#-*-test-case-name: openid.test.test_association-*- #-*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ This module contains code for dealing with associations between consumers and servers. Associations contain a shared secret that is used to sign C{openid.mode=id_res} messages. Users of the library should not usually need to interact directly with associations. The L{store}, L{server} and L{consumer} objects will create and manage the associations. The consumer and server code will make use of a C{L{SessionNegotiator}} when managing associations, which enables users to express a preference for what kind of associations should be allowed, and what kind of exchange should be done to establish the association. @var default_negotiator: A C{L{SessionNegotiator}} that allows all association types that are specified by the OpenID specification. It prefers to use HMAC-SHA1/DH-SHA1, if it's available. If HMAC-SHA256 is not supported by your Python runtime, HMAC-SHA256 and DH-SHA256 will not be available. @var encrypted_negotiator: A C{L{SessionNegotiator}} that does not support C{'no-encryption'} associations. It prefers HMAC-SHA1/DH-SHA1 association types if available. """ import time import functools from openid import cryptutil from openid import kvform from openid import oidutil from openid.message import OPENID_NS __all__ = [ 'default_negotiator', 'encrypted_negotiator', 'SessionNegotiator', 'Association', ] all_association_types = [ 'HMAC-SHA1', 'HMAC-SHA256', ] if hasattr(cryptutil, 'hmacSha256'): supported_association_types = list(all_association_types) default_association_order = [ ('HMAC-SHA1', 'DH-SHA1'), ('HMAC-SHA1', 'no-encryption'), ('HMAC-SHA256', 'DH-SHA256'), ('HMAC-SHA256', 'no-encryption'), ] only_encrypted_association_order = [ ('HMAC-SHA1', 'DH-SHA1'), ('HMAC-SHA256', 'DH-SHA256'), ] else: supported_association_types = ['HMAC-SHA1'] default_association_order = [ ('HMAC-SHA1', 'DH-SHA1'), ('HMAC-SHA1', 'no-encryption'), ] only_encrypted_association_order = [ ('HMAC-SHA1', 'DH-SHA1'), ] def getSessionTypes(assoc_type): """Return the allowed session types for a given association type""" assoc_to_session = { 'HMAC-SHA1': ['DH-SHA1', 'no-encryption'], 'HMAC-SHA256': ['DH-SHA256', 'no-encryption'], } return assoc_to_session.get(assoc_type, []) def checkSessionType(assoc_type, session_type): """Check to make sure that this pair of assoc type and session type are allowed""" if session_type not in getSessionTypes(assoc_type): raise ValueError('Session type %r not valid for assocation type %r' % (session_type, assoc_type)) class SessionNegotiator(object): """A session negotiator controls the allowed and preferred association types and association session types. Both the C{L{Consumer}} and C{L{Server}} use negotiators when creating associations. You can create and use negotiators if you: - Do not want to do Diffie-Hellman key exchange because you use transport-layer encryption (e.g. SSL) - Want to use only SHA-256 associations - Do not want to support plain-text associations over a non-secure channel It is up to you to set a policy for what kinds of associations to accept. By default, the library will make any kind of association that is allowed in the OpenID 2.0 specification. Use of negotiators in the library ================================= When a consumer makes an association request, it calls C{L{getAllowedType}} to get the preferred association type and association session type. The server gets a request for a particular association/session type and calls C{L{isAllowed}} to determine if it should create an association. If it is supported, negotiation is complete. If it is not, the server calls C{L{getAllowedType}} to get an allowed association type to return to the consumer. If the consumer gets an error response indicating that the requested association/session type is not supported by the server that contains an assocation/session type to try, it calls C{L{isAllowed}} to determine if it should try again with the given combination of association/session type. @ivar allowed_types: A list of association/session types that are allowed by the server. The order of the pairs in this list determines preference. If an association/session type comes earlier in the list, the library is more likely to use that type. @type allowed_types: [(str, str)] """ def __init__(self, allowed_types): self.setAllowedTypes(allowed_types) def copy(self): return self.__class__(list(self.allowed_types)) def setAllowedTypes(self, allowed_types): """Set the allowed association types, checking to make sure each combination is valid.""" for (assoc_type, session_type) in allowed_types: checkSessionType(assoc_type, session_type) self.allowed_types = allowed_types def addAllowedType(self, assoc_type, session_type=None): """Add an association type and session type to the allowed types list. The assocation/session pairs are tried in the order that they are added.""" if self.allowed_types is None: self.allowed_types = [] if session_type is None: available = getSessionTypes(assoc_type) if not available: raise ValueError('No session available for association type %r' % (assoc_type, )) for session_type in getSessionTypes(assoc_type): self.addAllowedType(assoc_type, session_type) else: checkSessionType(assoc_type, session_type) self.allowed_types.append((assoc_type, session_type)) def isAllowed(self, assoc_type, session_type): """Is this combination of association type and session type allowed?""" assoc_good = (assoc_type, session_type) in self.allowed_types matches = session_type in getSessionTypes(assoc_type) return assoc_good and matches def getAllowedType(self): """Get a pair of assocation type and session type that are supported""" try: return self.allowed_types[0] except IndexError: return (None, None) default_negotiator = SessionNegotiator(default_association_order) encrypted_negotiator = SessionNegotiator(only_encrypted_association_order) def getSecretSize(assoc_type): if assoc_type == 'HMAC-SHA1': return 20 elif assoc_type == 'HMAC-SHA256': return 32 else: raise ValueError('Unsupported association type: %r' % (assoc_type, )) @functools.total_ordering class Association(object): """ This class represents an association between a server and a consumer. In general, users of this library will never see instances of this object. The only exception is if you implement a custom C{L{OpenIDStore}}. If you do implement such a store, it will need to store the values of the C{L{handle}}, C{L{secret}}, C{L{issued}}, C{L{lifetime}}, and C{L{assoc_type}} instance variables. @ivar handle: This is the handle the server gave this association. @type handle: C{str} @ivar secret: This is the shared secret the server generated for this association. @type secret: C{str} @ivar issued: This is the time this association was issued, in seconds since 00:00 GMT, January 1, 1970. (ie, a unix timestamp) @type issued: C{int} @ivar lifetime: This is the amount of time this association is good for, measured in seconds since the association was issued. @type lifetime: C{int} @ivar assoc_type: This is the type of association this instance represents. The only valid value of this field at this time is C{'HMAC-SHA1'}, but new types may be defined in the future. @type assoc_type: C{str} @sort: __init__, fromExpiresIn, expiresIn, __eq__, __ne__, handle, secret, issued, lifetime, assoc_type """ # The ordering and name of keys as stored by serialize assoc_keys = [ 'version', 'handle', 'secret', 'issued', 'lifetime', 'assoc_type', ] _macs = { 'HMAC-SHA1': cryptutil.hmacSha1, 'HMAC-SHA256': cryptutil.hmacSha256, } @classmethod def fromExpiresIn(cls, expires_in, handle, secret, assoc_type): """ This is an alternate constructor used by the OpenID consumer library to create associations. C{L{OpenIDStore }} implementations shouldn't use this constructor. @param expires_in: This is the amount of time this association is good for, measured in seconds since the association was issued. @type expires_in: C{int} @param handle: This is the handle the server gave this association. @type handle: C{str} @param secret: This is the shared secret the server generated for this association. @type secret: C{str} @param assoc_type: This is the type of association this instance represents. The only valid value of this field at this time is C{'HMAC-SHA1'}, but new types may be defined in the future. @type assoc_type: C{str} """ issued = int(time.time()) lifetime = expires_in return cls(handle, secret, issued, lifetime, assoc_type) def __init__(self, handle, secret, issued, lifetime, assoc_type): """ This is the standard constructor for creating an association. @param handle: This is the handle the server gave this association. @type handle: C{str} @param secret: This is the shared secret the server generated for this association. @type secret: C{str} @param issued: This is the time this association was issued, in seconds since 00:00 GMT, January 1, 1970. (ie, a unix timestamp) @type issued: C{int} @param lifetime: This is the amount of time this association is good for, measured in seconds since the association was issued. @type lifetime: C{int} @param assoc_type: This is the type of association this instance represents. The only valid value of this field at this time is C{'HMAC-SHA1'}, but new types may be defined in the future. @type assoc_type: C{str} """ if assoc_type not in all_association_types: fmt = '%r is not a supported association type' raise ValueError(fmt % (assoc_type, )) # secret_size = getSecretSize(assoc_type) # if len(secret) != secret_size: # fmt = 'Wrong size secret (%s bytes) for association type %s' # raise ValueError(fmt % (len(secret), assoc_type)) self.handle = handle if isinstance(secret, str): secret = secret.encode("utf-8") # should be bytes self.secret = secret self.issued = issued self.lifetime = lifetime self.assoc_type = assoc_type @property def expiresIn(self, now=None): """ This returns the number of seconds this association is still valid for, or C{0} if the association is no longer valid. @return: The number of seconds this association is still valid for, or C{0} if the association is no longer valid. @rtype: C{int} """ if now is None: now = int(time.time()) return max(0, self.issued + self.lifetime - now) def __lt__(self, other): """ Compare two C{L{Association}} instances to determine relative ordering. Currently compares object lifetimes -- C{L{Association}} A < B if A.lifetime < B.lifetime. """ return self.lifetime < other.lifetime def __eq__(self, other): """ This checks to see if two C{L{Association}} instances represent the same association. @return: C{True} if the two instances represent the same association, C{False} otherwise. @rtype: C{bool} """ return type(self) is type(other) and self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): """ This checks to see if two C{L{Association}} instances represent different associations. @return: C{True} if the two instances represent different associations, C{False} otherwise. @rtype: C{bool} """ return not (self == other) def serialize(self): """ Convert an association to KV form. @return: String in KV form suitable for deserialization by deserialize. @rtype: str """ data = { 'version': '2', 'handle': self.handle, 'secret': oidutil.toBase64(self.secret), 'issued': str(int(self.issued)), 'lifetime': str(int(self.lifetime)), 'assoc_type': self.assoc_type } assert len(data) == len(self.assoc_keys) pairs = [] for field_name in self.assoc_keys: pairs.append((field_name, data[field_name])) return kvform.seqToKV(pairs, strict=True) @classmethod def deserialize(cls, assoc_s): """ Parse an association as stored by serialize(). inverse of serialize @param assoc_s: Association as serialized by serialize() @type assoc_s: bytes @return: instance of this class """ pairs = kvform.kvToSeq(assoc_s, strict=True) keys = [] values = [] for k, v in pairs: keys.append(k) values.append(v) if keys != cls.assoc_keys: raise ValueError('Unexpected key values: %r', keys) version, handle, secret, issued, lifetime, assoc_type = values if version != '2': raise ValueError('Unknown version: %r' % version) issued = int(issued) lifetime = int(lifetime) secret = oidutil.fromBase64(secret) return cls(handle, secret, issued, lifetime, assoc_type) def sign(self, pairs): """ Generate a signature for a sequence of (key, value) pairs @param pairs: The pairs to sign, in order @type pairs: sequence of (str, str) @return: The binary signature of this sequence of pairs @rtype: bytes """ kv = kvform.seqToKV(pairs) try: mac = self._macs[self.assoc_type] except KeyError: raise ValueError('Unknown association type: %r' % (self.assoc_type, )) return mac(self.secret, kv) def getMessageSignature(self, message): """Return the signature of a message. If I am not a sign-all association, the message must have a signed list. @return: the signature, base64 encoded @rtype: bytes @raises ValueError: If there is no signed list and I am not a sign-all type of association. """ pairs = self._makePairs(message) return oidutil.toBase64(self.sign(pairs)) def signMessage(self, message): """Add a signature (and a signed list) to a message. @return: a new Message object with a signature @rtype: L{openid.message.Message} """ if (message.hasKey(OPENID_NS, 'sig') or message.hasKey(OPENID_NS, 'signed')): raise ValueError('Message already has signed list or signature') extant_handle = message.getArg(OPENID_NS, 'assoc_handle') if extant_handle and extant_handle != self.handle: raise ValueError("Message has a different association handle") signed_message = message.copy() signed_message.setArg(OPENID_NS, 'assoc_handle', self.handle) message_keys = list(signed_message.toPostArgs().keys()) signed_list = [k[7:] for k in message_keys if k.startswith('openid.')] signed_list.append('signed') signed_list.sort() signed_message.setArg(OPENID_NS, 'signed', ','.join(signed_list)) sig = self.getMessageSignature(signed_message) signed_message.setArg(OPENID_NS, 'sig', sig) return signed_message def checkMessageSignature(self, message): """Given a message with a signature, calculate a new signature and return whether it matches the signature in the message. @raises ValueError: if the message has no signature or no signature can be calculated for it. """ message_sig = message.getArg(OPENID_NS, 'sig') if not message_sig: raise ValueError("%s has no sig." % (message, )) calculated_sig = self.getMessageSignature(message) # remember, getMessageSignature returns bytes calculated_sig = calculated_sig.decode('utf-8') return cryptutil.const_eq(calculated_sig, message_sig) def _makePairs(self, message): signed = message.getArg(OPENID_NS, 'signed') if not signed: raise ValueError('Message has no signed list: %s' % (message, )) signed_list = signed.split(',') pairs = [] data = message.toPostArgs() for field in signed_list: pairs.append((field, data.get('openid.' + field, ''))) return pairs def __repr__(self): return "<%s.%s %s %s>" % (self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, self.assoc_type, self.handle)