# Copyright: See the LICENSE file. """Additional declarations for "fuzzy" attribute definitions.""" import datetime import decimal import string import warnings from . import declarations, random random_seed_warning = ( "Setting a specific random seed for {} can still have varying results " "unless you also set a specific end date. For details and potential solutions " "see https://github.com/FactoryBoy/factory_boy/issues/331" ) class BaseFuzzyAttribute(declarations.BaseDeclaration): """Base class for fuzzy attributes. Custom fuzzers should override the `fuzz()` method. """ def fuzz(self): # pragma: no cover raise NotImplementedError() def evaluate(self, instance, step, extra): return self.fuzz() class FuzzyAttribute(BaseFuzzyAttribute): """Similar to LazyAttribute, but yields random values. Attributes: function (callable): function taking no parameters and returning a random value. """ def __init__(self, fuzzer): super().__init__() self.fuzzer = fuzzer def fuzz(self): return self.fuzzer() class FuzzyText(BaseFuzzyAttribute): """Random string with a given prefix. Generates a random string of the given length from chosen chars. If a prefix or a suffix are supplied, they will be prepended / appended to the generated string. Args: prefix (text): An optional prefix to prepend to the random string length (int): the length of the random part suffix (text): An optional suffix to append to the random string chars (str list): the chars to choose from Useful for generating unique attributes where the exact value is not important. """ def __init__(self, prefix='', length=12, suffix='', chars=string.ascii_letters): super().__init__() self.prefix = prefix self.suffix = suffix self.length = length self.chars = tuple(chars) # Unroll iterators def fuzz(self): chars = [random.randgen.choice(self.chars) for _i in range(self.length)] return self.prefix + ''.join(chars) + self.suffix class FuzzyChoice(BaseFuzzyAttribute): """Handles fuzzy choice of an attribute. Args: choices (iterable): An iterable yielding options; will only be unrolled on the first call. getter (callable or None): a function to parse returned values """ def __init__(self, choices, getter=None): self.choices = None self.choices_generator = choices self.getter = getter super().__init__() def fuzz(self): if self.choices is None: self.choices = list(self.choices_generator) value = random.randgen.choice(self.choices) if self.getter is None: return value return self.getter(value) class FuzzyInteger(BaseFuzzyAttribute): """Random integer within a given range.""" def __init__(self, low, high=None, step=1): if high is None: high = low low = 0 self.low = low self.high = high self.step = step super().__init__() def fuzz(self): return random.randgen.randrange(self.low, self.high + 1, self.step) class FuzzyDecimal(BaseFuzzyAttribute): """Random decimal within a given range.""" def __init__(self, low, high=None, precision=2): if high is None: high = low low = 0.0 self.low = low self.high = high self.precision = precision super().__init__() def fuzz(self): base = decimal.Decimal(str(random.randgen.uniform(self.low, self.high))) return base.quantize(decimal.Decimal(10) ** -self.precision) class FuzzyFloat(BaseFuzzyAttribute): """Random float within a given range.""" def __init__(self, low, high=None, precision=15): if high is None: high = low low = 0 self.low = low self.high = high self.precision = precision super().__init__() def fuzz(self): base = random.randgen.uniform(self.low, self.high) return float(format(base, '.%dg' % self.precision)) class FuzzyDate(BaseFuzzyAttribute): """Random date within a given date range.""" def __init__(self, start_date, end_date=None): super().__init__() if end_date is None: if random.randgen.state_set: cls_name = self.__class__.__name__ warnings.warn(random_seed_warning.format(cls_name), stacklevel=2) end_date = datetime.date.today() if start_date > end_date: raise ValueError( "FuzzyDate boundaries should have start <= end; got %r > %r." % (start_date, end_date)) self.start_date = start_date.toordinal() self.end_date = end_date.toordinal() def fuzz(self): return datetime.date.fromordinal(random.randgen.randint(self.start_date, self.end_date)) class BaseFuzzyDateTime(BaseFuzzyAttribute): """Base class for fuzzy datetime-related attributes. Provides fuzz() computation, forcing year/month/day/hour/... """ def _check_bounds(self, start_dt, end_dt): if start_dt > end_dt: raise ValueError( """%s boundaries should have start <= end, got %r > %r""" % ( self.__class__.__name__, start_dt, end_dt)) def _now(self): raise NotImplementedError() def __init__(self, start_dt, end_dt=None, force_year=None, force_month=None, force_day=None, force_hour=None, force_minute=None, force_second=None, force_microsecond=None): super().__init__() if end_dt is None: if random.randgen.state_set: cls_name = self.__class__.__name__ warnings.warn(random_seed_warning.format(cls_name), stacklevel=2) end_dt = self._now() self._check_bounds(start_dt, end_dt) self.start_dt = start_dt self.end_dt = end_dt self.force_year = force_year self.force_month = force_month self.force_day = force_day self.force_hour = force_hour self.force_minute = force_minute self.force_second = force_second self.force_microsecond = force_microsecond def fuzz(self): delta = self.end_dt - self.start_dt microseconds = delta.microseconds + 1000000 * (delta.seconds + (delta.days * 86400)) offset = random.randgen.randint(0, microseconds) result = self.start_dt + datetime.timedelta(microseconds=offset) if self.force_year is not None: result = result.replace(year=self.force_year) if self.force_month is not None: result = result.replace(month=self.force_month) if self.force_day is not None: result = result.replace(day=self.force_day) if self.force_hour is not None: result = result.replace(hour=self.force_hour) if self.force_minute is not None: result = result.replace(minute=self.force_minute) if self.force_second is not None: result = result.replace(second=self.force_second) if self.force_microsecond is not None: result = result.replace(microsecond=self.force_microsecond) return result class FuzzyNaiveDateTime(BaseFuzzyDateTime): """Random naive datetime within a given range. If no upper bound is given, will default to datetime.datetime.now(). """ def _now(self): return datetime.datetime.now() def _check_bounds(self, start_dt, end_dt): if start_dt.tzinfo is not None: raise ValueError( "FuzzyNaiveDateTime only handles naive datetimes, got start=%r" % start_dt) if end_dt.tzinfo is not None: raise ValueError( "FuzzyNaiveDateTime only handles naive datetimes, got end=%r" % end_dt) super()._check_bounds(start_dt, end_dt) class FuzzyDateTime(BaseFuzzyDateTime): """Random timezone-aware datetime within a given range. If no upper bound is given, will default to datetime.datetime.now() If no timezone is given, will default to utc. """ def _now(self): return datetime.datetime.now(tz=datetime.timezone.utc) def _check_bounds(self, start_dt, end_dt): if start_dt.tzinfo is None: raise ValueError( "FuzzyDateTime requires timezone-aware datetimes, got start=%r" % start_dt) if end_dt.tzinfo is None: raise ValueError( "FuzzyDateTime requires timezone-aware datetimes, got end=%r" % end_dt) super()._check_bounds(start_dt, end_dt)