptionDefault('inline_args', (), inherit=True),
OptionDefault('exclude', (), inherit=True),
OptionDefault('rename', {}, inherit=True),
def _fill_from_meta(self, meta, base_meta):
# Exclude private/protected fields from the meta
if meta is None:
meta_attrs = {}
meta_attrs = {
k: v
for (k, v) in vars(meta).items()
if not k.startswith('_')
for option in self._build_default_options():
assert not hasattr(self, option.name), "Can't override field %s." % option.name
value = option.apply(meta, base_meta)
meta_attrs.pop(option.name, None)
setattr(self, option.name, value)
if meta_attrs:
# Some attributes in the Meta aren't allowed here
raise TypeError(
"'class Meta' for %r got unknown attribute(s) %s"
% (self.factory, ','.join(sorted(meta_attrs.keys()))))
def contribute_to_class(self, factory, meta=None, base_meta=None, base_factory=None, params=None):
self.factory = factory
self.base_factory = base_factory
self._fill_from_meta(meta=meta, base_meta=base_meta)
self.model = self.get_model_class()
if self.model is None:
self.abstract = True
self.counter_reference = self._get_counter_reference()
# Scan the inheritance chain, starting from the furthest point,
# excluding the current class, to retrieve all declarations.
for parent in reversed(self.factory.__mro__[1:]):
if not hasattr(parent, '_meta'):
for k, v in vars(self.factory).items():
if self._is_declaration(k, v):
self.base_declarations[k] = v
if params is not None:
for k, v in utils.sort_ordered_objects(vars(params).items(), getter=lambda item: item[1]):
if not k.startswith('_'):
self.parameters[k] = declarations.SimpleParameter.wrap(v)
self.pre_declarations, self.post_declarations = builder.parse_declarations(self.declarations)
def _get_counter_reference(self):
"""Identify which factory should be used for a shared counter."""
if (self.model is not None
and self.base_factory is not None
and self.base_factory._meta.model is not None
and issubclass(self.model, self.base_factory._meta.model)):
return self.base_factory._meta.counter_reference
return self
def _initialize_counter(self):
"""Initialize our counter pointer.
If we're the top-level factory, instantiate a new counter
Otherwise, point to the top-level factory's counter.
if self._counter is not None:
if self.counter_reference is self:
self._counter = _Counter(seq=self.factory._setup_next_sequence())
self._counter = self.counter_reference._counter
def next_sequence(self):
"""Retrieve a new sequence ID.
This will call, in order:
- next_sequence from the base factory, if provided
- _setup_next_sequence, if this is the 'toplevel' factory and the
sequence counter wasn't initialized yet; then increase it.
return self._counter.next()
def reset_sequence(self, value=None, force=False):
if self.counter_reference is not self and not force:
raise ValueError(
"Can't reset a sequence on descendant factory %r; reset sequence on %r or use `force=True`."
% (self.factory, self.counter_reference.factory))
if value is None:
value = self.counter_reference.factory._setup_next_sequence()
def prepare_arguments(self, attributes):
"""Convert an attributes dict to a (args, kwargs) tuple."""
kwargs = dict(attributes)
# 1. Extension points
kwargs = self.factory._adjust_kwargs(**kwargs)
# 2. Remove hidden objects
kwargs = {
k: v for k, v in kwargs.items()
if k not in self.exclude and k not in self.parameters and v is not declarations.SKIP
# 3. Rename fields
for old_name, new_name in self.rename.items():
if old_name in kwargs:
kwargs[new_name] = kwargs.pop(old_name)
# 4. Extract inline args
args = tuple(
for arg_name in self.inline_args
return args, kwargs
def instantiate(self, step, args, kwargs):
model = self.get_model_class()
if step.builder.strategy == enums.BUILD_STRATEGY:
return self.factory._build(model, *args, **kwargs)
elif step.builder.strategy == enums.CREATE_STRATEGY:
return self.factory._create(model, *args, **kwargs)
assert step.builder.strategy == enums.STUB_STRATEGY
return StubObject(**kwargs)
def use_postgeneration_results(self, step, instance, results):
create=step.builder.strategy == enums.CREATE_STRATEGY,
def _is_declaration(self, name, value):
"""Determines if a class attribute is a field value declaration.
Based on the name and value of the class attribute, return ``True`` if
it looks like a declaration of a default field value, ``False`` if it
is private (name starts with '_') or a classmethod or staticmethod.
if isinstance(value, (classmethod, staticmethod)):
return False
elif enums.get_builder_phase(value):
# All objects with a defined 'builder phase' are declarations.
return True
return not name.startswith("_")
def _check_parameter_dependencies(self, parameters):
"""Find out in what order parameters should be called."""
# Warning: parameters only provide reverse dependencies; we reverse them into standard dependencies.
# deep_revdeps: set of fields a field depend indirectly upon
deep_revdeps = collections.defaultdict(set)
# Actual, direct dependencies
deps = collections.defaultdict(set)
for name, parameter in parameters.items():
if isinstance(parameter, declarations.Parameter):
field_revdeps = parameter.get_revdeps(parameters)
if not field_revdeps:
deep_revdeps[name] = set.union(*(deep_revdeps[dep] for dep in field_revdeps))
deep_revdeps[name] |= set(field_revdeps)
for dep in field_revdeps:
# Check for cyclical dependencies
cyclic = [name for name, field_deps in deep_revdeps.items() if name in field_deps]
if cyclic:
raise errors.CyclicDefinitionError(
"Cyclic definition detected on %r; Params around %s"
% (self.factory, ', '.join(cyclic)))
return deps
def get_model_class(self):
"""Extension point for loading model classes.
This can be overridden in framework-specific subclasses to hook into
existing model repositories, for instance.
return self.model
def __str__(self):
return "<%s for %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.factory.__name__)
def __repr__(self):
return str(self)
# Factory base classes
class _Counter:
"""Simple, naive counter.
for_class (obj): the class this counter related to
seq (int): the next value
def __init__(self, seq):
self.seq = seq
def next(self):
value = self.seq
self.seq += 1
return value
def reset(self, next_value=0):
self.seq = next_value
class BaseFactory:
"""Factory base support for sequences, attributes and stubs."""
# Backwards compatibility
UnknownStrategy = errors.UnknownStrategy
UnsupportedStrategy = errors.UnsupportedStrategy
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
"""Would be called if trying to instantiate the class."""
raise errors.FactoryError('You cannot instantiate BaseFactory')
_meta = FactoryOptions()
# ID to use for the next 'declarations.Sequence' attribute.
_counter = None
def reset_sequence(cls, value=None, force=False):
"""Reset the sequence counter.
value (int or None): the new 'next' sequence value; if None,
recompute the next value from _setup_next_sequence().
force (bool): whether to force-reset parent sequence counters
in a factory inheritance chain.
cls._meta.reset_sequence(value, force=force)
def _setup_next_sequence(cls):
"""Set up an initial sequence value for Sequence attributes.
int: the first available ID to use for instances of this factory.
return 0
def _adjust_kwargs(cls, **kwargs):
"""Extension point for custom kwargs adjustment."""
return kwargs
def _generate(cls, strategy, params):
"""generate the object.
params (dict): attributes to use for generating the object
strategy: the strategy to use
if cls._meta.abstract:
raise errors.FactoryError(
"Cannot generate instances of abstract factory %(f)s; "
"Ensure %(f)s.Meta.model is set and %(f)s.Meta.abstract "
"is either not set or False." % dict(f=cls.__name__))
step = builder.StepBuilder(cls._meta, params, strategy)
return step.build()
def _after_postgeneration(cls, instance, create, results=None):
"""Hook called after post-generation declarations have been handled.
instance (object): the generated object
create (bool): whether the strategy was 'build' or 'create'
results (dict or None): result of post-generation declarations
def _build(cls, model_class, *args, **kwargs):
"""Actually build an instance of the model_class.
Customization point, will be called once the full set of args and kwargs
has been computed.
model_class (type): the class for which an instance should be
args (tuple): arguments to use when building the class
kwargs (dict): keyword arguments to use when building the class
return model_class(*args, **kwargs)
def _create(cls, model_class, *args, **kwargs):
"""Actually create an instance of the model_class.
Customization point, will be called once the full set of args and kwargs
has been computed.
model_class (type): the class for which an instance should be
args (tuple): arguments to use when creating the class
kwargs (dict): keyword arguments to use when creating the class
return model_class(*args, **kwargs)
def build(cls, **kwargs):
"""Build an instance of the associated class, with overridden attrs."""
return cls._generate(enums.BUILD_STRATEGY, kwargs)
def build_batch(cls, size, **kwargs):
"""Build a batch of instances of the given class, with overridden attrs.
size (int): the number of instances to build
object list: the built instances
return [cls.build(**kwargs) for _ in range(size)]
def create(cls, **kwargs):
"""Create an instance of the associated class, with overridden attrs."""
return cls._generate(enums.CREATE_STRATEGY, kwargs)
def create_batch(cls, size, **kwargs):
"""Create a batch of instances of the given class, with overridden attrs.
size (int): the number of instances to create
object list: the created instances
return [cls.create(**kwargs) for _ in range(size)]
def stub(cls, **kwargs):
"""Retrieve a stub of the associated class, with overridden attrs.
This will return an object whose attributes are those defined in this
factory's declarations or in the extra kwargs.
return cls._generate(enums.STUB_STRATEGY, kwargs)
def stub_batch(cls, size, **kwargs):
"""Stub a batch of instances of the given class, with overridden attrs.
size (int): the number of instances to stub
object list: the stubbed instances
return [cls.stub(**kwargs) for _ in range(size)]
def generate(cls, strategy, **kwargs):
"""Generate a new instance.
The instance will be created with the given strategy (one of
strategy (str): the strategy to use for generating the instance.
object: the generated instance
assert strategy in (enums.STUB_STRATEGY, enums.BUILD_STRATEGY, enums.CREATE_STRATEGY)
action = getattr(cls, strategy)
return action(**kwargs)
def generate_batch(cls, strategy, size, **kwargs):
"""Generate a batch of instances.
The instances will be created with the given strategy (one of
strategy (str): the strategy to use for generating the instance.
size (int): the number of instances to generate
object list: the generated instances
assert strategy in (enums.STUB_STRATEGY, enums.BUILD_STRATEGY, enums.CREATE_STRATEGY)
batch_action = getattr(cls, '%s_batch' % strategy)
return batch_action(size, **kwargs)
def simple_generate(cls, create, **kwargs):
"""Generate a new instance.
The instance will be either 'built' or 'created'.
create (bool): whether to 'build' or 'create' the instance.
object: the generated instance
strategy = enums.CREATE_STRATEGY if create else enums.BUILD_STRATEGY
return cls.generate(strategy, **kwargs)
def simple_generate_batch(cls, create, size, **kwargs):
"""Generate a batch of instances.
These instances will be either 'built' or 'created'.
size (int): the number of instances to generate
create (bool): whether to 'build' or 'create' the instances.
object list: the generated instances
strategy = enums.CREATE_STRATEGY if create else enums.BUILD_STRATEGY
return cls.generate_batch(strategy, size, **kwargs)
class Factory(BaseFactory, metaclass=FactoryMetaClass):
"""Factory base with build and create support.
This class has the ability to support multiple ORMs by using custom creation
class Meta(BaseMeta):
# Backwards compatibility
Factory.AssociatedClassError = errors.AssociatedClassError
class StubObject:
"""A generic container."""
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
for field, value in kwargs.items():
setattr(self, field, value)
class StubFactory(Factory):
class Meta:
strategy = enums.STUB_STRATEGY
model = StubObject
def build(cls, **kwargs):
return cls.stub(**kwargs)
def create(cls, **kwargs):
raise errors.UnsupportedStrategy()
class BaseDictFactory(Factory):
"""Factory for dictionary-like classes."""
class Meta:
abstract = True
def _build(cls, model_class, *args, **kwargs):
if args:
raise ValueError(
"DictFactory %r does not support Meta.inline_args." % cls)
return model_class(**kwargs)
def _create(cls, model_class, *args, **kwargs):
return cls._build(model_class, *args, **kwargs)
class DictFactory(BaseDictFactory):
class Meta:
model = dict
class BaseListFactory(Factory):
"""Factory for list-like classes."""
class Meta:
abstract = True
def _build(cls, model_class, *args, **kwargs):
if args:
raise ValueError(
"ListFactory %r does not support Meta.inline_args." % cls)
# kwargs are constructed from a list, their insertion order matches the list
# order, no additional sorting is required.
values = kwargs.values()
return model_class(values)
def _create(cls, model_class, *args, **kwargs):
return cls._build(model_class, *args, **kwargs)
class ListFactory(BaseListFactory):
class Meta:
model = list
def use_strategy(new_strategy):
"""Force the use of a different strategy.
This is an alternative to setting default_strategy in the class definition.
"use_strategy() is deprecated and will be removed in the future.",
def wrapped_class(klass):
klass._meta.strategy = new_strategy
return klass
return wrapped_class