# -*- test-case-name: yadis.test.test_etxrd -*- """ ElementTree interface to an XRD document. """ __all__ = [ 'nsTag', 'mkXRDTag', 'isXRDS', 'parseXRDS', 'getCanonicalID', 'getYadisXRD', 'getPriorityStrict', 'getPriority', 'prioSort', 'iterServices', 'expandService', 'expandServices', ] import sys import random import functools from datetime import datetime from time import strptime from openid.oidutil import importElementTree, importSafeElementTree ElementTree = importElementTree() SafeElementTree = importSafeElementTree() from openid.yadis import xri class XRDSError(Exception): """An error with the XRDS document.""" # The exception that triggered this exception reason = None class XRDSFraud(XRDSError): """Raised when there's an assertion in the XRDS that it does not have the authority to make. """ def parseXRDS(text): """Parse the given text as an XRDS document. @return: ElementTree containing an XRDS document @raises XRDSError: When there is a parse error or the document does not contain an XRDS. """ try: # lxml prefers to parse bytestrings, and occasionally chokes on a # combination of text strings and declared XML encodings -- see # https://github.com/necaris/python3-openid/issues/19 # To avoid this, we ensure that the 'text' we're parsing is actually # a bytestring bytestring = text.encode('utf8') if isinstance(text, str) else text element = SafeElementTree.XML(bytestring) except (SystemExit, MemoryError, AssertionError, ImportError): raise except Exception as why: exc = XRDSError('Error parsing document as XML') exc.reason = why raise exc else: tree = ElementTree.ElementTree(element) if not isXRDS(tree): raise XRDSError('Not an XRDS document') return tree XRD_NS_2_0 = 'xri://$xrd*($v*2.0)' XRDS_NS = 'xri://$xrds' def nsTag(ns, t): return '{%s}%s' % (ns, t) def mkXRDTag(t): """basestring -> basestring Create a tag name in the XRD 2.0 XML namespace suitable for using with ElementTree """ return nsTag(XRD_NS_2_0, t) def mkXRDSTag(t): """basestring -> basestring Create a tag name in the XRDS XML namespace suitable for using with ElementTree """ return nsTag(XRDS_NS, t) # Tags that are used in Yadis documents root_tag = mkXRDSTag('XRDS') service_tag = mkXRDTag('Service') xrd_tag = mkXRDTag('XRD') type_tag = mkXRDTag('Type') uri_tag = mkXRDTag('URI') expires_tag = mkXRDTag('Expires') # Other XRD tags canonicalID_tag = mkXRDTag('CanonicalID') def isXRDS(xrd_tree): """Is this document an XRDS document?""" root = xrd_tree.getroot() return root.tag == root_tag def getYadisXRD(xrd_tree): """Return the XRD element that should contain the Yadis services""" xrd = None # for the side-effect of assigning the last one in the list to the # xrd variable for xrd in xrd_tree.findall(xrd_tag): pass # There were no elements found, or else xrd would be set to the # last one if xrd is None: raise XRDSError('No XRD present in tree') return xrd def getXRDExpiration(xrd_element, default=None): """Return the expiration date of this XRD element, or None if no expiration was specified. @type xrd_element: ElementTree node @param default: The value to use as the expiration if no expiration was specified in the XRD. @rtype: datetime.datetime @raises ValueError: If the xrd:Expires element is present, but its contents are not formatted according to the specification. """ expires_element = xrd_element.find(expires_tag) if expires_element is None: return default else: expires_string = expires_element.text # Will raise ValueError if the string is not the expected format expires_time = strptime(expires_string, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") return datetime(*expires_time[0:6]) def getCanonicalID(iname, xrd_tree): """Return the CanonicalID from this XRDS document. @param iname: the XRI being resolved. @type iname: unicode @param xrd_tree: The XRDS output from the resolver. @type xrd_tree: ElementTree @returns: The XRI CanonicalID or None. @returntype: unicode or None """ xrd_list = xrd_tree.findall(xrd_tag) xrd_list.reverse() try: canonicalID = xri.XRI(xrd_list[0].findall(canonicalID_tag)[0].text) except IndexError: return None childID = canonicalID.lower() for xrd in xrd_list[1:]: parent_sought = childID.rsplit("!", 1)[0] parent = xri.XRI(xrd.findtext(canonicalID_tag)) if parent_sought != parent.lower(): raise XRDSFraud("%r can not come from %s" % (childID, parent)) childID = parent_sought root = xri.rootAuthority(iname) if not xri.providerIsAuthoritative(root, childID): raise XRDSFraud("%r can not come from root %r" % (childID, root)) return canonicalID @functools.total_ordering class _Max(object): """ Value that compares greater than any other value. Should only be used as a singleton. Implemented for use as a priority value for when a priority is not specified. """ def __lt__(self, other): return isinstance(other, self.__class__) def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, self.__class__) Max = _Max() def getPriorityStrict(element): """Get the priority of this element. Raises ValueError if the value of the priority is invalid. If no priority is specified, it returns a value that compares greater than any other value. """ prio_str = element.get('priority') if prio_str is not None: prio_val = int(prio_str) if prio_val >= 0: return prio_val else: raise ValueError('Priority values must be non-negative integers') # Any errors in parsing the priority fall through to here return Max def getPriority(element): """Get the priority of this element Returns Max if no priority is specified or the priority value is invalid. """ try: return getPriorityStrict(element) except ValueError: return Max def prioSort(elements): """Sort a list of elements that have priority attributes""" # Randomize the services before sorting so that equal priority # elements are load-balanced. random.shuffle(elements) sorted_elems = sorted(elements, key=getPriority) return sorted_elems def iterServices(xrd_tree): """Return an iterable over the Service elements in the Yadis XRD sorted by priority""" xrd = getYadisXRD(xrd_tree) return prioSort(xrd.findall(service_tag)) def sortedURIs(service_element): """Given a Service element, return a list of the contents of all URI tags in priority order.""" return [ uri_element.text for uri_element in prioSort(service_element.findall(uri_tag)) ] def getTypeURIs(service_element): """Given a Service element, return a list of the contents of all Type tags""" return [ type_element.text for type_element in service_element.findall(type_tag) ] def expandService(service_element): """Take a service element and expand it into an iterator of: ([type_uri], uri, service_element) """ uris = sortedURIs(service_element) if not uris: uris = [None] expanded = [] for uri in uris: type_uris = getTypeURIs(service_element) expanded.append((type_uris, uri, service_element)) return expanded def expandServices(service_elements): """Take a sorted iterator of service elements and expand it into a sorted iterator of: ([type_uri], uri, service_element) There may be more than one item in the resulting list for each service element if there is more than one URI or type for a service, but each triple will be unique. If there is no URI or Type for a Service element, it will not appear in the result. """ expanded = [] for service_element in service_elements: expanded.extend(expandService(service_element)) return expanded