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2022-06-24 17:14:37 +02:00
"""Operators and states for 1D cartesian position and momentum.
* Add 3D classes to mappings in operatorset.py
from sympy import DiracDelta, exp, I, Interval, pi, S, sqrt
from sympy.physics.quantum.constants import hbar
from sympy.physics.quantum.hilbert import L2
from sympy.physics.quantum.operator import DifferentialOperator, HermitianOperator
from sympy.physics.quantum.state import Ket, Bra, State
__all__ = [
# Position operators
class XOp(HermitianOperator):
"""1D cartesian position operator."""
def default_args(self):
return ("X",)
def _eval_hilbert_space(self, args):
return L2(Interval(S.NegativeInfinity, S.Infinity))
def _eval_commutator_PxOp(self, other):
return I*hbar
def _apply_operator_XKet(self, ket):
return ket.position*ket
def _apply_operator_PositionKet3D(self, ket):
return ket.position_x*ket
def _represent_PxKet(self, basis, *, index=1, **options):
states = basis._enumerate_state(2, start_index=index)
coord1 = states[0].momentum
coord2 = states[1].momentum
d = DifferentialOperator(coord1)
delta = DiracDelta(coord1 - coord2)
return I*hbar*(d*delta)
class YOp(HermitianOperator):
""" Y cartesian coordinate operator (for 2D or 3D systems) """
def default_args(self):
return ("Y",)
def _eval_hilbert_space(self, args):
return L2(Interval(S.NegativeInfinity, S.Infinity))
def _apply_operator_PositionKet3D(self, ket):
return ket.position_y*ket
class ZOp(HermitianOperator):
""" Z cartesian coordinate operator (for 3D systems) """
def default_args(self):
return ("Z",)
def _eval_hilbert_space(self, args):
return L2(Interval(S.NegativeInfinity, S.Infinity))
def _apply_operator_PositionKet3D(self, ket):
return ket.position_z*ket
# Momentum operators
class PxOp(HermitianOperator):
"""1D cartesian momentum operator."""
def default_args(self):
return ("Px",)
def _eval_hilbert_space(self, args):
return L2(Interval(S.NegativeInfinity, S.Infinity))
def _apply_operator_PxKet(self, ket):
return ket.momentum*ket
def _represent_XKet(self, basis, *, index=1, **options):
states = basis._enumerate_state(2, start_index=index)
coord1 = states[0].position
coord2 = states[1].position
d = DifferentialOperator(coord1)
delta = DiracDelta(coord1 - coord2)
return -I*hbar*(d*delta)
X = XOp('X')
Y = YOp('Y')
Z = ZOp('Z')
Px = PxOp('Px')
# Position eigenstates
class XKet(Ket):
"""1D cartesian position eigenket."""
def _operators_to_state(self, op, **options):
return self.__new__(self, *_lowercase_labels(op), **options)
def _state_to_operators(self, op_class, **options):
return op_class.__new__(op_class,
*_uppercase_labels(self), **options)
def default_args(self):
return ("x",)
def dual_class(self):
return XBra
def position(self):
"""The position of the state."""
return self.label[0]
def _enumerate_state(self, num_states, **options):
return _enumerate_continuous_1D(self, num_states, **options)
def _eval_innerproduct_XBra(self, bra, **hints):
return DiracDelta(self.position - bra.position)
def _eval_innerproduct_PxBra(self, bra, **hints):
return exp(-I*self.position*bra.momentum/hbar)/sqrt(2*pi*hbar)
class XBra(Bra):
"""1D cartesian position eigenbra."""
def default_args(self):
return ("x",)
def dual_class(self):
return XKet
def position(self):
"""The position of the state."""
return self.label[0]
class PositionState3D(State):
""" Base class for 3D cartesian position eigenstates """
def _operators_to_state(self, op, **options):
return self.__new__(self, *_lowercase_labels(op), **options)
def _state_to_operators(self, op_class, **options):
return op_class.__new__(op_class,
*_uppercase_labels(self), **options)
def default_args(self):
return ("x", "y", "z")
def position_x(self):
""" The x coordinate of the state """
return self.label[0]
def position_y(self):
""" The y coordinate of the state """
return self.label[1]
def position_z(self):
""" The z coordinate of the state """
return self.label[2]
class PositionKet3D(Ket, PositionState3D):
""" 3D cartesian position eigenket """
def _eval_innerproduct_PositionBra3D(self, bra, **options):
x_diff = self.position_x - bra.position_x
y_diff = self.position_y - bra.position_y
z_diff = self.position_z - bra.position_z
return DiracDelta(x_diff)*DiracDelta(y_diff)*DiracDelta(z_diff)
def dual_class(self):
return PositionBra3D
# XXX: The type:ignore here is because mypy gives Definition of
# "_state_to_operators" in base class "PositionState3D" is incompatible with
# definition in base class "BraBase"
class PositionBra3D(Bra, PositionState3D): # type: ignore
""" 3D cartesian position eigenbra """
def dual_class(self):
return PositionKet3D
# Momentum eigenstates
class PxKet(Ket):
"""1D cartesian momentum eigenket."""
def _operators_to_state(self, op, **options):
return self.__new__(self, *_lowercase_labels(op), **options)
def _state_to_operators(self, op_class, **options):
return op_class.__new__(op_class,
*_uppercase_labels(self), **options)
def default_args(self):
return ("px",)
def dual_class(self):
return PxBra
def momentum(self):
"""The momentum of the state."""
return self.label[0]
def _enumerate_state(self, *args, **options):
return _enumerate_continuous_1D(self, *args, **options)
def _eval_innerproduct_XBra(self, bra, **hints):
return exp(I*self.momentum*bra.position/hbar)/sqrt(2*pi*hbar)
def _eval_innerproduct_PxBra(self, bra, **hints):
return DiracDelta(self.momentum - bra.momentum)
class PxBra(Bra):
"""1D cartesian momentum eigenbra."""
def default_args(self):
return ("px",)
def dual_class(self):
return PxKet
def momentum(self):
"""The momentum of the state."""
return self.label[0]
# Global helper functions
def _enumerate_continuous_1D(*args, **options):
state = args[0]
num_states = args[1]
state_class = state.__class__
index_list = options.pop('index_list', [])
if len(index_list) == 0:
start_index = options.pop('start_index', 1)
index_list = list(range(start_index, start_index + num_states))
enum_states = [0 for i in range(len(index_list))]
for i, ind in enumerate(index_list):
label = state.args[0]
enum_states[i] = state_class(str(label) + "_" + str(ind), **options)
return enum_states
def _lowercase_labels(ops):
if not isinstance(ops, set):
ops = [ops]
return [str(arg.label[0]).lower() for arg in ops]
def _uppercase_labels(ops):
if not isinstance(ops, set):
ops = [ops]
new_args = [str(arg.label[0])[0].upper() +
str(arg.label[0])[1:] for arg in ops]
return new_args