322 lines
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322 lines
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# Copyright: See the LICENSE file.
"""factory_boy extensions for use with the Django framework."""
import functools
import io
import logging
import os
from django.core import files as django_files
from django.db import IntegrityError
from . import base, declarations, errors
logger = logging.getLogger('factory.generate')
DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS = 'default' # Same as django.db.DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS
def get_model(app, model):
"""Wrapper around django's get_model."""
if 'get_model' not in _LAZY_LOADS:
_get_model = _LAZY_LOADS['get_model']
return _get_model(app, model)
def _lazy_load_get_model():
"""Lazy loading of get_model.
get_model loads django.conf.settings, which may fail if
the settings haven't been configured yet.
from django import apps as django_apps
_LAZY_LOADS['get_model'] = django_apps.apps.get_model
class DjangoOptions(base.FactoryOptions):
def _build_default_options(self):
return super()._build_default_options() + [
base.OptionDefault('django_get_or_create', (), inherit=True),
base.OptionDefault('database', DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS, inherit=True),
def _get_counter_reference(self):
counter_reference = super()._get_counter_reference()
if (counter_reference == self.base_factory
and self.base_factory._meta.model is not None
and self.base_factory._meta.model._meta.abstract
and self.model is not None
and not self.model._meta.abstract):
# Target factory is for an abstract model, yet we're for another,
# concrete subclass => don't reuse the counter.
return self.factory
return counter_reference
def get_model_class(self):
if isinstance(self.model, str) and '.' in self.model:
app, model_name = self.model.split('.', 1)
self.model = get_model(app, model_name)
return self.model
class DjangoModelFactory(base.Factory):
"""Factory for Django models.
This makes sure that the 'sequence' field of created objects is a new id.
Possible improvement: define a new 'attribute' type, AutoField, which would
handle those for non-numerical primary keys.
_options_class = DjangoOptions
class Meta:
abstract = True # Optional, but explicit.
def _load_model_class(cls, definition):
if isinstance(definition, str) and '.' in definition:
app, model = definition.split('.', 1)
return get_model(app, model)
return definition
def _get_manager(cls, model_class):
if model_class is None:
raise errors.AssociatedClassError(
f"No model set on {cls.__module__}.{cls.__name__}.Meta")
manager = model_class.objects
except AttributeError:
# When inheriting from an abstract model with a custom
# manager, the class has no 'objects' field.
manager = model_class._default_manager
if cls._meta.database != DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS:
manager = manager.using(cls._meta.database)
return manager
def _generate(cls, strategy, params):
# Original params are used in _get_or_create if it cannot build an
# object initially due to an IntegrityError being raised
cls._original_params = params
return super()._generate(strategy, params)
def _get_or_create(cls, model_class, *args, **kwargs):
"""Create an instance of the model through objects.get_or_create."""
manager = cls._get_manager(model_class)
assert 'defaults' not in cls._meta.django_get_or_create, (
"'defaults' is a reserved keyword for get_or_create "
"(in %s._meta.django_get_or_create=%r)"
% (cls, cls._meta.django_get_or_create))
key_fields = {}
for field in cls._meta.django_get_or_create:
if field not in kwargs:
raise errors.FactoryError(
"django_get_or_create - "
"Unable to find initialization value for '%s' in factory %s" %
(field, cls.__name__))
key_fields[field] = kwargs.pop(field)
key_fields['defaults'] = kwargs
instance, _created = manager.get_or_create(*args, **key_fields)
except IntegrityError as e:
get_or_create_params = {
lookup: value
for lookup, value in cls._original_params.items()
if lookup in cls._meta.django_get_or_create
if get_or_create_params:
instance = manager.get(**get_or_create_params)
except manager.model.DoesNotExist:
# Original params are not a valid lookup and triggered a create(),
# that resulted in an IntegrityError. Follow Django’s behavior.
raise e
raise e
return instance
def _create(cls, model_class, *args, **kwargs):
"""Create an instance of the model, and save it to the database."""
if cls._meta.django_get_or_create:
return cls._get_or_create(model_class, *args, **kwargs)
manager = cls._get_manager(model_class)
return manager.create(*args, **kwargs)
def _after_postgeneration(cls, instance, create, results=None):
"""Save again the instance if creating and at least one hook ran."""
if create and results:
# Some post-generation hooks ran, and may have modified us.
class FileField(declarations.BaseDeclaration):
"""Helper to fill in django.db.models.FileField from a Factory."""
DEFAULT_FILENAME = 'example.dat'
def _make_data(self, params):
"""Create data for the field."""
return params.get('data', b'')
def _make_content(self, params):
path = ''
_content_params = [params.get('from_path'), params.get('from_file'), params.get('from_func')]
if len([p for p in _content_params if p]) > 1:
raise ValueError(
"At most one argument from 'from_file', 'from_path', and 'from_func' should "
"be non-empty when calling factory.django.FileField."
if params.get('from_path'):
path = params['from_path']
with open(path, 'rb') as f:
content = django_files.base.ContentFile(f.read())
elif params.get('from_file'):
f = params['from_file']
content = django_files.File(f)
path = content.name
elif params.get('from_func'):
func = params['from_func']
content = django_files.File(func())
path = content.name
data = self._make_data(params)
content = django_files.base.ContentFile(data)
if path:
default_filename = os.path.basename(path)
default_filename = self.DEFAULT_FILENAME
filename = params.get('filename', default_filename)
return filename, content
def evaluate(self, instance, step, extra):
"""Fill in the field."""
filename, content = self._make_content(extra)
return django_files.File(content.file, filename)
class ImageField(FileField):
DEFAULT_FILENAME = 'example.jpg'
def _make_data(self, params):
# ImageField (both django's and factory_boy's) require PIL.
# Try to import it along one of its known installation paths.
from PIL import Image
width = params.get('width', 100)
height = params.get('height', width)
color = params.get('color', 'blue')
image_format = params.get('format', 'JPEG')
image_palette = params.get('palette', 'RGB')
thumb_io = io.BytesIO()
with Image.new(image_palette, (width, height), color) as thumb:
thumb.save(thumb_io, format=image_format)
return thumb_io.getvalue()
class mute_signals:
"""Temporarily disables and then restores any django signals.
*signals (django.dispatch.dispatcher.Signal): any django signals
with mute_signals(pre_init):
user = UserFactory.build()
@mute_signals(pre_save, post_save)
class UserFactory(factory.Factory):
def generate_users():
def __init__(self, *signals):
self.signals = signals
self.paused = {}
def __enter__(self):
for signal in self.signals:
logger.debug('mute_signals: Disabling signal handlers %r',
# Note that we're using implementation details of
# django.signals, since arguments to signal.connect()
# are lost in signal.receivers
self.paused[signal] = signal.receivers
signal.receivers = []
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
for signal, receivers in self.paused.items():
logger.debug('mute_signals: Restoring signal handlers %r',
signal.receivers += receivers
with signal.lock:
# Django uses some caching for its signals.
# Since we're bypassing signal.connect and signal.disconnect,
# we have to keep messing with django's internals.
self.paused = {}
def copy(self):
return mute_signals(*self.signals)
def __call__(self, callable_obj):
if isinstance(callable_obj, base.FactoryMetaClass):
# Retrieve __func__, the *actual* callable object.
callable_obj._create = self.wrap_method(callable_obj._create.__func__)
callable_obj._generate = self.wrap_method(callable_obj._generate.__func__)
return callable_obj
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
# A mute_signals() object is not reentrant; use a copy every time.
with self.copy():
return callable_obj(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
def wrap_method(self, method):
def wrapped_method(*args, **kwargs):
# A mute_signals() object is not reentrant; use a copy every time.
with self.copy():
return method(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapped_method