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2022-06-24 17:14:37 +02:00
Metadata-Version: 2.1
Name: simpy
Version: 4.0.1
Summary: Event discrete, process based simulation for Python.
Author: Ontje Lünsdorf, Stefan Scherfke
License: MIT License
Platform: UNKNOWN
Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
Classifier: Environment :: Console
Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers
Classifier: Intended Audience :: Education
Classifier: Intended Audience :: Science/Research
Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License
Classifier: Natural Language :: English
Classifier: Operating System :: OS Independent
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: CPython
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: PyPy
Classifier: Topic :: Scientific/Engineering
Requires-Python: >=3.6
Description-Content-Type: text/x-rst
SimPy is a process-based discrete-event simulation framework based on standard
Python. Processes in SimPy are defined by Python `generator`__ functions and
can, for example, be used to model active components like customers, vehicles or
agents. SimPy also provides various types of shared resources to model
limited capacity congestion points (like servers, checkout counters and
Simulations can be performed “as fast as possible”, in real time (wall clock
time) or by manually stepping through the events.
Though it is theoretically possible to do continuous simulations with SimPy, it
has no features that help you with that. Also, SimPy is not really required for
simulations with a fixed step size and where your processes dont interact with
each other or with shared resources.
The `documentation`__ contains a `tutorial`__, `several guides`__ explaining key
concepts, a number of `examples`__ and the `API reference`__.
SimPy is released under the MIT License. Simulation model developers are
encouraged to share their SimPy modeling techniques with the SimPy community.
Please post a message to the `SimPy mailing list`__.
There is an introductory talk that explains SimPys concepts and provides some
examples: `watch the video`__ or `get the slides`__.
A Simple Example
One of SimPy's main goals is to be easy to use. Here is an example for a simple
SimPy simulation: a *clock* process that prints the current simulation time at
each step:
.. code-block:: python
>>> import simpy
>>> def clock(env, name, tick):
... while True:
... print(name,
... yield env.timeout(tick)
>>> env = simpy.Environment()
>>> env.process(clock(env, 'fast', 0.5))
<Process(clock) object at 0x...>
>>> env.process(clock(env, 'slow', 1))
<Process(clock) object at 0x...>
fast 0
slow 0
fast 0.5
slow 1
fast 1.0
fast 1.5
SimPy requires Python >= 3.6, both CPython and PyPy3 are known to work.
You can install SimPy easily via `pip <>`_:
.. code-block:: bash
$ pip install -U simpy
You can also download and install SimPy manually:
.. code-block:: bash
$ cd where/you/put/simpy/
$ python install
To run SimPys test suite on your installation, execute:
.. code-block:: bash
$ py.test --pyargs simpy
Getting started
If youve never used SimPy before, the `SimPy tutorial`__ is a good starting
point for you. You can also try out some of the `Examples`__ shipped with
Documentation and Help
You can find `a tutorial`__, `examples`__, `topical guides`__ and an `API
reference`__, as well as some information about `SimPy and its history`__ in
our `online documentation`__. For more help, contact the `SimPy mailing
list`__. SimPy users are pretty helpful. You can, of course, also dig through
the `source code`__.
If you find any bugs, please post them on our `issue tracker`__.
Enjoy simulation programming in SimPy!
Ports and comparable libraries
Reimplementations of SimPy and libraries similar to SimPy are available in the
following languages:
- C#: `SimSharp <>`_ (written by Andreas Beham)
- Julia: `SimJulia <>`_
- R: `Simmer <>`_
Changelog for SimPy
4.0.0 - 2020-04-06
- [BREAKING] Python 3.6 is the minimum supported version
- [BREAKING] ``BaseEnvironment`` is eliminated. Inherit ``Environment`` instead.
- [BREAKING] ``Environment.exit()`` is eliminated. Use ``return`` instead.
- [NEW] "Porting from SimPy 3 to 4" topical guide in docs
- [NEW] SimPy is now fully type annotated (PEP-483, PEP-484)
- [NEW] PEP-517/PEP-518 compatible build system
3.0.13 - 2020-04-05
- [FIX] Repair several minor typos in documentation
- [FIX] Possible AttributeError in Process._resume()
- [CHANGE] Use setuptools_scm in distribution build
3.0.12 - 2020-03-12
- [FIX] Fix URLs for and re-release
3.0.11 - 2018-07-13
- [FIX] Repair Environment.exit() to support PEP-479 and Python 3.7.
- [FIX] Fix wrong usage_since calculation in preemptions
- [NEW] Add "Time and Scheduling" section to docs
- [CHANGE] Move Interrupt from events to exceptions
- [FIX] Various minor documentation improvements
3.0.10 2016-08-26
- [FIX] Conditions no longer leak callbacks on events (thanks to Peter Grayson).
3.0.9 2016-06-12
- [NEW] PriorityStore resource and performance benchmarks were implemented by
Peter Grayson.
- [FIX] Support for identifying nested preemptions was added by Cristian Klein.
3.0.8 2015-06-23
- [NEW] Added a monitoring guide to the documentation.
- [FIX] Improved packaging (thanks to Larissa Reis).
- [FIX] Fixed and improved various test cases.
3.0.7 2015-03-01
- [FIX] State of resources and requests were inconsistent before the request
has been processed (`issue #62 <
- [FIX] Empty conditions were never triggered (regression in 3.0.6, `issue #63
- [FIX] ```` will fail if the until event does not get
triggered (`issue #64 <>`__).
- [FIX] Callback modification during event processing is now prohibited (thanks
to Andreas Beham).
3.0.6 - 2015-01-30
- [NEW] Guide to SimPy resources.
- [CHANGE] Improve performance of condition events.
- [CHANGE] Improve performance of filter store (thanks to Christoph Körner).
- [CHANGE] Exception tracebacks are now more compact.
- [FIX] ``AllOf`` conditions handle already processed events correctly (`issue
#52 <>`__).
- [FIX] Add ``sync()`` to ``RealtimeEnvironment`` to reset its internal
wall-clock reference time (`issue #42 <
- [FIX] Only send copies of exceptions into processes to prevent traceback
- [FIX] Documentation improvements.
3.0.5 2014-05-14
- [CHANGE] Move interruption and all of the safety checks into a new event
(`pull request #30`__)
- [FIX] ``FilterStore.get()`` now behaves correctly (`issue #49`__).
- [FIX] Documentation improvements.
3.0.4 2014-04-07
- [NEW] Verified, that SimPy works on Python 3.4.
- [NEW] Guide to SimPy events
- [CHANGE] The result dictionary for condition events (``AllOF`` / ``&`` and
``AnyOf`` / ``|``) now is an *OrderedDict* sorted in the same way as the
original events list.
- [CHANGE] Condition events now also except processed events.
- [FIX] ``Resource.request()`` directly after ``Resource.release()`` no longer
successful. The process now has to wait as supposed to.
- [FIX] ```` now accept all exceptions derived from
``BaseException`` instead of only ``Exception``.
3.0.3 2014-03-06
- [NEW] Guide to SimPy basics.
- [NEW] Guide to SimPy Environments.
- [FIX] Timing problems with real time simulation on Windows (issue #46).
- [FIX] Installation problems on Windows due to Unicode errors (issue #41).
- [FIX] Minor documentation issues.
3.0.2 2013-10-24
- [FIX] The default capacity for ``Container`` and ``FilterStore`` is now also
3.0.1 2013-10-24
- [FIX] Documentation and default parameters of ``Store`` didn't match. Its
default capacity is now ``inf``.
3.0 2013-10-11
SimPy 3 has been completely rewritten from scratch. Our main goals were to
simplify the API and code base as well as making SimPy more flexible and
extensible. Some of the most important changes are:
- Stronger focus on events. Processes yield event instances and are suspended
until the event is triggered. An example for an event is a *timeout*
(formerly known as *hold*), but even processes are now events, too (you can
wait until a process terminates).
- Events can be combined with ``&`` (and) and ``|`` (or) to create
*condition events*.
- Process can now be defined by any generator function. You don't have to
subclass ``Process`` anymore.
- No more global simulation state. Every simulation stores its state in an
*environment* which is comparable to the old ``Simulation`` class.
- Improved resource system with newly added resource types.
- Removed plotting and GUI capabilities. `Pyside`__ and `matplotlib`__ are much
better with this.
- Greatly improved test suite. Its cleaner, and the tests are shorter and more
- Completely overhauled documentation.
There is a `guide for porting from SimPy 2 to SimPy 3`__. If you want to stick
to SimPy 2 for a while, change your requirements to ``'SimPy>=2.3,<3'``.
All in all, SimPy has become a framework for asynchronous programming based on
coroutines. It brings more than ten years of experience and scientific know-how
in the field of event-discrete simulation to the world of asynchronous
programming and should thus be a solid foundation for everything based on an
event loop.
You can find information about older versions on the `history page`__
SimPy was originally created by Klaus G. Müller and Tony Vignaux in 2002.
In 2008, Ontje Lünsdorf and Stefan Scherfke started to contribute to SimPy and
became active maintainers in 2011.
In 2011, Karen Turner came on board to generally help with all the bits and
pieces that may get forgotten :-)
Wed also like to thank:
- Johannes Koomer
- Steven Kennedy
- Matthew Grogan
- Sean Reed
- Christoph Körner
- Andreas Beham
- Larissa Reis
- Peter Grayson
- Cristian Klein